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Old 07-20-2007, 12:12 AM
Rufus Rufus is offline
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Rufus has much to be proud ofRufus has much to be proud ofRufus has much to be proud ofRufus has much to be proud ofRufus has much to be proud ofRufus has much to be proud of
Originally Posted by OMGosh View Post
Rufus thinks he knows eveything, just ignore him. He's trying to get Manager on Zodiac when he can't even handle a decent GC job on Classic without being corrupt.
Ahah.. coming from the kid that made the above crackpot suggestions, I kinda feel insulted. Then again, knowing who you are it goes away pretty fast.

Originally Posted by DutchGuy View Post
rufus u were pretty much active in almost any team on classic.
u went from faq cadet to gc simply because u werent needed, as classic doesnt need faqs.
I was FAQ for a couple of months, because the players on Classic were not the most welcoming of people to the new blood. This "new blood" would then go to Unholy Nation, and it should never have been that way, that is why I applied for FAQ. When I was FAQ on Classic I spoke to a lot of the new kids, and they really did appreciate it, some of the trials even became gold users because of it.

I'm not some desperate idiot who applies for a job on an online game for some kind of position or power, because that's pretty damn pathetic. I believe if you haven't got the right mindset, intentions or skills in joining a staff team, don't join, and I don't.

I left FAQ because the team became messy, but Door filled my position and did it with the exact same reasoning.

Originally Posted by DutchGuy View Post
im almost pretty positive u never applied for a position, u simply got a transfer because u were staff anyway. and staff get what they want right?
same for kai. first a faq now a gc.
its easy, once ure in, u got the ball rolling. just like in real companies.
if this is not true we like to see a copy of ure application to gc
If you're so "positive" I never applied for my position for Game Coordinator then this alone shows you haven't got the foggiest. Transferring from FAQ to Game Coordinator? Hahaha.
Originally Posted by Loriel View Post
Seriously, you have ****-all for content and you're not exactly pulling in new developer talent, angling for prestigious titles should be your last concern.