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Old 05-31-2004, 02:03 AM
LegendaryTsukasa LegendaryTsukasa is offline
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Doomsday - Was supposted to go up.

I was browsing throguh some emtpy forums today, and I decided to go to the Doomsday forums too check stuff out, when I see Tifa, posted this:

Thread: Doomsday gone - Lack of communication

Posted: Sep. 25 2003,00:25

Yes, its gone, and nobodies more surprised than me.
After everything we all went through, the last being Saga
asking me not to close it down, i told Angel i wouldnt, but, apparently Stefan/Unixmad didnt get the message, i'm thinking Unixmad, and he shut it down.
In a way i think it's for the best, but i still have to try get it back, for Saga's sake if nothing else, or am i fooling myself?
I really dont know.
I feel sad but not completely lost.

FunnyGirlTifa: someone really needs to emphasize communication here angel
GpecTec: lol
GpecTec: stefan is outta the loop x-x
FunnyGirlTifa: unix shut us down
FunnyGirlTifa: after all that?
GpecTec: stefan did, didnt he
FunnyGirlTifa: agret said unix did
GpecTec: lol unixmad is more outta the loop than stefan
GpecTec: GpecTec: was unix on?
GpecTec: did he shut it down?
AgReTs AiM: i dont know
AgReTs AiM: i was sleepin
GpecTec: X_x
FunnyGirlTifa: heh
FunnyGirlTifa: so everyones just guessing
FunnyGirlTifa: saga begged me not shut it down
FunnyGirlTifa: *not to
FunnyGirlTifa: i told him i wouldnt
GpecTec: you want it up or down
GpecTec: for sure
GpecTec: cause if up I'll get it restarted
GpecTec: if down we'll just leave it
FunnyGirlTifa: i want it up, i promised saga and i keep my promises
GpecTec: ok
GpecTec: I'll get it restarted when I see him
GpecTec: tomorrow morning will be the lastest
FunnyGirlTifa: thanks angel
GpecTec: I'll page unixmad ow
GpecTec: now*
FunnyGirlTifa: thank you <3
GpecTec: but he maybe sleeping
GpecTec: no prob <3
GpecTec: ok im going to go eat my ice cream now
GpecTec: :-P
FunnyGirlTifa: hehe enjoy


After that, there was a lot of discussion about bringing back Dd with a new look, or generally starting a new server with the old Doomsday levels on it, but things never went through, so Tifa gave no one "permission to bring back doomsday" which is stupid as hell. But anyways, from my perspective, she said she wanted it up, and gave no one permission to re-start it. The fact is, she wanted it up, and no one basically let her. so this adds a problem, but also an oppertunity; She asked for it up, and I'm guessing she still does. So, could we get Doomsday back up since she gave Angel permission to get Unix/Stefan to put it back up, so could we do that?

Basically, thats indirect permission to get Doomsday back up