Thread: setlevel2 help
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Old 10-17-2005, 03:14 AM
Lance Lance is offline
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Originally Posted by prozac424242
How about this helpful suggestion and I ask that you read it through:

The college education method that my professors used:
they treated pascal and C++ as programming languages, with knowledge that the best way for the student to learn was to give them working example.
They gave us printouts, and we typed in the sample code.
The professor explained it as the information going from the eyes to the brain and out the fingers. Even the separation of them writing code on the blackboard and the students tanscribing it to a notebook and then typing it into the computers in the lab led to effective learning of that language.
Okay, I think you're having a bit of trouble distinguishing between "Other people doing your job/work/assignment/problem for you" and "Other people providing you with examples of code to illustrate some facet of the language." The former is unacceptable, be it here or in a classroom. The latter is just fine and is even encouraged here.

I sincerely hope that you aren't suggesting that if people provided computer science students with the code they are supposed to figure out how to put together, then it would help them learn.

But the main issue of posting code to people who want to learn the seemingly ever-changing nature of graalscript, is that they can copy and paste without doing work.
It's not at all conducive to learning if one posts the solution to a problem without posting any explanation about why that is the solution. It's doing someone's work for them, which is just not approved of here. Even posting the solution with an explanation is sketchy because of the copy-and-paste factor - there's no guarantee that the person in question won't just copy-and-paste without reading the explanation. Wordy solutions are encouraged, but code that can just be copy-and-pasted is not allowed.

So how about:
-requiring code to be posted in the code blocks
This is recommended, anyway.

-having that code be fed through a postscript or other text to image program
-instead of posting code, an image of the text is posted,
requiring the user to retype the block of code.

It would make this scripting part of the forums a lot more user friendly
and a lot more helpful, and as people would be leanring from typing in examples (a method nationally known colleges use) then there may even be fewer repetitive questions for the experts to answer time and again.
Okay, once again I have to point out that a difference exists between "typing in examples" and "typing in the solution to whatever problem was posted about".

Also, forcing people to type posted solutions doesn't change the fact that the real work would still have been done for the person.

It is also recommended that one search the advice thread, forum, and wiki for the answer to their question before posting a thread. This cuts down on such repetitive questions.
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