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Old 04-01-2003, 02:38 AM
Deek2 Deek2 is offline
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Re: Re: Bragging

Originally posted by konidias

"Oasis is like a subdivision playermanaged world of Cyberjoueurs. It's most likely going to be Gold, and it's really Stefan's decision as to whether it should be seperated or the same as other pw's."

Um, wtf, how is this bragging? IT'S FACT. I'M STATING FACT. STEFAN PUT UP MY PLAYERWORLD, HE IS ANXIOUS TO PLAY IT, THAT IS A FACT. If that is bragging, then so be it.

"Oasis hasn't followed the path of a normal playerworld since the beginning, why should it start now? I didn't go through the PWA, Stefan put it up, Stefan likes it, and Stefan thinks it has potential. I can't finish Oasis in one month's time. I'm trying to make the best server ever to emerge from Graal."

Again, another fact. I haven't followed the path of a normal playerworld. Normal playerworlds go through the pwa, I didn't, because Stefan put it up without hesitation. STEFAN likes it, STEFAN put it up, STEFAN wants to play it. He asks me about it sometimes when I get on 2k2 debug RC and says "I can't wait to play =)". I'm not trying to brag, I'm simply stating that Stefan likes it, and that it's probably going to be gold, because it probably is.

I also say I'm "TRYING to make the best server ever to emerge from Graal" I didn't say I'm "MAKING the best server ever".

Like I said, you read everything wrong.
Stefan told WC that Enigma is the best project he's seen soo far. Oh, I'm not BRAGGING, I'm just saying that Stefan likes our project more than the others. Sorry.
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