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Old 02-17-2010, 03:42 AM
LilNiglet LilNiglet is offline
stop all the downloadin'
Join Date: Jun 2001
Posts: 3,178
LilNiglet is on a distinguished road
Graal2001 was pretty much the best time I ever had gaming. Between RPing, playing a bomy, talking with friends, doing events like CS, riding around like a ***** on a drasine, exploring levels, buying hats, fishing, mining, collecting pearls, guild drama, kingdom wars, and everything else? It was amazing.

However, the people made the server. I can never have that kind of environment again online. It was a unique and amazing place. It died when Kingdoms came out, and I remember being so angry at Kingdoms-- 2k1 was amazing, fun, and still alive at the time. Why did they have to kill off what I loved so much?

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