Thread: Free tiles
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Old 06-13-2010, 10:46 PM
Demisis_P2P Demisis_P2P is offline
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Originally Posted by DustyPorViva View Post
Well here it is, a clean pics1. Now, this isn't mean to be anything amazingly useful, but more of a base to start with.

See, right before 2k1(and the new Graal client) was released, pics1 got a major reworking. Along with it, lots of new graphics... things like the tree got a new uplift, new signs and so on... but also, a horrible standard in terms of efficiency. For example, the tree image itself uses a lot of colors when it shouldn't have. Also, a lot of circumstantial tiles were added that really were only useful to 2k1. Tons of tiles added just to tile corners of houses and trees that could have easily been fixed with images instead. Either way, pics1 ended up being bloated and full of crap, and even moreso, full of a bunch of ugly tiles no one ever uses.

So what I did was I took pics1 and cleaned out all the stuff you usually wouldn't use on an overworld. Not only does this clean up a lot of wasted colors(I got it from 256 to 210), but opens up a lot of space for you to add your own circumstantial tiles. I know when I make an overworld/server, I add tons of custom tiles to make the levels look nicer, fix a lot of tile errors, and to really open up a lot of possibilities. I suggest everyone else do the same whenever they start an overworld with pics1.

Really, that was a lot of talking just to say I removed a lot of **** from pics1... but it irks me at how poorly the tileset was handled. I may eventually compile all the custom tiles I make into this and post it again, but I dunno... problem is I am always coming up with new tiles and such, so every time I start a new overworld I end up with a different tileset completely(I always end up doing it from scratch).

Just remember, I removed a lot of tiles based on my personal opinion of the tileset, so you may see(or not see) tiles removed that you use, or see tiles that are not gone that you think should have been removed. It doesn't matter, though.
Would it be worth while to make a picso version of pics1?
I think part of the reason pics1 is such a mess is because everything is splattered all over the place (all the water, water/cliff tiles, etc).
Converting it to picso would mean you could group all related tiles together again neatly.
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