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Old 01-22-2011, 08:40 AM
Hatred89 Hatred89 is offline
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This is a hiring thread for hiring developers not a thread for posting negative comments.
As for the bugs with the quest system on Elan those are simple fixes and all of our time has gone into the other two worlds that we are getting ready. Along with the intro, tutorial, and storyline. The quests on Elan won't remain as they are.
The last two years have probably mainly gone into the modern world and previous years into the futuristic world. We plan to go back to Elan and fix all the bugs and update it but this is why we are on the hosted tab and not classic yet because it isn't ready. Elan is just 1/4 of the server and thats all that is open to the public so as a player you don't have a write to comment. I'm pretty sure anyone who has seen it can vouch for the server.

We are still looking for one to two more graphic artists and one gani artiest.
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