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Wind_Master 08-29-2005 10:25 PM

a few ideas New idea
Replace alpha with a new map that is like irica but instead its all air battles.Their will be 4 bases (b1.b2.b3.b4). This whole map in in the air so the only way 2 fly is with a jetpack or a speeder or a new ship that looks like the ship in the beggining of every map when u enter it. (the pink and white thing) and it shoots out bullets like a chaingun.


Delta=Has the speed of scout.Has weapons appirces,appripper and g18.Has ship speeder

Omega=Has the speed of scout.Has weapons appripper,crossbow,and dh18.Has that pink and white ship.

sry that was hard 2 understand but tell me what ya think

more ideas

Trap Jail= A trap bought for 30 each. When bought u can place it on the ground in irica and when the opposing team steps on it they get trapped and sent into a underground jail (trap automatically teleports them).To get out you need to damage the prison (prison has 5,000 heath).

Prism Of 7= A MOVE bought for 5,000. This can be used in ne world but when equipped you can make 6 duplicates of urself (including u that makes 7 ppl) but the duplicates only shoot out with 1 appirce no matter what weapon you use and they only have 10 hp each.

Bl0nkt 08-29-2005 11:36 PM

They're all stupid.

1. I don't want to hear about any more weapons that send you to jail.

2. No more fricking magic.

Huwajux 08-30-2005 09:52 AM

This idea is getting somewhere. At least he is trying to make use of those pink things. Didn't Gambet suggest something to replace alpha? Darkness or something...

Shadox 08-31-2005 06:15 AM

the map sounds awesome, maybe u could use a gun with the jetpack too, like fly and have a dh18 as secondary, so that speeders and that dont overpower play this map over the others any day ;)

Wind_Master 08-31-2005 07:42 AM

Thx lol….but the map specs have come down to this

Map Type: A air-war map with two teams and A get the Base type map.
Map Teams: Delta Force…Omega.
Delta Force: Has speed of scout .Has weapons dh18.apprirces,appripper.Muramasa,and Irpulsar.
Omega: Has speed of scout. Has weapons appripper , plasma saber,crossbow,and appirces.
Bases: 7 bases first team to gather 4 of the 7 bases wins (or irica style)
Delta Force Aircraft: Speeder, and a mech w/o the legs (hovers above the ground but travels same speed)
Omega Aircraft: Hoover Bike ,and The pink ship in the beginning of the maps ( travels at speeder speed…it can hold 2 ppl….and shoot dmg does 10 a bullet.
Items that can fly you: A jetpack that has unlimited energy and can wield either a muramasa or plasma saber (depending on what team their on) but they can get hurt while flying in the air with the jetpack)

Tell me what ya think of that

bahamutstevetff 08-31-2005 07:45 PM

it sounds awesome, i think mounted guns would suit this map. and no noob trials usin jet pax if they want 2 get the full love of the map PAY UP. or maybe narrow rails witch u can fall off if ur *** at balancing and pig battle fields. no mines cos they ruin zone. i think it would make a good CTF map. but thats my unprofessional opinion.

Wind_Master 08-31-2005 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by bahamutstevetff
it sounds awesome, i think mounted guns would suit this map. and no noob trials usin jet pax if they want 2 get the full love of the map PAY UP. or maybe narrow rails witch u can fall off if ur *** at balancing and pig battle fields. no mines cos they ruin zone. i think it would make a good CTF map. but thats my unprofessional opinion.

No.You have to buy the jetpack if your a trial. Ya and no mines. But how about this.Yiu can buy drones (30$ each) that you can only use when flying in a jetpack.But when used you placed them in the sky (they turn invisable) and when any enemy ships come by them they shoot at them (Heath:25 Damage:5 a bullet) but these do NOT move.

bahamutstevetff 08-31-2005 08:08 PM

uh sounds pretty nice, i was thinking for the game style either CTF or destroy all the other teames bases, each team has 5 points like the ones in zone wars and the other team has 2 destroy em all

Wind_Master 08-31-2005 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by bahamutstevetff
uh sounds pretty nice, i was thinking for the game style either CTF or destroy all the other teames bases, each team has 5 points like the ones in zone wars and the other team has 2 destroy em all

hmmm. maybe their will be 6 generators (3 on each team) they all have about 4,000 heath. ( i made 6 generators so the game is longer and more fun)

bahamutstevetff 08-31-2005 08:12 PM

ya i think it would be great for gettin exp and kills, but i dun wan it 2 turn out like zone wars, but i would like 2 see the darkpulsar there aswell.

Wind_Master 08-31-2005 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by bahamutstevetff
ya i think it would be great for gettin exp and kills, but i dun wan it 2 turn out like zone wars, but i would like 2 see the darkpulsar there aswell.

Ya.I was also thinkin mayb a prison.If you die 5 times in a row w/o getting a kill you get sent to the enemy jail.

bahamutstevetff 08-31-2005 08:20 PM

aw man jin enough with the prisons, i dont like the idea, lol, i dont even like iricia prizon once i lost a 400 bounty in iricia prison cos they lost the secod i joind damn them

Wind_Master 08-31-2005 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by bahamutstevetff
aw man jin enough with the prisons, i dont like the idea, lol, i dont even like iricia prizon once i lost a 400 bounty in iricia prison cos they lost the secod i joind damn them

lol that sux :(

bahamutstevetff 08-31-2005 08:47 PM

no ****

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