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Drakeero 07-23-2007 09:06 PM

Preparing for War..... again.
Alright, Bosh has made his attack plans very much known to all. Our chances of success are indeed small, but at least we can try to put up a good fight.

If you are a member of Zormite (or friend, regardless of your kingdom status, and are willing to aid us), please send me your combat abilities, both in person, and on a ship, to me in a pm.

(It's not good to advertise what we have and don't have where everyone can read them.)

Drakeero 07-23-2007 10:43 PM

Now see, I already know that lots of people have seen this post, several people have discussed it with me over MSN.

But I have noticed a distinct lack of PM's in my message box.

Hint Hint

lordbosh 07-24-2007 12:19 AM

If you are an old Zormite and Archigos loyalist, raise up and join my forces as we reclaim our rightful place as the leaders of this kingdom.

If you are new to the Bosh Bandwagon, fear not! We will accept newcomers as well. This is, after all, the dawn of a new age.

Drakeero 07-24-2007 01:09 AM

There are many ways to defend a kingdom. From the dwarves of Warcraft, when the tides of war approached, they were still weak from their awakening. Their great city of Ironforge was but a fledgling city. Their armies were weak, and their people weaker. Instead of standing and fighting, they retreated into Ironforge. And closed its massive gates. No army, no monster, no demon, could break through the layers upon layers of steel. And so, the dwarves survived the ravages of war. They were safe, as the world was reduced to ashes. When the battered nations collapsed from their wounds, the gates of Ironforge one day opened, and a healthy dwarven nation arose.

lordbosh 07-24-2007 01:11 AM

And then bjorn opened the gates and called you a pansy for hiding, and you were hopelessly slaughtered. The end.

Theres no RP in using a door with no HP and an archway without a level link to hide behind it and calling it magic, you're just metagaming then and you are providing further point for removal.


4jordan4 07-24-2007 01:33 AM

What does that warcraft story have to do with anything? It's called a war, not hide and go seek.

Waltz5 07-24-2007 03:48 AM

I wish battles and/or wars actually resulted in something. Would make them way more interesting.

kia345 07-24-2007 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Waltz5 (Post 1333908)
I wish battles and/or wars actually resulted in something. Would make them way more interesting.

It does result in something, people's egos inflating.

MajinDragon 07-24-2007 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Waltz5 (Post 1333908)
I wish battles and/or wars actually resulted in something. Would make them way more interesting.

Losing a battle/war should have a consequence :mad:

cyan3 07-24-2007 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by MajinDragon (Post 1333946)
Losing a battle/war should have a consequence :mad:

It does have a consequence.

MajinDragon 07-24-2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by cyan3 (Post 1333950)
It does have a consequence.

A bigger one :\

Googi 07-24-2007 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by MajinDragon (Post 1333946)
Losing a battle/war should have a consequence :mad:

So that people get scared and we have even less of them, right?

Tracker180 07-24-2007 11:30 PM

wars are about the only new thing to Gk, not saying they are new in general, just saying there are new ones happening about every month or two :/

Drakeero 07-25-2007 06:26 AM

Then go take these wars somewhere else. The tides of combat are not welcome here. There are some of us here who do not want a "bread and circuses" solution to the boredom that bogs down the entire server. So keep your circus wars out of Zormite waters.

Bosh's 'Golden Age' will not be a golden age for Zormite. It will be a golden age for his loyal followers, as Bosh simply uses Zormite to further glorify his position as a leader. Zormite's military power will not be of its own loyal citizens. It will be based on the background of Bosh's followers. Zormite's wealth will not be in the hands of its citizens, it will be in the pockets of those that follow Bosh.

Soon Zormite will be opened up to all the players of Kingdoms, not just those who are citizens of it. Bosh would seek to close Zormite down. He preaches openness and acceptance, but what of those who do not fit into his war machine? What of those who resist war? What of the citizens who have been loyal to Zormite for a long time and are faithful to a ruler they believe can lead Zormite better? Zormite will be turned into a private club. A club that welcomes everyone, but accepts few.

Zormite needs a golden age created by the hard work of its citizens. That is the only real golden age that Zormite can have. These Zormite loyalists he calls to his side aren't so loyal if they left Zormite in the first place. I only black listed just a few people who I believed were so hostile to Zormite, that there would be nothing but subversion and outright disobedience if they were allowed in. I did not exclude people simply because they did not agree with me. If they really WERE loyalists, they would have stuck with Zormite. They would have sought to rejoin their homeland without waging war on it. Especially when the borders were open (albiet wary and cautious, but still open).

The remnants of Archigos? Are they the same as the loyalists? Where does their loyalties REALLY lay? To Zormite, thier 'beloved' homeland, or their 'beloved' leaders. I was and still am willing to extend the same offer to join Zormite, and peacefully try to work things out.

I thought I would never make friends with Googi. Look at him now. Leader of the Ministry of Magic. When I see the error of my ways, and when I see a certain prejudice that is unjust and misplaced, I correct it. I do not seek to use violence, or conquer another kingdom just to stay on the all-powerful power trip where I can do no wrong.

Zormite does not need a golden age solely on the might and wealth of those who simply follow Bosh. Zormite may be far from the most powerful nation, but I have made it stable. Zormite has the potential to become something better then an extension of a madman's powertrip.

Regardless of your kingdom, whether you are a freelancer, or a mercenary. I implore you to consider coming to Zormite's aid. The kingdom is on the verge of a new day, brought back from the brink of inactivity. A kingdom with open, friendly borders to all. I do not stand against wars. I am creating a choice for people. I am creating a haven, for people to enjoy inbetween wars.

Will you support just another warring nation, or do you wish to support something that can be new, and possibly exciting? Zormite cannot be rebuilt overnight. It cannot be developed into something new overnight. But the day still approaches. With the cooperation of the staff, and of the culmulative skills of those I have assembled within Zormite, there is great change on the winds. If Bosh wins, that change will be gone. It will be another war, heaped upon others before it, and will be forgotten to many after it.

Drakeero 07-25-2007 03:45 PM

*Next morning*

Epic, huh? Hey, maybe I'll use it for my public speaking class.

Yeah, ok, too long to read? Condensed version: Bosh takes over Zormite, he's gonna be a pain in the rear for the rest of the server. I keep Zormite, doesn't mean its gonna be entirely peaceful. I offer mock wars from time to time, but I don't force it on people like Bosh does. That and who knows, maybe some less stupidly large ideas will actually work and show some real improvement to Zormite.

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