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Old 07-22-2015, 09:26 AM
Rob Rob is offline
Playerworld Administrator
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 8
Rob is on a distinguished road
I can understand the frustration of being left in the dark when being part of such a small and loyal community. I'll try to share what I believe I can.

@Stefan: Stefan had his ups and downs. In terms of activity, he has no doubt felt publicly "better" among those who have helped to design Graal. On the other hand, if you were a coder, dealing with Stefan was like trying to break down a wall with your face.

Often, you'd report an issue ("Timevar does not update exactly every 5 seconds," "timevar2 is off by a random offset per server," "I can steal Graal passwords do you want me to tell you how?"), and his response would often be in the form of "No it's working correctly."

Perhaps Stefan no longer cared about Graal. Or it's possible that Stefan never cared about Graal per se, so much as he cared about just coding things for the fun of it. That would explain why, as many people in this thread have noted, he would change his mind about content creation on a yearly basis.

We've seen this a lot within the game as well, right? Scripters who would begin a new project and work HARD for the first few days. They'd do all the "fun" (interesting / challenging / learning) portions of a system. Then it came time to do the basic/boring stuff (make some long switch/case in an onActionServerside, create the GUI, balance the prices of the fish, or just document/release the project). All of a sudden, the project is dropped because something else is more interesting.

For why he's ACTUALLY gone, I don't know any of the specifics (and even if I did I'd likely be unable to speak about them), but what I can say is that it appeared to be legal in nature. I don't know what exactly happened, but I don't personally expect the return of "Uncle Stefan" any time soon.

@Stefan Replacements: It wouldn't be my place to reveal any details or be making any official announcements about this sort of topic. All I can really say is that Unixmad is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it.

@Who is Xor?: Xor is the Manager of iClassic and part of the global administration. Carlito is my boss. Xor is Carlito's boss.