Thread: Shaded Legends
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Old 03-03-2012, 05:33 AM
Devil_Lord2 Devil_Lord2 is offline
David K?
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Devil_Lord2 can only hope to improve
I'm not sure what they are doing with it, and I so badly want to show what I've done so far... but it isn't finished, nor is it my decision if it is released or not...

So really all I can do is say, while keeping it slightly secret, it will be good, if not great.
You can take this with salt, but I also feel it may show up the server, and I hope they improve everything else like, if not better than the intro...

I'm going to have to also state Classic is the only thing that it can be compared to, yet classic's intro is probably much better lol.. cut-scene wise. It was amazing if I remember correctly..

Digital Media Artist - David K? </3 (UnLoved)

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