Thread: Doomsday!
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Old 04-15-2006, 11:57 PM
CidNight1142 CidNight1142 is offline
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I think its become an argument of rights and morals. Generally, it seems that previous managers are given the rights to a playerworld with the expectation that they hopefully will listen to their community, atleast a little bit. Tifa has taken control of Doomsday in such a way that the outcry from its community means absolutely nothing to her. Doomsday was going to be revived simply because a really large number of its former population wanted it to be.

Houdini, I know you played since day one, so did I. The Doomsday overworld changed atleast 3 times, the final one being partly my work. All of the different overworlds were important to me and each change came with controversy. That controversy, and that importance simply makes the DD memory stronger, and does not detract from its revival in the least in my opinion.

I've never been a huge fan of PW revivals in general, but if a project is actually being successful, then I see no reason why it can't move ahead. My biggest problem here is that Tifa decided to shut down this project again for the wrong reasons. She continually gets people's hopes up and then crushes them again. She turns on friendship in the very instant that you disagree with her (trust me, I know). I just feel like our success was pulled away from us for bad reasoning. The people who wanted DD back, which is a large number, got ripped off, and maybe its time that we finally decide if Tifa should get what she wants, or if we should maybe fight for what we want.
Cid Night
Retired GK Staff
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Robert Frost
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