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Old 01-04-2012, 03:53 AM
FullMetalJacket FullMetalJacket is offline
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Era is Overdue for a Reset (And Why)

I'm really surprised that Era has not been reset in years, especially with the revolving door that is the manager position. The server is way overdue for a reset, there is simply too much money and too many items in the economy right now. Inflation is rampant, USDing is way too common, and items as a whole have become progressively worth less over time.

Here is a list of suggestions that I've come up with in regards to what should be done after the reset, to ensure that the economy is kept at a stable level and that player items are appreciated more by the player base. I've divided the suggestions into three catagories. Money making, weapons, and game mechanics.

Money Making

1) Lower the amount of machines in the casino. As of right now the casino is the best way to make money, which would be fine if it weren't so much better than all of the other methods of making money. Lowering the amount of machines (or alternatively, lowering the odds of winning,) will reduce the player's ability to make quick money.

2) Rocks spawned w/ TNT in the mines should be mineable by everyone. Right now any rock spawned w/ TNT belongs to the player who used the TNT, despite what the signs say. By doing this you'll be lowering the amount of cash a person makes per TNT, and you'll also allow more people to use the blast caves at the same time. This will be especially important in the early days of the reset, when everyone is working. While on the topic of mining...

3) Increase costs of mining supplies, lower returns on minerals. To keep inflation low we need to increase the cost of TNT, batteries, and drills. We also need to lower the money people make from mining, and indeed other jobs aswell. All the jobs should be equalized in monetary returns, so that the player can pick the one they like the most, without missing out on extra cash.

4) Employees of player owned businesses need to be paid on a % of profits made. To keep the amount of money a business owner earns low, the employees need to be paid based on a percentage of money made. The percentage would go up as an employee ranks up. Also taken out of the owner's money made would be increased taxes.

5) Make business owners pay rent. To further decrease an owner's profits they will need to pay rent for each item they sell, and for each hour they leave their store open. Also they will be charged a base fee for owning the business.


1) Remove all weapons and items from the game, except for the following; Ak47, Uzi, Shotgun, and Handgun. All other items will be added back to the game gradually as businesses are released and gangs get on their feet. The Ak47 will by no means be the best gun, all guns should be viable options of Pking and should have their own niche in PKing. Handgun the best damage, uzi has the least freeze, shotgun has the most spread, and Ak47 is a well rounded weapon.

2) Gang guns should have special niches, but should not be the main gun. Gang guns should be worth using, but they should not be the only gun a person uses. With that said each gang gun should hold a special niche. The katana is a perfect example of a good gang weapons. The old one anyway. The katana would be a melee weapon that does the most damage of any melee weapon, and can block bullets. The downside is that it's a melee weapon and you can't equip your gun while using it.

Each gang should have a weapon similiar to the katana. One gang could have a slow gun that does a lot of damage, which would be good for close quarters. While another gang could have a weapon that shoots really fast, and is good at breaking doors down or spamming a lot of bullets at other gangs, however, it would do low damage and/or have a lot of freeze.

3) EC items should not be tradeable. I think EC items are cool, but the ability to sell them hurts the economy and raiding. Items like super elixers and cookies should be reserved for special cases, not average every day raiding. Doing this also allows you to put a really good gun (like the Mp5,) up for purchase via ECs, because the player would need to be really good to win that many events and get that gun.

4) Better guns should be rare, and hard to earn. The amount of overpowered weapons should be controlled, and indeed better weapons than the four starting ones should be only slight upgrades. In order to earn these weapons players should have to win competitions, or gang events. And when they earn these weapons they should have to defend their right to use them, I.E future competitions will determine who gets the gun and if a past winner loses they'll get it taken away from them.

Game Mechanics

1) Increase weapon freeze across the board. Weapon freeze must be increased. Doing this will increase the skill cap and make better players shine.

2) Make players take hits like they do on classic servers. Back in the day when you got hit by a bullet you'd be immune to taking damage for a short time. This was later removed, and it needs to be put back into the game. The reason for this would be to slow down combat and again, increase the skill cap. How does this increase the skill cap? You can't get lucky and drop 3 or 4 hits on someone in rapid succession, and laming becomes a lot less effective when there is a delay in damage taken.

Last Suggestion

1) Appoint on Economic Czar to watch over the economy and adjust inflation rates. In order to keep the economy in check, it needs to be monitered by someone who's full time Era staff job is to do so and make adjustments to ensure it remains stable. This person would adjust the prices of all items sold by the NPC Server, taxes, and money made from selling raw materials. They'd manipulate these rates to pull more money out of the economy, or put more in. Based on what needs to be done.
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