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xXziroXx 11-21-2008 10:22 AM

Maloria - An Update
3 Attachment(s)
The following is directly copied from the original post on Maloria forums, apart from a few minor edits and additions. It is posted here as well for several reasons, such as serving as general information and possibly getting feedback of any kind.

Progress since change of Management (3 weeks ago, excluding server downtime):

  • Full fledged duping proof item system, and everything that comes with that.
  • Skill system.
  • Quasi-Intelligent baddy AI that,
    • Can equip/use any item (including potions!) that a player can with the same benefits
    • Can use any skill that a player can

    It also behaves differently depending on the situation, for example...
    • ... if it it has the melee skill, it will chase you until within weapon range.
    • ... if it has the ranged skill, it will chase you until within weapon max range, and if you come closer then weapon min range, it will move away from you and attempt to widen the distance. If it doesn't succeed with that, it will attack with ranged until you're in melee where it will use melee (assuming it have the melee skill).
    • ... if it has the magic skill, it will randomly use a spell assuming it have any mana left. Special skills like healing, dispelling, buffing etc. will only be done when needed.
  • Combat system (currently only supports melee and ranged)
  • Trading

While that alone might not sound awfully much, keep in mind that it's the very core systems a server can have, and the most difficult ones to get secure and lag free, rather then just operationable.

However, there's a tiny amount of weapons (and skills) added right now, even though it's extremely easy to add a large and varying quantity of them with these systems. The reason for it is that I'm going to implement more item variables soon, and I'd rather not have 30+ items to edit when that's done.


We're sticking with the overworld from v2, with minor detailing changes. There's a bunch of insides that needs reworks (without straying too far from their default looks), and a great deal of additions is needed.

We're also completely reworking the blob/flower/book dungeon to be an actual sewer dungeon. We plan on doing that to all dungeons within time. It will have the following monsters and bosses (yes, REAL bosses with different phases and everything else that they come with!):
  • Mutated fish
  • Rats
  • Rat God
  • Blobs
  • "Slime balls"

Attachment 46559Attachment 46560Attachment 46561

We ARE looking for more help in the levels department.

Quests and Storyline

We want to have a lot more quests, both huge ones where you have to go do **** loads of stuff, solve puzzles, then get the reward and whatnot, but also minor ones that's located pretty much everywhere.
We also want to try and implement Worrian Order and Daednu Empire into the world.

I was going to post information about the mini bosses and the boss of the dungeon, but then I realized it'd be so much more fun to experience it in-game once it's done instead. :)

That's about it. We're just waiting for Stefan to transfer backups and we'll be back online, ready to continue working our assess off.

farte6 11-22-2008 01:57 AM

*shrugs* thats cool i guess.
When does the staff team become stable?

maximus_asinus 11-22-2008 02:34 AM

baddy AI interests me, I'd like to see it in action :(

xXziroXx 11-22-2008 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by farte6 (Post 1443900)
*shrugs* thats cool i guess.
When does the staff team become stable?

I'd consider it stable (for Graal..) now.


Originally Posted by maximus_asinus (Post 1443906)
baddy AI interests me, I'd like to see it in action :(

Once Stefan is finished with the backups, we'll start filling the old dungeons with NPC's (while we work on reinventing the wheel) - it'll be seen in action soon enough.

knightfire35 11-22-2008 05:09 AM

Good to see updates, can't wait to get Mal back.

Thanks for the update.

Pimmeh 11-22-2008 05:49 AM

Who did the puzzle? He must be a genius!

Bl0nkt 11-22-2008 10:01 AM

The baddies I'm constructing on Era do that exact same thing your arrow baddies do. I'm interested in how you went about this in comparison to me.

Chompy 11-22-2008 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bl0nkt (Post 1443957)
The baddies I'm constructing on Era do that exact same thing your arrow baddies do. I'm interested in how you went about this in comparison to me.

Uhm? I'm doing something similar on Crystia, just not exactly the same.. And I started on Crystia's baddies long before I saw this thread or Era's baddie thread (the one you made). I think it's more that, many players want more smarter baddies then the typical hack-n-slash baddies.

Bl0nkt 11-22-2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Chompy (Post 1444004)
Uhm? I'm doing something similar on Crystia, just not exactly the same.. And I started on Crystia's baddies long before I saw this thread or Era's baddie thread (the one you made). I think it's more that, many players want more smarter baddies then the typical hack-n-slash baddies.

Was that witty post because I came off as a jerk or something?

maximus_asinus 11-22-2008 06:39 PM

Was Blonkt saying he stole the idea or asking how he went about it because it is always good to "share notes" on similar projects?

kia345 11-22-2008 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by xXziroXx (Post 1443756)
nifty puzzle image

I can't beat your puzzle.

Both of the boxes that lead to "baddies" are labeled as "can only be walked through from above".

Clockwork 11-22-2008 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bl0nkt (Post 1443957)
The baddies I'm constructing on Era do that exact same thing your arrow baddies do. I'm interested in how you went about this in comparison to me.

How did you do it compared to how did he do it.

Pimmeh 11-24-2008 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1444028)
I can't beat your puzzle.

Both of the boxes that lead to "baddies" are labeled as "can only be walked through from above".

Yeah, I noticed that flaw when I came back to look at it.
But you no doubt understand how it should work, right?
Or did you get hit in the head with a brick too often?

kia345 11-24-2008 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pimmeh (Post 1444420)
Yeah, I noticed that flaw when I came back to look at it.
But you no doubt understand how it should work, right?
Or did you get hit in the head with a brick too often?

All the brick hitting taught me that working around the rules can get me hurt

xXziroXx 12-01-2008 10:44 PM

We have the backups from Stefan back now, if you're still interested in knowing it Hachi, catch me on Graal and I'll demonstrate it if you want.

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