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Old 03-25-2015, 03:35 PM
MysticalDragon MysticalDragon is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Lynn Ma
Posts: 883
MysticalDragon is a jewel in the roughMysticalDragon is a jewel in the rough
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bushitemtypes= list of items which can be dropped from bushes, available are greenrupee,bluerupee,bombs,heart
deathitemtypes= list of items which can be dropped on death, available are greenrupee,bluerupee,redrupee,goldrupee,darts,bomb s
spawnrategreenrupee=number 0-100, says how often green rupees are dropped by bushes
spawnratebluerupee=number 0-100, says how often blue rupees are dropped by bushes
spawnrateheart=number 0-100, says how often hearts are dropped by bushes
spawnratebombs=number 0-100, says how often bombs are dropped by bushes
puthorseenabled=true/false - says if puthorse() is enabled
rcofftagoverridesignore=true/false - says if mass messages sent from off-tag staff are always shown
putbombenabled=true/false - says if putbomb() is allowed
bomballowedtypes=all or list of allowed bomb powers, e.g. 1,2,3
bombfilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/bombfilter.txt if the player sends non-allowed bombs
showimgstypes=all or list of ani,img,text - says what kind of showimgs can be used (by client-side)
showimgsallowedganis=all or list of allowed ganis for showani, e.g. idle,walk,sit
showimgsallowedimages=all or list of allowed images for showimg, e.g. block.png,block2.png
showimgsfilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/showimgsfilter.txt if the player sends non-allowed showimgs
horsefireenabled=true/false - says if horses can breath fire and if spyfire() is allowed
dontsaveattributes=true/false - doesn't save player attributes if enabled
dontupdateratingd=true/false - doesn't update the ratingd (deviation) value
mobilealwaysupdatefile=true/false - by default false, for mobile devices it ignores small modifications of files in short time
arrowcountserverside=true/false - verifies the arrow count on server-side
bombcountserverside=true/false - verifies the bomb count on server-side
forwardirccommands=true/false - commands typed in RC tabs are forwarded to script event onIRCCommand
projectilemaxdistance=number - disallows projectiles if the player is not close to the projectile being sent
projectilemaxspeed=maximum speed of projects
projectileallowedanis=all or list of ganis which can be used for projectiles
projectilemaxpersecond=number - maximum number of projectiles per second per player
projectileaccountparam=number - which parameter is containing the account name, can be verified using this
projectilefilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/projectilefilter.txt if the player has sent a disallowed projectile
projectilelogdistance=true/false - says if projectiles which exceed the maxdistance should be logged
explosionallowedtypes=all or list of allowed explosionpowers, e.g. 1,2
explosionmaxpersecond=number - maximum number of explosions per second per player
explosionmaxdistance=number - disallows explosions if the player is not close to the epxlosion
explosionmaxradius=number - maximum radius of explosions
explosiondisallowedlevels= list of levels where explosions are not allowed
explosiondisallowedinsparringzone=true/false - says if explosions are disallowed in sparring levels
explosionlogdistance=true/false - says if explosions which exceed the maxdistance should be logged
explosionfilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/explosionfilter.txt if the player has sent a disallowed explosion
arrowallowedtypes=all or list of allowed arrow powers, e.g. 1,2,3,4
arrowfilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/arrowfilter.txt if the player has sent a disallowed arrow
attrallowedganis=all or list of ganis which can be used by clientside in attr[]
attrallowedimages=all or list of images which can be used by clientside in attr[]
attrallowedmisc=all or list of allowed values beside ganis or images in attr[] by clientside
attrfilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/attrfilter.txt if the clientside has modified disallowed attr[]
ganionlyattr=list of ganis which are only allowed as attr[]
ganifilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/ganifilter.txt if the clientside is using disallowed ganis
enableclientsidenick=true/false - allows client-side storage of nick names, true by default
saveplayerlevel=true/false - says if it should save the player level name, disable it for login servers
noserverlistercpp=true/false - disables global playerlist, reduces lag on servers with thousands of players
disableshowadmins=true/false - disables the showadmins chat command
disableitemdropping=true/false - disables item dropping by players
enableexbodycolors=true/false - enables extended v6 body colors, should only be used if v5 is disabled
singleplayerlevels= list of levels where you don't see other players, used in combination with syncdistance
itemdropevents=true/false - will call Control-NPC onItemDrop(level,x,y,itemname)
itemdropevents2=true/false - will call player.onItemDrop(x,y,itemname)
itemdropeventsonlyforgralats=true/false - says if onItemDrop should only be used for gralats, but otherwise spawn classic items
scriptstyle= configures style for the /style script command (spaces, padding, brackets)
projectilesstoponwall=true/false - says if projectiles on server-side should stop at walls (like classic arrows)
playertouchsmenoz=true/false - says if the player.z value is ignored for touching npcs, by default only works if z difference is < 3
scriptlogwritetoreadonly=true/false - logs attempts of modifying read-only variables to logs/scripterrors.txt
savenpcsonlevelcache=true/false - forces saving all npcs on level exit, can be disabled for optimization
maxgralatvalue=0 or number - limits how many gralats can be stacked on the ground
complexgarbagecollection=true/false - by default true, detects cycling references of TStaticVar
enablegs3=true/false - enables the use of //#GS3 code
~Delteria Support
~Playerworld Support
~PWA Chief
[email protected]

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