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Decus_Arillias 01-22-2012 05:00 AM


ROAK is a upcoming server that represents classic style in a new way. We have many new features that will bring classic graal back to its roots. Our goal is to improve the classic style of sparring/pking with advanced movement, strategic monsters, boss fights and rewards.

Some of our improvements are going to be some that may seem familiar, such as the ability to block with your shield. You will have the ability to block arrows, rocks, sword, and bushes with your shield. We also have the zelda style dash and sword charge (the sword-glow spin). We are bringing back the hookshot, which will be very useful to complete quests. We are going to have very similar style quests that zelda lttp contains with a storyline.

Our overworld was created so we could add new aspects to graal. One of our new ideas is the ability to obtain wings and fly. This overworld has a horizon, floating islands, and outterspace. There will be flight time, and cooldown time to aviod laming in pk areas. The overworld on Roak is very active and different then most servers, such as day/night, weather, days of the week, a sun that rises and sets according to server time (it will move from west to east across the gmap horizon). Also we dont have houses all over the gmap like you see on other servers. We have actual coasts, forests, highlands, deserts and so on. The gmap is about 32X32 its massive. We dont have any warp rings but we have warp portals that will warp you to specific areas at a cost. There will be towns/ports with ships that sail from town to town and we are hoping for future personal boats (future details will be release later).

We have a unique swimming system here on Roak. You have the ability to swim underwater, and obiously above water. Swimming underwater will allow you to swim deeper, to go inside underwater caves, or quest entrences. Just make sure you dont run out of breath.

So we have new ideas that will make the players of Roak more involved then any other server. One is the option to auction off your personal house furniture, harvested items, tools, and weapons. You can also sale/trade from player to player also. We have a custom profile where you can add more details if you want to about yourself. Our jail system is also unique. Players who are temporary jailed on our server will be locked in wooded stocks. You will be able to buy tomatoes and throw them at their faces. Those jailed players will have a time limit just like other servers and will be noted as "Village Idiots". We will have quests that involve more then 2 people, so we have a party system to invite friends or other players to help complete quests. Our server will also contain guild quests.

On Roak, one of our main focus is going to have guilds involvement. We have a area called The Abyss. This area will count guild kills 24/7 to keep a database of the top guilds on the server (based off kills/deaths/ratio). Players will be able to earn abyss points by completing pvp quests or gaining lots of kills (details not included).

Leaders can register their guild and have the ability to set personal wars between other guilds. The Leader can set however man kills, and whichever guild reaches those kills first wins the war. (there will obiously be a min and a max set of kills allowed). This server will also keep count of your guilds war wins/losses. We will have new style of fortresses, seiges and much more. We cater to guilds! More discussion on this will be included soon.

We will be adding the old events you see on other servers with improvements plus new additions such as Jousting. Players will have the ability to have a pet and raise it. It will grow and as it grows / levels you can add points to different areas to make your pet unique. Those attributes will be speed, coordination, stamina and intelligence. When your pet fully matures, you will be able to use it as a mount. I know I know...wth does that have to do with events? Our "mount race" event will get you very nice prizes, money and fame!

Other Ideas

So we have some ideas besides the ones stated above and would like to hear feedback on what others think.

Crafting System: One of our ideas was to have a crafting system where we disable personal swords, shields, and bodies. To be able to upload your personal images you would need to have the correct materials, then you would be allowed to upload the image via in-game.

To gather these materials would you need to harvest them. Some areas would require a group of players to help kill off monsters. Also you would need the correct "level" to harvest that item.

Real hack and slash bosses and monsters: So another idea we have is to make monsters and bosses much different then the regular baddy. There will be strategy involved with monsters that resist swords yet can be killed by arrows, with different movements rather then a straight-attack. We are hoping to master this idea by making baddies / lizardons who can actually "compete" with good pkers and sparrers.

I guess what im trying to say is, our new server is really cool.

callimuc 01-22-2012 05:16 AM

Just looked at the images. This is getting my attention way more. Seems very nice good luck with it and good luck to everyone applying.

Decus_Arillias 01-22-2012 05:19 AM

sssssssssss 01-22-2012 06:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It's still not done, but a little preview of our profiles.

maximus_asinus 01-22-2012 06:42 AM

I remember working with your tileset and came up with some awesome levels. It looks great.

smirt362 01-22-2012 06:46 AM

Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooool

Decus_Arillias 01-22-2012 06:46 AM

Thanks, kudos to Dusty, and some of the free tiles posted on the forums also, helps a lot. Still got a ways to go but its getting there.
Our profile is going to have more added, like borders and stuff.
we were gona keep the sssssmmmmaallllll border text as the border, but i figured id make a small border.

Andre2006 01-22-2012 01:27 PM

It looks wonderful, I hope you get somewhere with this!

NicoX 01-22-2012 06:58 PM

This looks more like a hiring Thread. Its beautifull. I hope this will work out how you guys want and we see that Server soon on that bored Classic Tab ;)
Good Luck.

Emera 01-22-2012 07:22 PM

This looks pretty damn amazing. Can't wait to see how it turns out :P

DARKVILLIN 01-26-2012 05:17 AM

Not bad. I like what I see so far and its been awhile since I'VE said that...

sssssssssss 01-29-2012 05:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Our inventory. Still working on it a bit but the looks are basically done.

MattKan 01-29-2012 05:53 AM

I like all of the graphics, but if you're looking for criticsm, the levels are messy and a bit spastic. The grass is just all over the place, same with the cliffs.... I don't know, it's like tiny clumps of cliff and grass, not big ones. And it doesn't look very good.

Graphics are great though, and I'm excited to play :D

racycle 01-29-2012 07:49 AM

I like what you did with my old tree. I would suggest a bigger tree-top and recolor the grass planks to match yours. Love the new look. Great improvement from last time I saw.

snoop413 01-30-2012 01:39 AM

this server looks pretty sick.

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