Thread: SQLite
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Old 03-18-2015, 07:46 PM
JohnnyChimpo JohnnyChimpo is offline
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Originally Posted by scriptless View Post
Actually, there is such a thing as upgrading to soon. You don't wanna be the person testing an unstable release. Also some versions of software seem to have butter zones where there not as vulnerable. Take these forums for example, you notice they are out dated and if you look up exploits you won't find any. There are however exploits to both before and after versions of VBB. Also, there is some importance keeping older software to help prevent deprecated functions or fully removed for that matter.

Also, which feature of SQLite achieves what you desire that cannot be done in the current version? I wouldn't go as far as cubes and hand write all my dada out but having backup copy of the data is usually highly recommended.
I have to agree that you must be cautious when updating packages, but that shouldn't restrict one from doing it. However it does depend on the circumstance and one must weigh the risk. Additionally, when creating new releases in software, a lot of care is taken to not produce breaking changes. And if it is absolutely necessary than it is commented, in a professional environment. Furthermore, I would have to agree that backing up mission critical data is in general a good practice. Just so we are not misunderstood, it isn't backing up of data I am concerned about. I interested in making in more convenient to maintain the data as well countless bug fixes, memory optimizations. I am not going to list everything that we are missing out on, I linked the release notes above. You do bring up some great points, and I appreciate the concerns, but I think that the development team should definitely do an evaluation at some point in the near future.
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