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Huggles 06-06-2001 08:34 AM


Im personaly detailing all levels.... We have a scripters, Goku JF is main...

Stefan if you can help us script our boats to travel zones and really dock places that would be great......

Supporting Us,
King Clops and all of Baddies
Goku JF
Captain USA

Admins 06-06-2001 08:48 AM

Oh an oldbie server?
Are you needing boats like the fisher boat
or do you better want to wait till I have added
the attach-object-to-object thing (where you can
move on the boat) ?

XilosTinsu 06-06-2001 08:50 AM

OFF Subject but stefan where did you get your sig, is that Graal3D?

Admins 06-06-2001 08:51 AM

Yes combination of Graal3D beta 2 and 3,
but geshtar & co are making very cool new
actor models that will beat my simple ninji

Lyndzey8000 06-06-2001 09:21 AM


Oh an oldbie server?
Are you needing boats like the fisher boat
or do you better want to wait till I have added
the attach-object-to-object thing (where you can
move on the boat) ?
COOL! People might actually pay for the boat now =P

Huggles 06-06-2001 01:00 PM

Il prefer to wait..... We want to get all levels detailed and done... Then we will focus on scripting our boats....... Thats our main importance as scripts....

Then we will add the quest npcs and then the races.... and if we feel up to it.... We will add classes....

I do plan on adding classes eventualy... I do not want to haste on my work making it messy......... =-)

freddyfox 06-06-2001 08:56 PM

Re: Nothar

Originally posted by Huggles

Supporting Us,
King Clops and all of Baddies
Goku JF
Captain USA
Vermain who made the whole freaking story

sandin 06-06-2001 11:25 PM

Stefan Read it Please
i am the face monster, roar!

Huggles 06-06-2001 11:49 PM

Sorry vermain..... Forgot you put you in the credit...... Vermain made a GREAT story..... hes a great staff member and will be cherished..... BUT HES ALL MINE NOW!$!*#$*@#*%$@

This is his Amazing Story he came up with.....
When the creation of the many wonderous worlds in the universe began, a seemingly calm world that was known by the angelic bodies as Nothar. There were many gods that fought over the worlds, and eventually, several gods made their way to Nothar. The first to arrive was a woman by the name of Mana, and she created the continents and blessed this world with the ability of mana. She created the elves, magical creatures who adored the forest. The next god who came, Harlander, created the humans who were deposited on the biggest continent, which had no name at that moment. The humans, as they evolved, eventually named that continent Aonitar. They set up settlements in the North, East, and South. However, this planet could not go without seeing some sort of war. Eventually, the world attracted the likes of the evil demon Daemon, god of Terror. He created the orcs, powerful beings with magical properties. He also created the Bugs, odd humanoid creatures that were bread for war. From the living earth, he sculpted the islands of Grogg, which were inhabited by the Bugs and others of his evil creations. The other races were appalled by the newest races, and fled in terror from their sharp swords. The humans eventually crafted ships, and they sailed off from Aonitar. The first boat eventually arrived at the continent known as Dakfay, inhabited by the elves and the orcs. The elves taught the humans about magical powers, and the humans eventually learned how to use the powerful destructive force known as magic. The second boat that sailed went to the very cold north. Everyone except for 20 people and the leader of the ship, Argoth, died from the extreme frostbitten conditions. However, Daemon saw an opprotunity and offered to build a city for them and give them great magical powers in exchange for their souls. They agreed, and exchanged their wills for a city and great magic. Argoth had such great powers, he managed to keep the city warm while the outside remainded cold.

Now, here you are today, as more and more islands are being discovered. The Bugs are in continued conflict with the humans and the elves, while they continue construction on their grand palace. The elves still reside on Dakfay, while some have travelled to the human settlements. The orcs continue to lay waste to the beautiful Dakfay Forests. The sorcerers to the north in the frozen lands continue to worship the powerful Daemon, and are in constant battle with an unknown enemy to the west. The humans continue their arcane studies and set up marvelous cities. In this age of grand design, you are a mere soul. But what you do not know, is that your mere soul could change the very future of the world...

