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Chompy 06-17-2014 11:34 PM

Functions as parameters
Have you ever wondered if you could pass functions as parameters, and how that could help you sometimes? Well, I tried I guess.

What could you use functions as parameters for? You could pass on execution logic for said function when a certain thing happens in the logic above it. (functions like map,filter,find,each from other languages, or sorting algorithms)

Lets see.. first, lets make an example:

You have an array of numbers from 1 to 9. Your task is to create a function which doubles all array values. Preferably passing the doubling rule as a function to the array iterator.

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
temp.array = {

this.double = function (x) {

this.filter = function (array, f) {
temp.= {};
temp.i:array) {
temp.check f(temp.i);

temp.test this.filter(temp.array, this.double);
// above won't work, gives:
  // Script: Function f not found 

temp.test this.filter(temp.array, function(x) {
// the above will actually give you a lot of errors like
  // unexpected token, missing semicolon etc

You'll notice at first, Graal doesn't really fully support anonymous functions or passing on functions assigned to a variable. So how does one do it in Graal? Oddly enough, there's a weird workaround:

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
this.filter = function (array, f) {
temp.= {};
temp.i:array) {
temp.check f(temp.i);

temp.array = {

temp.test this.filter(temp.array, this.= function(x) {
// 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18

  // you can actually even do this:

this.double = function (x) {

temp.test this.filter(temp.array, this.this.double);
// 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18

Do you see it yet? There's a meaning behind using this.f at these instances:

temp.test = this.filter(temp.array, this.f = function(x) {
return x*2;

temp.test = this.filter(temp.array, this.f = this.double);

Wait, no, this is actually just a mayor workaround

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
this.each = function (list, f) {
temp.i=0;i<list.size();i++) f(list[i],i,list);
// md5 each element and salt with iterator count,
  // and print 6 first letters
this.each(temp.array, this.= function(e,i,array) {
temp.str md5(e+i);
// works printing:
  // 6bb61e
  // cfcd20

If ones does ONE change:

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
this.each = function (list, ff) {
temp.i=0;i<list.size();i++) ff(list[i],i,list);
// md5 each element and salt with iterator count,
  // and print 6 first letters
this.each(temp.array, this.= function(e,i,array) {
temp.str md5(e+i);
// works printing:
  // Script: Function ff not found 

The only way for this to work, is if you name all your function parameters as f and only use f when accessing said function parameters inside the function logic, naming must be consistent for it to be of any use, and current state makes it a hazzle.

All it does is actually setting this.f to the function in the running script, making it "kinda global" in that script. This in returns allows use of this.f and/or f inside the functions as well, as they all inherit this, and they point to the variable this.f which was set during calling of the function. All an illusion kind of.

I wish Graal had support for proper anonymous functions. (PS: I used filter deliberately)

WhiteDragon 06-18-2014 03:05 PM

It's possible. You just need to cast the function to a string then call it. (@temp.f)(). Check out this:

And, if you'd like to see something far more evil (getting access to the environment the function was defined in within the function), check out this:
(Would not recommend using this one in production because it doesn't GC at all and will leak memory like a sieve.)

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