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Old 03-25-2015, 03:35 PM
MysticalDragon MysticalDragon is offline
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Server Options Commands

I found this interesting so decided to post it. Their is a lot of features here I didn't even know existed.

You can get this list on your server by doing /optionshelp

Available server option variables:
startlevel= level name where new players are placed, default onlinestartlocal.graal
startx= x coordinate in the level where new players are placed, default 35
starty= y coordinate in the level where new players are placed, default 30
unstickmelevel= level name for 'unstick me'
unstickmex= x coordinate of the unstick-me location
unstickmey= y coordinate of the unstick-me location
unstickmetime= time you need to wait before typing 'unstick me', default 30
protectedweapons= list of comma-separated weapon names which the client cannot delete even by hacking
jaillevels= list of comma-separated levels which players cannot leave, pms are restricted to RC only
setbodyallowed=true/false - says if players can change their body by chat command, default true
setheadallowed=true/false - says if players can change their head by chat command, default true
setswordallowed=true/false - says if players can change their sword by chat command, default true
setshieldallowed=true/false - says if players can change their shield by chat command, default true
noexplosions=true/false - disables classic explosions (putexplosion)
mindeathgralats=number - minimum amount of gralats players lose on death (if available)
maxdeathgralats=number - maximum amount of gralats players lose on death
normaladminscanchangegralats=true/false - says if staff without changerights-right can modify the gralats value of players
staffguilds= list of guild names which appear in the Staff section of the player list (start of guild names)
bushitems=true/false - says if bushes drop items
baddyitems=true/false - says if baddies drop items once killed
healswords=true/false - allows negative swordpower which heals players when being hit
respawntime= respawn time of bushes
horselifetime= respawn time of classic horses
baddyrespawntime= respawn time of baddies
dontaddserverflags=true/false - says if scripts can add new server flags (will not add them on RC), by default limited to 1000
minimap=levellistfile,mapimage,defaultx,defaulty - classic minimap image, similar to setminimap()
warptoforall=true/false - allows warpto for all players
warptoforlowadmins=true/false - allows warpto for level 1 global admins
warpto=true/false - says if the warpto command is enabled (shows error message otherwise)
ignorewarpto=true/failse - says if warpto command is ignored completely, allows scripted warpto
playerlisticons= list of player list status icons, must exist as plisticonNAME.png
profilevars= selects what is displayed in the player profile (Kills:=playerkills,...,name=scriptvarname)
limitfreeplayers2=true/false - says if adding of bombs, arrows and explosions is disabled for trial accounts
apsystem=true/false - alignment system: automatically increased player.ap, players with ap<40 cannot pickup heart pots
startap=number - the ap value for new players
aptime0=number - recharge time for one ap point if ap < 20
aptime1=number - recharge time for one ap point if ap < 40
aptime2=number - recharge time for one ap point if ap < 60
aptime3=number - recharge time for one ap point if ap < 80
aptime4=number - recharge time for one ap point if ap < 100
aptime5=number - if ap drops below 100 then this time defines how much time you have to wait to get 100 again
globalguilds=true/false - enables the use of global guilds, default true
allowedglobalguilds= list of allowed global guilds, by default all guilds are enabled
disallowedglobalguilds= list of disallowed global guilds
heartlimit=number - the maximum number of hearts (fullhearts) you can get
swordlimit=number - the maximum sword power for a player
translatedlanguages= list of languages where .po translations files are loaded on server-side
serverlanguage= default language of the server
defaultlanguage= default language of players if their language is not in translatedlanguages
sleepwhennoplayers=true/false - lets the npcserver sleep/pause when no player is online
newtilesets=true/false - says if all levels on server-side will use the new tileset format for collision
newtilesetlevels= list of levels which use the new tileset format, for server-side collision detection
staff= list of account names or community names for which the RemoteControl is enabled and admin commands are working (warpto etc.)
onlystaff=true/false - allows login from staff only (local and global staff)
gmaps= list of gmaps used on the server, without the .gmap extension, you can use multiple gmaps= lines
weaponorder= list of weapons which are sent first to players on login (high priority weapons)
dontchangekills=true/false - says if player.kills and deaths can be changed by script
nickname= nickname of the NPC-Server in the playerlist
speedhacktolerance=percentage 10-100 - checks if players send too many data packages, 60-90 are good
disconnectifnotmoved=true/false - says if players will be disconnect if not moved, disable it for GUI-only games
savelevels=true/false - level modifications are saved to file if you call savelevels(levelname) by server-side script
savelevelsmessage=true/false - says if it should print each modified level
levelsautosave=true/false - says if levels should automatically be saved if any script makes tile changes, requires also savelevels=true
scriptlogfunctions=write player.nick,call sendtorc,... - logs operations to logs/scriptfunctionslog.txt, use /listscriptlogfunctions to get a complete list of available functions/actions
logscripterrorstofile=true/false - logs script errors to logs/scripterrors.txt instead of RemoteControl chat
sendtoallattr= list of player.attr[] should be sent to all players, needed to show hats on player list (sendtoallattr=1)
protectdbnpcs=true/false - protects NPCs shown in the RemoteControl from being destroy()ed
sendechotorc=true/false - sends output of NPC-echo() to everyone instead of just staff with NPC rights
database=databasename,databasefile - adds a database which can be used by requestsql2(), you can specify several database= lines
syncdistancex=number - default x sync distance for player data, can be customized with sendtext("syncoptions","distance",x,y)
syncdistancey=number - default y sync distance for player data, can be customized with sendtext("syncoptions","distance",x,y)
syncbydistanceinside=true/false - says if it should also use the sync distance in non-gmap levels
syncdistanceprojectiles=number - distance of players to which projectiles are sent, by default 256
syncfactors=0,0,100,75,125,80,175,225,60,... - defines an array of {startrange of playercount, endrage of playercount, syncdistancefactor,...} for reducing players sight in crowded areas
syncfactorinactive=0..1 - how players are counted for the dynamict sync radius if they are not moving for 10 seconds
disablegralatlog=true/false - disables the log to logs/gralatlog.txt
lockplayerz=true/false - disables modification of player.z, the player will also be put on ground (zero)
nohidewithoutbush=true/false - only allows hiding under bush but not with hideplayer()
sendplayertriggers=true/false - says if player-triggers will be sent to other players, disable for reducing lag
~Delteria Support
~Playerworld Support
~PWA Chief
[email protected]

Last edited by MysticalDragon; 03-25-2015 at 03:46 PM..
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