The year is now around 1856 A.D (After Daemon)
The Humans have now created 3 major cities. One in the North, East, and West.
The elves have created a city in the trees and now are in constant battles with the smelly orcs.
The Northern Sorcerers have gained super magics, but are not known about..... yet
The Bugs have crafted a grand palace to honor their leader, King Klaknek.
Many new races have come. To the far West, several meteorites have crashed, and out have crawled strange creatures known to the humans as "Bomy's"
Daemon has created a large palace known as Ragnor Rock and now resides there.
The many humans who have learned magic now study more vigoura

We will base Nothar on this story hes also coming up with stories for the bomys and the bugs, The Giants and the humans, The 2 dragons that take 10 people or more to kill that drop a heart and only reappear once per week.... if not killed will despawn......

Heres the Cyclops story he made....

Cyclops's are one eyed creatures that live far out on Grogg. They have immense physical strength and can use magical attacks. Their leader, King Clops, is the only cyclops that has a horn, which symbolizes he is king.

They are, however, in constant conflicts with the giants, since they believe they're the only "true" race that is desired on Nothar. Not much history is recorded, since they have no written language and are not known to outsiders.

The humans and elves often trade goods and battle tactics between eachother. The elves exchange magic scrolls for finely crafted human weapons such as swords and bows.

Not many wars have started in the past 600 years, since many of Daemon's forces were drawn back. Argoth and his group of humans, devoted to Daemon have little or no concern for the other races, except for the ones to the west of them.

Not all is peaceful though, as Daemon's troops patrol the continents, waiting for the time to strike. The orcs constantly attack the elves with their magic and weapons. The Bugs become more powerful and skilled everyday, and are the most common patrollers. Daemon continues to sprinkle the lands with monsters of his own design. Even the once peaceful animals now turn and snarl when a creature draws near. It is a time of fear, and only with strength will the lighter races survive the brutality of Daemon.


Now heres the recruitment text I made......

Currently We are mainly looking for Duengen Designers, Scripters and GFX makers mainly.... So if you apply for a different job dont get your hopes up but if your good and talented I will hire you.

Jobs that are Opened:
ICQ: 82368987 (Note: If you dont want a job and just want my icq you will be put on ignore unless some one told you my ICQ or you need to talk to me)

Story Designers: Main Story Designer Taken, Assistant Story Designer job is open and then the regular Story Designer job is open...

Level Designers: You will make houses, castles insides, and add detail.

Scripters: As of now we have Goku (A great scripter) but he cannot script the entire world by him self so.

Duengen Designers: You need to be creative, need a interest in puzzles, mazes, etc.

GFX Makers: If you decide to help me make GFX I would love it, you would help make race bodies, weapons, armor, etc.

Now let me describe what I plan for my PW

Nothar will be a world unlike others we wont have a intro you will just start with which race you picked... We plan to make dragons that take 10 people to kill.... Quests that will be challenging.. Real tailoring and blacksmithing.. meaning you wont get body3.png without tailoring or blacksmithing it.

This wont be exactly roleplay server but try to roleplay a little atleast. PKing will be allowed ofcourse.

This playerworld includes 5 continents... 5+duengens
If your a good level designer you can be assigned to work on a continent personally.

We have beta phases
Beta 1-Level Design and Detail
Beta 2-Inside houses, towns, castles
Beta 3-Take storyline and script quests by storyline and so on
Beta 4-Adding the races, classes
Beta 5-Finishing touches and release of Nothar
We got alot of work before we put it online like other PWs =-)

So far we got as our crew. We hope you can join us!
Goku (JF)
King Clops
Captain USA
Chris Rubeus
Devine (Baddies)
And Many others that contribute items, scripts, graphics, levels for us.......

Huggles 06-07-2001 10:06 AM


Bomy player race is not allowed? I would like to talk to you sometime on Icq stefan..... We made a giant cave for bomys and bugs and they are at war and well its all neato ^_^

Macens 06-07-2001 11:50 AM

Um, I would like to try-out for a LAT job on Nothar. It sounds very interesting and I think you can get somewhere with it.

Neonight 06-12-2001 09:51 PM

Playerworlds are coming up.....
Most of you should know this by now, but for those of you who don't:

All of the new playerworld servers. (Ter 'Dial,Dark Legions,Mystic Lands, and I think 1 more) are coming up with the new graal update. This will be Graal 2.04 (If I am correct) so I hope Geovanie sees this! Anyway, read my post about Mystic Lands!

Ne0Night "Ne0Nyght"

Neonight 06-12-2001 09:53 PM

My bad. Mystic lands was RENAMED Dark Legions. Sorry :rolleyes:

activeconvict 06-12-2001 09:57 PM


supersaiyanboo2 06-12-2001 09:58 PM

BAH! U FORGOT AURORIA :) (no joke..)

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