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Old 11-18-2010, 11:03 PM
Birdo13 Birdo13 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Bomboria.
Posts: 71
Birdo13 is on a distinguished road

I just want to start out by saying I'm really not trying to start any lengthy discussions (or disputes), I just wanted to get my opinion out there about Graal 2001.
Lets go back and think about what made Graal 2001 such a great server and why certain players want it back so much. It was mainly about the community. Graal 2001 had one of the best online community I have ever been apart of. Everyone communicated on a daily basis, the forums were alive with discussions and debates, events were a daily occurrence. Graal 2001 was about the people first, and content/ features second. Sure it was "cutting edge" for its time, but quickly other servers adopted many of the "cutting edge" ideas Graal 2001 originally made popular.
I guess what I'm trying to say is if you want Graal 2001 to be successful again here is my plan:
1. Take the server back to a more basic over world. I would start with no kingdom areas. Basically the original towns with small kingdom areas.
2. Start with the basics and release a few jobs. (Apple tree farming and fishing.)
3. Start with the basic events, CTF, CS, Survivor, and Go karts.
4. Hold events on a daily basis, perhaps even schedule big events for the weekends (Saturdays/Sundays) at various times. To give away bigger prizes like the first bomy pets etc.
5. Go out from there and re-release things such as hats, bomy pets, auction house, more events etc.

Basically go "back in time" and restart the server from the ground up. You don't need to restart the entire server with all the content it originally had. Start small and release things on a regular basis to keep the players interested. Of course add a new twist to the features (new fishing controls etc.)
Just my two or three cents. It's seems like everyone who comes across being manager thinks they need to fix every feature from the start and re-release an entire finished server from day one.
Maybe I'm just rambling....

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