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Old 05-29-2009, 03:47 AM
Vega001 Vega001 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 92
Vega001 is on a distinguished road
There is not much to critique in this level as a majority of it is occupied by your trees. Therefore, the only thing to really review is your path. I believe you tiled your layering well given the tileset you used. You also clustered similar grass detail tiles together, which I find a good detailing method. The only tile error I noticed was in the left tile of your top-most grass-grass layering.

The only suggestions I have for you right now are to add more tiles to take up some of the empty grass space. As your level is now, I find that it is quite consistent in the maginitude of detailing on most servers, but personally, I do not like as much empty grass as you have left in your level. I would be hesitate to add more of the detailing you have already used, however, so I would suggest more layering (both dirt and water), and perhaps some more landmarks like tree stumps, large rocks, fencing, etc.
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