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Old 12-22-2009, 07:44 AM
Bolivian Bolivian is offline
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Nickname in Game:Bolivian

I've been playing this game for years,yet suddenly i forget my account and quit for awhile. I've been trying to get my account back. and today i got it.

219 H 9M 33S Will be more later

Ive been a temp pa before on zone and helped on hide and seek 2 months ago

I would like to be an et again because i have helped host many events, I even gave people some items that i bought from the shop. I've helped Dante55555 host some and Switch and Shadow.

/setsnowracetrack Number
/addplanetadmin NAME
/removeplanetadmin NAME
warpto NAME
/setdeathmatchtime NUMBER 2000 ETC
/setdeathmatchweapons (WEAPONS)
/lock NAME
/unlock NAME
/kick NAME
warpto snowrace
warpto deathmatch
/close snowrace
/open platform
/close platform
/ban NAME
/giveitem 1,WEAPON,NAME
/giveitem -1,WEAPON,NAME
Many More.......

I follow my orders to my boss. Ill do whatever you want such as patrol Iricia i will. Whatever you want

Situation 1:Ignore 3 times then if he/she does it again maybe ask your permission to lock them or just lock them.

What is abuse of ET rights in your opinion? How should it be dealt with?
Abuse of et rights is just giving someone items or they. Either report to Dante or Dan and if not online deal it yourself lock them etc.

What is abuse of other players in your opinion? How should it be dealt with?

Abuse of player rights such as Hacking and killing others. locking them for no reason..

Report to you if they are hacking or lock them.

Is there a difference between creativity and abuse when an ET is hosting? Why or why not? Explain your answer

If an et is hosting hide and seek for like 100 pipe bombs or such it is not abuse because Its just 100 pipes and the winner gets it and if other people complain then they should try harder next time.

You have locked and reported someone for hacking, but they are complaining you have the wrong person. What do you do?

Ask everyone if hes hacking.Check if he had a history of hacking etc.. Deal it with him but if he lies who will know?

A newbie is sending you messages about a hacker on Iricia! He fails to give a nickname/account name. The logical thing would be to invesigate and find out for yourself, but you are hosting events and don't want to go there if the player is just inexperienced at hackers. What do you do?

Finish the deathmatch quickly or just go to Iricia or tell the newbie to find out his name.

You feel another staff member is abusing rights, how do you deal with this?

Report it to you or ask him wahts he doing or find out whether he is abusing Staff Rights..

You have locked and reported someone for hacking, but they are complaining you have the wrong person. What do you do?

Wait for you to login or I work this out and whether is the hacker.

Two players are constantly throwing insults at one another, they both claim the other one started it. What do you do?

Lock them and tell to stop fighting but if they do not obey I should report it or help them settle this.

You have had several complaints about an account hacking, but the account logged off before you had a chance to find out. What should you do?

Wait for him to login or report them to you.Wait for them to relog and lock them.Until you arrive
Hi there