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Old 01-03-2011, 12:01 AM
oo_jazz_oo oo_jazz_oo is offline
Jazz teh Awesome
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oo_jazz_oo is a jewel in the roughoo_jazz_oo is a jewel in the rough
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I agree for the most part with Rufus.

Development is terrible on UN. I try to do the best I possibly can. Its hard when i'm literally one of two developers actually working on the server...

I have no scripting team, no matter how much i've tried to hire. People come to me expecting to just be automatically added to the staff team because they worked on the server 6 years ago, or possibly know Skyld.
Then when I ask for examples, they act as if i'm stabbing them in the neck, then run off and complain how I never hire, and how the scripting team sucks.

Currently, I am a one-man team. I try to do as much as I can, but I am still only one person.

As far as "long-term" projects go, I tend to avoid them, I admit that. Its hard to work on a project for a long time, when your the only one working on it, day after day.
I don't know where this 20 man dev team is tbh...we have no graphics team...I think we have 1 person who is ever on who is a levels team?
I just don't get it.

For the most part, I don't work on long term projects because I am forced to come up with projects I can do on my own. Since I have no graphics help, no level help, barely any gani help...and GK is the only other person who can help.
Currently, we have our uploader working as a temporary GAT for some projects. Its bad.
I mean, yes, we have had big help from shane, aeko, dusty, etc...people not on the staff team...-_-
But, they can only do so much, and I can't force them to work constantly on a huge project.

I have been coming up with ideas about what needs to be done in 2011.
But, once again, I have to come up with these ideas expecting to be the only one to work on them.

Now, let me talk about christmas...
I began work in late November on a project. I worked on it for a few weeks, the system was pretty much done. But, I had no graphic help. And this system was heavily reliant on looking, last minute, I Had to cancel and postpone. I am hoping to release it next year, since its all there...all I need are graphics.

Once that was done, weeks went on...not a word was spoken about christmas. I had enough, and I went to Door about help on a quest.
I worked for about a week on the quest. It was almost finished, looking really good. But the players wanted the present system back....and that system was a mess from last year.

I had two choices...keep working on the quest, or give it up and work on the present system. Well, obviously you know what I did.
Players wanted the presents. =/
I got more pms a day asking when santa's grotto would open more than anything else. So, I thought my choice was obvious.

Once christmas was over, I was now left with a quest heavily based around Christmas, I had no choice but to cancel that too.
I could have spent a week redoing the quest, but then it would no longer be the same quest...I would essentially be making a brand new quest, and it would take some time.
However, I did learn some things from scripting that quest that I will be using in the future (on future quests, hopefully).

Along with the quest, me and Door were going to release something special that we both have worked very hard on.
This is still in the works, and is very close to being finished. It will be released as a winter system, rather than Christmas, since it is still winter, and will be for months to come.

Now, before I write a novel on the forums, I will end here.
I just want to re-iterate, I am working alone as far as scripting. I try my best, and I think i'm doing a pretty good job. Once again, like I always say, if you have any ideas, criticism, comments, anything. Please, pm me, forum mail me, in-game mail me.

Because, tbh, I am sick of seeing people talk about how nothing gets done, problems don't get fixed...well, i'm not able to see everything on the server. Things will not magically fix, stop complainign about it, and actually tell me. Then maybe we can get some stuff done.

That is all. Oh wait, I have one more thing....if you want to apply for my team, just show me some examples of your scripting abilities, I have a small application that would take a decent scripter 2 seconds to do...but please, if you apply, don't expect to get full NC, unlimited rights, and get to do w/e you want. Its not going to happen.

Now, that is all.

tl;dr? Stop being lazy and read the post already.