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Old 05-17-2006, 03:07 AM
iismike iismike is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 11
iismike is on a distinguished road
Ok so you guys seem to have perverted my post which isnt very nice, first off yes i understand that graal needs money. However to get the most money out of graal you need something to bring people in and its not T-shirts and that retarded stuff that one bugger mentioned. You make something free, and youll get people into it and just like say whats that game uhm runescape! They know how to market a game (i hate runescape but i give them props for making such a popular game out of..that) And for all you people who think making classic like the past (wow), is a bad idea simply in the name of change then you need to look at what classic is like right now. There is a huge demand for what has already been done so bring it back. Also for all you people who are worried about hacking theres 2 things that could be done that would be less depressing than whats happend now:
1) Hire GP's again for no pay, if a server is popular people will kill for this position even though its work.
2) do serverside hacker checks to see if somebody is on a wall or if somebody has never been to the appropriate levels to have acquired all the hearts or have the server check to make sure the player can be hit. I know this stuff is possible and hey its not even perfect, but for graal its more than enough. Yes players could use hacks to teleport to each level and get the heartslots but doing the quests would be easier, stefan needs to be smart about hack protection and stop going overboard. Especially for simple little classic. (another idea, check your statistics against your last save and if you have a rediculous change in a small time period have a log of this anomoly sent to each GP) Ok guys, ive played in the time of clientside and i know as a coder stefan likes to show up these hackers but he went overboard, however i can see how its important for other servers! but not classic.

Now stop correcting grammar and punctuation in my post or stefan wont freaking read it!!!
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