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FenixTheBanished 10-21-2013 12:13 AM

Hiring Graal Police Position
We are currently looking for a seasoned and respected Graalian to become join the Graal Police team on Graal Kingdoms. The Deadline is Wednesday, October 23rd.

Job Requirements/Expectations:
This job entails being active on tag daily as well as helping Graalians with answering questions concerning game play, commonly asked questions, and anything else realistically requested by Graal Kingdoms players. You must determine disciplinary action to players that are break EULA/violate Graal Kingdoms rules including but not limited to; scamming, hacking, bug abuse, harassment, etc.

To apply send me (FenixTheBanished) a forum PM with your application. There are a few things that you need to include in your application:


1. How many hours have you played?

2. Why do you desire to be a Graal Police team member?

3. Answer the following scenario questions:
A. What do you do when a player is being disrespectful to a staff member and/or yourself?
B. How would you handle a player harassing another player, calling them explicit names?
C. How would you handle a player constantly griefing another player? They are continuously stealing other players drops/following them into Xmas Dungeon and are stealing their Tokens?
D. How would you handle a player constantly griefing another player? A player is following a player digging up pumpkins and steals the Halloween pumpkins that they player is trying to harvest?
4. Why should you be chosen and why should you be given the power to discipline and handle player issues?

-GK Administration

cwc money 10-28-2013 09:01 PM

Ooooh oooh can i apply? :D

FenixTheBanished 10-30-2013 04:35 AM

The position has been filled. Please everyone congratulate Nyte Magus on becoming a Graal Police!

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