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Old 05-22-2011, 03:16 AM
Unkownsoldier Unkownsoldier is offline
Ignorance has no future
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,287
Unkownsoldier is on a distinguished road
Ahh, but you forgot the most important thing about servers. Everyone has great idea, whether they are original or not, but your ability to execute them is what make the difference between a classic and a U/C server. You can create the most fantastic ideas, but if you don't have the developmental powerhouse to back up such a project, then you might as well save your time for something else. I mean not to discourage you, but just to give you a warning. Look at servers like Maloria, Delteria, Classic, and N-Pulse to an extent, they all have great developers and even they take quite a while to finish certain projects (if they finish them). So good luck, but keep in mind that you don't build a server, you grow one.
Look beyond the monitor.
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