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maximus_asinus 09-28-2017 06:15 PM

Remember when...
The closure of Classic was only supposed to be temporary?

Kamaeru 09-30-2017 07:33 AM

I member.

kia345 09-30-2017 11:39 PM

not really no

I remember thor's ban being temporary but I was under the impression that classic was done

Kamaeru 10-01-2017 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1741943)
not really no

I remember thor's ban being temporary but I was under the impression that classic was done

Done could be a positive term. Like when toast is done, I can eat it.

maximus_asinus 10-01-2017 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1741943)
not really no

I remember thor's ban being temporary but I was under the impression that classic was done

The server was suspended as a punishment to Thor, it would only make sense that once Thor's punishment was up that the server would be restored.

But either way the server is done. From a brief conversation with Thor he has stated that he doesn't have interest developing for Graal. Period. Really too bad.

Kamaeru and I were having this conversation last night, how over the course of almost 15 years nobody developed a server to function like a Zelda game. Thor was the first, or at least he was the closest to doing it. Really too bad because he was creating something great.

Nightmareangel 10-03-2017 11:02 PM

Sad news is sad. :(

kia345 10-04-2017 09:40 PM

The light based puzzles in whichever dungeon that was were the best puzzles in a Zelda-inspired game I've ever played. Interesting and different enough to be new while still being simple and straight forward enough to be familiar in concept.


Luda 10-26-2017 11:55 PM

rest in peace

kia345 06-19-2018 12:34 PM

remember when these forums were read only

Crow 06-24-2018 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1742242)
remember when these forums were read only


BruceLee2000 12-13-2018 12:42 PM

I've been waiting

Shaun 12-22-2018 11:18 AM


--Chris-- 12-25-2018 02:59 PM


Crono 01-01-2019 10:36 AM


kia345 01-04-2019 12:47 PM

as far as you guys know I was the last card champion and no one can dispute this

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