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kia345 03-14-2009 02:23 AM

Application: PoJo (kia345)

1. What is your Graal account name?
kia345 is my primary, and only constantly upgraded account.


2. Do you have gold?
Of course! I'm not some free-loader like those chumps who showed up here after lifetime-Classic was enabled on the forums. I'm the real deal yo.


3. What is your past experience? (Please post only relevant experience such as creation of news, and updates on
This is where I can hopefully shine. My experience is more than "hey I've kinda worked on some public forums". It's the "past experience" that I use for every public application I fill out: I was king of Zormite on Kingdoms. While that doesn't seem like much up front, it's actually a lot more than you'd think. I had to keep an entire kingdom (which was active at the time!) up to speed on the day-to-day events, as well as big kingdoms events. I made sure everyone knew what was what, in-game and on these very forums! And to get that spot, as well as hold it, I had to have excellent people skills. Some people would tell you Constitution or Strength or even Dexterity are important stats. But if you ask me, Charisma is all that matters.

Besides my in-game experience, I've briefly helped on the Kingdom wiki, keeping up-to-date Kingdom news on the forums, helped with the Zone, Zodiac, Kingdoms compilation site (mmorpglibrary, I'm one of the top informats), and Darklux's Kingdom Wiki. Mostly it's all been Kingdoms related, from FAQ, EM, to just a helpful person.


4. What would you like to do if given the position?
5. Why should you be given the position over the other applicants?
I'm going to answer these together: For one thing, I feel like it would be a fun experience for both myself and Graal. I've prided myself on being distinguished not for my development talent, nor for my insight, but my knowledge and personality. Check in on any long, irrelevant thread I've posted. I know how to say things. Hopefully I "know how to say things" better than most other people, as I have been complemented for both my people and speaking/writing skills. Adds a bit of "flavor" and reason to read to the News.

On top of that, I've established an almost "global" face. Granted, you can't log on any server and mention me expecting everyone to know who I am, but I've brief flights everywhere from Delteria to UN to even Era, as well as made myself, correct me if I'm wrong, an irreplaceable part of the Graal Communication Center. Not just "random player A", but "Hey, that's PoJo, he's pretty cool".

Even on servers where I've been, erm, immature, so to speak, I've made amends with a majority of those I have wronged. And while my history may have a ban or chastisement here and there, you'll notice every one of them has been reversed. No one seems to have any problem with me.

I've already mentioned my personality, but I feel it merits more focus: I have it. What would you rather, an almost monotonous overview of a server, or a theatrical thrill ride through an amazing player sculpted environment? It'll be fun, for me, the servers I write about, and for the lucky reader.

MiniOne 03-14-2009 02:40 AM

Ewww Pojo :(

lardy227 03-14-2009 02:42 AM

More like
"Oh sweet, it's Pojo!"

Crimson2005 03-14-2009 02:45 AM

I like Pojo and his application, I enjoy reading his big posts, they're never really monotonous or dull. He has big vocabulary that he can utilise very well and will come in handy when writing those articles =]

kia345 03-14-2009 02:47 AM

You guys are sweeties

MiniOne 03-14-2009 02:52 AM

lol fine :( Go Pojo

Switch 03-14-2009 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by MiniOne (Post 1474150)
Ewww Pojo :(


Originally Posted by MiniOne (Post 1474158)
lol fine :( Go Pojo

Quit hatin'.

MiniOne 03-14-2009 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Switch (Post 1474162)
Quit hatin'.

Lol :( I'm not hating

Elizabeth 03-14-2009 04:05 AM

i most definately support pojo. he's one of the best applicants. he's intelligent, witty, and has a sense of humor. he'd definately bring a unique touch to the news.

Imperialistic 03-14-2009 05:24 AM

I'm confused.

Number 1 asks you your account name, why would we care if you upgraded your account?

Same with Number 2.. If you want to make the response to the question detailed make sure it is at least on topic

LordSquirt 03-14-2009 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1474147)

Of course! I'm not some free-loader like those chumps who showed up here after lifetime-Classic was enabled on the forums. I'm the real deal yo.

He's calling me a chump

Elizabeth 03-14-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Imperialistic (Post 1474224)
I'm confused.

Number 1 asks you your account name, why would we care if you upgraded your account?

stefan wouldn't want to hire someone who has gold for the time being. he'd want them to be upgrading their account when their gold runs out. he's just reassuring him, unlike all of the other applicants.


Originally Posted by Imperialistic (Post 1474224)
Same with Number 2.. If you want to make the response to the question detailed make sure it is at least on topic

once again, he's just reassuring him. it's hardly off topic. he's implying that he's trustworthy, which he is.

kia345 03-14-2009 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Imperialistic (Post 1474224)
I'm confused.

Number 1 asks you your account name, why would we care if you upgraded your account?

Same with Number 2.. If you want to make the response to the question detailed make sure it is at least on topic

Question 1 asks for your account, which many people have more than one of. I was just reiterating that kia345 was account I kept updated, as opposed to one of my other random accounts.

Question 2 asks for your gold status, which doesn't necessarily mean "upgraded" (for example, before I typed this application, I did not have the regular "gold" that enabled playerworld access, but I still had Kingdoms-only gold). Question 2 also draws the point that people without gold can post and send applications. I, on the other hand, have always kept my account with some variation of gold, so I'm not one of those people who are here using only a Classic account. Which is actually a big factor in getting hired (do you really believe he'd hire someone who hasn't even been paying for an account?).

LordSquirt 03-14-2009 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1474334)
Question 2 asks for your gold status, which doesn't necessarily mean "upgraded" (for example, before I typed this application, I did not have the regular "gold" that enabled playerworld access, but I still had Kingdoms-only gold). Question 2 also draws the point that people without gold can post and send applications. I, on the other hand, have always kept my account with some variation of gold, so I'm not one of those people who are here using only a Classic account. Which is actually a big factor in getting hired (do you really believe he'd hire someone who hasn't even been paying for an account?).

No offense, but it seems like you're trying to say that since you pay for a gold subscription you're better than someone who only has a classic one. Back in the day, classic subscriptions are the only ones which you could buy. Why would someone not take advantage of this by just playing with their old subscription, so they wouldn't have to continuously purchase a new one?

We paid for the account and we paid for exactly what we bought. I don't see your logic when you say Stefan won't hire someone who doesn't always purchase a gold subscription when they run out.

Elizabeth 03-14-2009 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by LordSquirt (Post 1474448)
No offense, but it seems like you're trying to say that since you pay for a gold subscription you're better than someone who only has a classic one. Back in the day, classic subscriptions are the only ones which you could buy. Why would someone not take advantage of this by just playing with their old subscription, so they wouldn't have to continuously purchase a new one?

We paid for the account and we paid for exactly what we bought. I don't see your logic when you say Stefan won't hire someone who doesn't always purchase a gold subscription when they run out.

well i'd very much say that someone who pays for gold is higher class than someone who doesn't pay at all. lets put classic and lower subscribers as silver. gold > silver. so in a sense, he basically is better than someone who never pays. he's actually putting in an effort.

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