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Old 12-10-2003, 12:26 PM
Spark910 Spark910 is offline
Ex-Graal Global
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4.2: Serveroptions Explained: [Back to top]
The server options can be changed it you have the correct right to do so. To do this click the icon in RC on the right, with the world and the spanner on it. Each server option goes on a new line, and here is a list of what they do:

Please Note: True = On, False = Off

startlevel=default starting level
startx=x position of the player in the starting level
starty=y position of the player in the starting level
protectedweapons=weapons that cannot be deleted by the player
jaillevels=level names for jails, comma separate level names (level1,level2)
unstickmelevel=level where the player will be warped to when using "unstick me"
unstickmex=x position of the player in the unstick-me-level
unstickmey=y position of the player in the unstick-me-level
setbodyallowed=true/false (use of setbody bodyname)
setheadallowed=true/false (use of setbody headname)
setbomyallowed=true/false (use of setbody bomyname)
setswordallowed=true/false (use of setbody swordname)
setshieldallowed=true/false (use of setbody shieldname)
mindeathgralats=number (Minimum amount of gralats to drop upon death)
maxdeathgralats=number (Maximum amount of gralats to drop upon death)
normaladminscanchangegralats=true/false (If low levelled RCs can edit money)
staffguilds=guilds will appear in the upper part of the player list when starting with one of these names (GP,FAQ,Manager,Co-Manager,Staff)
b u s h i t e ms=true/false (Items under bushes)
baddyitems=true/false (Baddies drop items when killed)
healswords=true/false (-# swords will heal)
respawntime=seconds until bushes re-appear
horselifetime=seconds until horses disappear when nobody is on them
baddyrespawntime=seconds until baddies re-appear
dontaddserverflags=true/false (stops use of .server flags)
warptoforall=true/false (false will disable this)
warptoforlowadmins=true/false (level 1 global admins will not warpto if false)
playerlisticons=icons for the status of the player – (DND,Away) check newfeatures
profilevars=Extra things to put into player profiles (profilevars=High Score)
startap=players start with this ap for first time
limitfreeplayers2=disables adding of bombs, arrows, explosions for trial accounts
apsystem=true/false (turn on or off AP)
globalguilds=true/false (allow or disallow them)
aptime0=seconds it takes until going up 1 ap point when being under 20 ap (default 30 seconds)
aptime1=ap increment when being under 40 ap (default 90 seconds)
aptime2=ap increment when being under 60 ap (default 300 seconds)
aptime3=ap increment when being under 80 ap (default 600 seconds)
aptime4=ap increment when being under 100 ap (default 1200 seconds)

heartlimit=maximum hearts
swordlimit= maximum level
putnpcenabled=true/false (allows use of putnpc)
enabletranslations=true/false (PM translations)
translatedlanguages=Deutsch etc. (Which language to translate to)
serverlanguage=English by default (Most common English/German)
sleepwhennoplayers=true/false (NPCs stop executing when playercount=0)
newtilesets=true/false (not default tiles)
newtilesetlevels=level names comma separated (level1,level2,level3)
staff=account names comma separated (account1,2,3,4 – allowed on RC)
gmaps=gmap levels comma separated (without .gmap)
weaponorder=order in which weapons are loaded (-System-,GUI,Bank)
npcrights=true/false (NPC Rights needed for NPC Server access)
dontchangekills=true/false (kills don’t +1 when you will someone)
nickname=name (This changes the name of the NPC Server)
Don't think you could go into much more detail.
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