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ffcmike 12-15-2012 03:41 AM

Slightly Miffed
I was relaxing at my royal oak computer desk, drinking a splendid cup of my Queens most fine tea, when it was brought to my attention that a member of Graal's upper hierarchy now believes it's a problem for different servers to be using different limitations, as a compromise for built-in restrictions such as observer mode. Upon reading this, I orally discharged my tea all over my immaculate antique desk, which is now ruined.

This means that I and anyone else who has previously attempted to negotiate such scripted limitations, towards a potential removal of observer mode, were effectively mislead the entire time.
Staff of servers currently privileged enough to be without such heinous restrictions may be somewhat peeved in the not too distant future.

VeryVeryScaryBerry1 12-15-2012 04:24 AM


Hiro 12-15-2012 04:28 AM

****ed by the administration again?

who saw that one coming

DustyPorViva 12-15-2012 04:56 AM

Starfire2001 12-15-2012 05:11 AM

I agree, it definitely is a problem for servers to have different limitations. Let's get UN's 40 or so players back to #1 on the server list.

InfamousPride 12-15-2012 05:38 AM

All servers no observer mode, problem solved.

ffcmike 12-15-2012 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Starfire2001 (Post 1709489)
I agree, it definitely is a problem for servers to have different limitations. Let's get UN's 40 or so players back to #1 on the server list.

No no no, while it is said to be a problem for servers to have different limitations, you have to wait until some time in 2013. Any time you were told that observer mode could be removed if you made your systems and economy more secure, it was just an excuse made up on the spot. Those 30 or so unreplied-to emails by a previous manager were not a waste of time because they didn't result in any change, but because they were sent with the false belief that change may actually be possible.

If you'd have been told "There is absolutely nothing you can do to remove observer mode, simply because we don't want servers having different limitations, so you'll have to wait." in the first place, any such time spent attempting to deal with the problem wouldn't have been a complete waste.

Cow2001 12-16-2012 12:46 PM

your desk doesnt support v6 you gotta renovate it/replace it with a new one

Crono 12-16-2012 05:48 PM

when is graal going to have someone competent come up with policies and whatnot? u_u

ffcmike 12-16-2012 07:09 PM

I'm not even necessarily disputing the idea that there should be some unity among servers, for instance if each server Manager were to get together and agree to implement a shared template of scripted limitations and upgrades, that would be better than having some built-in restriction implemented regardless of whether it may potentially break one or more servers.
It's just become ridiculously clear that a certain someone is making up excuses as they go along.

scriptless 12-18-2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Crono (Post 1709616)
when is graal going to have someone competent come up with policies and whatnot? u_u

Sometime between never, and the end of the world?

But seriously, the only thing I dislike about the current Graal is it's trial restrictions. I actually preferred the trial reset's upon logon and you pay only once. There was this guy nammed Jimo, or Jimbo or something.. He would logon every day and do all the quest's on N-Pulse.. it was fun back then. People would ask "are you p2p?" not "are you gold?"..

Personally I wish we had 1 time subscriptions, and moved Era and Zodiac to gold server status. Era deserves it more then Zone does. Gk on the other hand, id rather see GTA be gold if it's going to be treated how it is right now. Simply based on the fact that it is well built with high standards. But then how do you treat gold server trials.

Right now im kinda confused, why do we have "Gold" and "Player world" servers? If both require gold to play? They should all be just under 1 tab if thats how the subscription policy is gonna be.

I know alot of people are annoyed with the current website design for graal.. i rather like it.. and im sure younger audience is more attracted to it as it seems more simpler. but why was it never finished? we have a hybrid site that kinda goes in and out of the old and new style? I also think that the Facebook client should be linked to PC servers.. why does facebook get special iphone access if the desktop version doesn't? things just don't make sense or seem finished.. :(

we have stefan making updates, new functions, and what not.. but who is he helping? right now it's just developers that don't really develop for any server asking for features.. and maybe getting them... maybe not.. while servers arnt asking for new features that may help them..

graal could be ran a little better then it is.. but to see it right now.. it's not doing the most worst job.. player count is at an alltime high.. mostly on iOS devices.. still waiting on Android (which will probably be higher count).. alot of people have ditched there iphones for androids (including the biggest apple fanboy according to recent news)..

I think that if servers are going to be treated differently (esp observer mode and trial restrictions).. the server should be given an option or some say in how it's gone about.

I think graal has potential for a bright future.. lets hope it keeps getting better and better..

cbk1994 12-19-2012 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by scriptless (Post 1709837)
I know alot of people are annoyed with the current website design for graal.. i rather like it..

you just lost all credibility

fowlplay4 12-19-2012 03:08 AM

come at me stefan

scriptless 12-19-2012 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by cbk1994 (Post 1709878)
you just lost all credibility

Confused, why? Because it sounds off-topic, because I claim alot of people are annoyed (theres a thread on it), or because you think I am crazy for liking it? Because it's hard to explain without just leaving it at "age audience". Just needs finished + minor tweaks.

Crono 12-19-2012 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by scriptless (Post 1709929)
Confused, why? Because it sounds off-topic, because I claim alot of people are annoyed (theres a thread on it), or because you think I am crazy for liking it? Because it's hard to explain without just leaving it at "age audience". Just needs finished + minor tweaks.

Uh what? The site is awful and fragmented. The interface is all over the place and the design choices are quite poor. It was a decent idea when it came out, I suppose, but it never took off and only helped push V5 further into the dirt. I think at one point I didn't know where to go to actually download the game.

The older sites were more straight forward and had less filler.

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