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Old 06-22-2006, 07:54 PM
TedHead2k TedHead2k is offline
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Just think about what's going on. You're a 30-something year old and you're trying to make peace and friendship with a bunch of early teen nerds. You post on here in the same maneurism as other members and talk to others as if they are on the same level as yourself. There's nothing actually WRONG with this, but in real life, that's a bit out of the ordinairy. Someone your age wouldn't really hang out with a bunch of kids for leisure in real life. It's not as deep as people are making it out to be, it's just plain odd. And you know how well people take to things that are odd. Especially on Graal, a place full of *****s who hide behind their screens calling each other noobs and whatever else.

The problem is plain and simply that you are in a community comprised mainly of immature kids. Gaining everyones respect would be impossible, and I'm not really sure why you would want it anyway.

EDIT: Ching summed it up really nicely, I didn't get his post before I replied.