Thread: Reset GK?
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Old 08-23-2003, 02:09 AM
MarkB MarkB is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Archaic
Posts: 881
MarkB is on a distinguished road was leet...when you would search and search for iwds...*sigh*

and the days when having a speed+1 rings was cool, a speed+2 ring was leet, and a RoF was godly

and a reset would remove alchemy items as well...and bring back koni as em damnit, loriel too, they did the best ****

Graal Kingdoms Event Master
I am tired to wake up the morning to see the forum going each day worst and worst because of a few people trying to ruin this forums. If you don't play any more Graal neither like the managment then what are you doing there ? I will not let anyone ruin the friendship of the community, we are there to have fun and not to have stress ! If you have bad energy to spend against something, then take a punching ball. This is the Third time i warn to not continue this way, so the next step will be to put out of the community trouble makers. -Unixmad

My point of view is your tooth are not big enough to hit me because if it were you will have eaten me since a while. Personaly i will never eat you because it will really taste bad. -Unixmad
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