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Old 09-13-2009, 01:59 AM
EricCartman EricCartman is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 20
EricCartman is on a distinguished road
Nickname : Loomis Knoble
Online time : 1392 hrs

Do you have a gold subscription?

Why do you want the position?
I spend a lot of time on GK and I would like to help out with anything that can benefit GK in the future.

Why would you be the best person for the position?
I have extensive knowledge of not only GK but all of Graal as well that could really help new players. I'm also on a very long period of time each day and would be willing to help during that time.

Do you have any relevant experience with FAQ work?
I pose as an FAQ when there's none on GK and I have also been FAQ on UN, Aeon, Maloria, and other servers.

Additional information you'd like us to know :
I enjoy helping other people on GK :/.
I am online mostly every day. On weekdays I'm on about 3-6 hours and on weekends I'm online around 13 hours.

References from kingdom leaders, gk staff members, or managers/admins of other server may help but are not required.
Pojo Cypher : Kia345
Chaos Orc : chaosorc
Iscariot Strongbeard : Iscariot_p2p
Cell Zakuto : smokeraider
Naithaniel Lionheart : Gothika
Napo : Napo_p2p

Last edited by EricCartman; 09-13-2009 at 06:20 AM..
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