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Old 05-05-2014, 11:16 PM
Kohola_KinG Kohola_KinG is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueMelon View Post
no qq thread plz... trim your quotes, eat your catnip, keep calm and tl;dr.

There's also the following to bring up:
The transition from system A to system B.
System A being the current system.
System B being future system talked about in this thread.

Currently, players own gangs they paid for. And believe it or not, but, a lot of players actually do like the current system (most are not active on the forums, obv). Not sure re-funding and dropping a new system spontaneously is the best idea. I think a rough-draft would need to be presented in-game with the idea and receive even more feedback from players who do not frequent the forums (the more active players).
Who's QQing?

You say a lot of players like the current system, evidence of this?
You guys always change things and never refund, why mention it now?

Can i also ask who took away the hotkey for nades but nitros are still hotkeyable (correct me if i'm wrong about that) To me that sounds like rob peter to pay paul.

All you need to do is backup the current system.. Make sure the new system is 100% ready before release, see how players respond to it and if it doesn't work out we have the backup to the current gang system to try again.

Pretty disappointing that the players always have to try and get stuff done, as a team should you guys not be having these discussions everyday on how to improve the gang system? I've been on RC quite a lot of times and what goes on there is disappointing to say the least.

Theirs no hope for this server.