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Old 09-19-2014, 10:42 PM
Zongui Zongui is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 146
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what do you consider active. cuz i see shrimps on every time i log in for a while. he would be in my top 5. most people just idle at unstick me though or whatever, so i dunno if you consider that as "active' as well. are you taking into account gang points, top 3 kills for the day, etc? i haven't paid much attention to those.

but the week is almost over and i am looking at the top gang players right now. assuming they are accurate, the top 5 are: bloodwork, jesse4life, swift, storm_p2p2, and graal1551608. top 3 daily kills is harder to track (because they reset daily I think) unless you are monitoring them everyday.

is there a stats man in the house.

anyways my top 5 (in no order) for this week and last:

shrimps (whenever i log in i see him on. dunno if he is idling or what tho)
jesse4life (i've seen him runnin around and hangin out at unstick me)
urmom (see him on and usually at the spars)
rave (seen this guy in the mines all the time. hard to keep track of those miners)
dunno who to add for 5th. maybe tim or blackfires.

Last edited by Zongui; 09-19-2014 at 11:19 PM..
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