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Old 10-20-2011, 01:37 AM
MiniOne MiniOne is offline
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Technically people who get the BAR, around 50% use the iTunes bug but management clearly doesn't care for the honest player.

And you can turtle them but if they sit in the corner and spray up and down you pretty much have no chance of winning unless you use a shotgun but with the 0 freeze on BAR it can easily dodge shotgun bullets.

I'm not talking about like extremely bad players, but half decent players with BAR pretty much play with 0 effort. A prime example is 'Duke' now he doesn't have to try in spar just because of an overpowered gun like BAR.

I agree with Stefan guns should be similar with slight adjustments and different looks but clearly Cloyd does not understand this concept creating two guns which are clearly far superior to the rest.

Another problem now is it literally takes around 30hrs gameplay to get 50k gralats and buy an m4. So it takes about 120hrs to get a BAR. Pretty much what I'm saying is the majority of your gametime will now be dedicated to earning money because gun prizes sky rocketed from the previous 6k - 8k which was an easy 8 - 10hrs of work to now the highest pricing gun of 200k. Money hungry much? Oh not to mention $3 buys you 8k gralats through iTunes and then there's the people who abuse prepaid visa cards to apply iTunes fraud.

Snk doesn't do gun management and when I asked him it said it's not his department to manage or something similar. And if you did play iEra and weren't an admin trying to make the game look better posting here, then you would see what I mean by you literally cannot walk between two shots like any other gun on the server and therefore if they move up shotting straight or sideways and corner you, your hp will fall from 50 - 30 90% of the time.

Like I mentioned earlier I do beat you a large majority of the time and stop being so stubborn about the fact the two guns I mentioned are overpowered, majority of PRs have agreed with the fact and I'm sure the majority of the community without the BAR or Shipka will also agree that it's no longer entertaining facing a player can beat you easily without trying just because they use these guns.

TBH maybe it's actually just me being use to Zone and PC Era where any gun can pretty much beat any gun and both players actually have to put effort into their spar to have an enjoyable time. I don't know anymore so like I might just go to PC Era again.
Originally Posted by Huwajux View Post
The pistols look like they have cancer, reduce the big buboe shaped thing's size.

Last edited by MiniOne; 10-20-2011 at 01:49 AM..