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Old 10-03-2014, 02:33 PM
Scoper Scoper is offline
Still wasting time here?
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Location: Michigan
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At the very least, if you're not willing to develop (assuming someone dared to let you near an rc, dear god), get off your high horse.

You can't just run around being like 'I DEMAND CHANGE but am unwilling to facilitate that change in any meaningful way AND I WANT IT NOW' and expect people to take you seriously.

There are dozens of idea guys. There aren't as many developers. This is a game that has always been primarily advanced by players helping create content.
Do something. And not levels or heads, oh please. If I can do it, then it's too simple to call that 'talent'
You'd be jaded by now, too.
Don't listen to me. Arguments are beyond me, but man am I good with a ban hammer.

"I don't believe that right choice confers immunity. I no longer believe in reward. I simply believe that choices must be made regardless of their chances of success. And so I've come here."
Originally Posted by bloodykiller View Post
take my liver but not my classic accounts
Originally Posted by Kohola_KinG View Post
That's the type of guy you are. Never wrong, always right. Headache material you are.