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Old 02-12-2015, 12:58 PM
SharkeySprinkles SharkeySprinkles is offline
Exolia Zephlyn
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The Problem With Players Today

-The belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
"No wonder your kids have a sense of entitlement"

For some reason (probably the way your parents raise you or treat you), a vast majority of you feel entitled. This means that you truly believe that you deserve to have a spot on the staff team.

What have you ever done for Era (or for anyone other than yourself)? Constantly whining and complaining about present staff or what's wrong with Era doesn't mean you're some expert and that we should hire you. Then, by some miracle you do get hired, and the first thing you do is complain that you don't have enough rights. You need more rights, because you're a PR, and obviously you need access to the levels folders, as well as the right to spawn.

You all do realize that you don't need to be a staff member to help this game, or its community, right? I can name plenty of current staff members that before they were staff made countless images, levels, events, and never wanted anything for handing them over for use (myself included). These are the people who truly deserve staff rights, and these are the people I look for and hire.

I do not fear my staff who threaten me with "Well if I don't get my way, I'm leaving!" Fine, leave, you clearly are not mature enough to be a part of my staff team. Same goes for those who threaten to quit the game. You're not hurting my feelings, we will roll on and continue with or with out you.

Seeing as your parents probably did a horrible job raising you, and always gave you whatever you wanted, spoiling you into the terrible monster you are now, let me explain what it means to have humility.

Modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.

This means that you don't walk around like your the biggest baddest person to ever play this game, because let me inform you, you're not. You are nothing more than the same as everyone else. If your parents lied to you and told you that you are special, that you deserve more out of life than anyone else, they have set you up for a hard lesson later in life. You are only deserving of what effort you put forth. Work hard, stay humble, and life seems to unlock doors and opportunities for you. Your wildest dreams start to become reality.

I am no better than anyone else here. In fact, most times I believe others do a much better job than myself, and are deserving of praise, and in those cases I praise them as such, and give them what I can to show my appreciation.

Hopefully this sinks in for some of you. I know no one will read this and perform a complete 180 over night, that's just asking for a miracle. I do hope though that maybe you take a hard look at yourself, and realize that you could treat people better, work harder, and make life that much better for yourself and others around you.

What was my point in posting this? You needed to read it. It needed to be said. Next time when you're begging me for a job, explaining why I need you on my staff team, and why no one deserves the job but you, understand why I ignore everything you say. Understand why when I do hire you at that point that it's with such limited rights, because clearly there are ulterior motives to you wanting to be a part of my staff team. To some of you it's a status thing, to others it's the ability to abuse, and for a select few its the access to be able to spawn and destroy parts of this game. Then, for a very small amount of people, its the ability to expand their knowledge and assist in the maintenance of a game that very few people play. Those are the people I want. Those are the people I hire. Those are the people who get full rights without asking over and over, because they are the ones truly deserving of my time, this game, and your game play.

Maybe you'll think before spewing hatred on the message boards, or screaming at players in game. Maybe you won't act out, and understand that you're not the center of the universe. I can always dream, can't I? Lastly, always remember, treat everyone as you wish to be treated.

You deserve what you put forth, and nothing more. Treat others with respect and kindness. Stop spewing hatred and negativity.
-Exolia Zephlyn