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Old 03-26-2009, 03:06 AM
Tyhm Tyhm is offline
Psionic Youth
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A lot of it's that we don't have a decent intro yet; there's no explanation of these things.

White FOV (I like that abbreviation): Nothing in the area
Blue FOV: Zombies in the area
Green FOV: Players in the area (should probably revise this so it's only Enemy players in the area, so you don't waste bullets on allied players that you won't be able to hit anyway)
Red FOV: You are shooting. It is calculating who's in the area and doing damage.
Pink FOV: You are holding a chainsaw. It is constantly reporting anyone in the pink square of doom.
No FOV: Your weapon is not loaded, or not readied (shotgun especially).

I don't want to discard a partially-full clip; this game is going to be ammo-stingy, so it's gonna be bad enough leaving shells in a spare shotgun, finding the wrong caliber bullet, etc. without penalizing people for reloading when they weren't empty. The penalty is that you wasted a few seconds; it's assumed that with the dragon's-blood-and-magic haversacks, you can shake a clip into it and the bullets go back into circulation...realism may be served by having the player hide behind a barrel furiously prying 9mm bullets out of a Tec9 magazine to click into a glock17 magazine, and fretting that they didn't pick up enough empty glock17 magazines, etc, but you can do that on your own server; it wouldn't serve the fun of Insomnia IMO, and my opinion matters here. ;-)
I suppose I could have it instead drop the ejected ammo on the ground, so that if you're running away you've just lost perfectly good ammo, whereas if you're taking your time you can conserve it. Similarly any accidentally or intentionally ejected unspent ammo (by readying when the chamber's already full)...but one of the "running gags" is going to be loading, readying, and reloading an autoloader so that you have a full mag plus one in the chamber, so that'd be annoying in the long haul.

I might give the option of a HUD instead of a graphical display, possibly as an upgrade. Not everyone likes the clock for player's HP either; the point is that you don't know exactly, so you can't plan to run through a mob of zombies because at worst they'll do 20hp and you have 23hp. (to that end I also have to randomize their damage a little bit...) Similarly, you may be able to quickly count how many bullets are left in a box, but good luck picking up a magazine and counting the bullets left within from glancing at the top!

As for tracers, there's a script in the works (as in, I'm still thinking about the implementation!) that'll show a blur whenever someone fires, showing its true trajectory (as opposed to the FOV's Projected Trajectory). It'll be instantaneous. There are also Actual Tracer Rounds for the various bullets (except shotgun shells); I may set a high negative-recoil on them, so that when you fire a tracer round you get a bonus on accuracy with your next shot. I may just have it do extra fire damage, haven't really decided yet...I'm supposed to be working on zombies, but Someone's gotta do the system...:-P
"Whatever," said Bean, "I was just glad to get out of the toilet."

"Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts, perhaps the fear of a loss of power."- John Steinbeck
"I'm only acting retarded, what's your excuse?" queried the Gord.
- My pet, the Levelup Gnome
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