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unixmad 03-22-2016 06:08 AM

Ip detection
We have secured login to graal servers, it is no more allowed to login using a Proxy or a Vpn.

Please use your normal DSL to connect to Graal servers.

We are still working on the proxy detection, if you can't login on graal servers and your IP is not a proxy or VPN please contact me by PM: provide your IP and your graal account in the message.

Thanks for your understanding.


Crono 03-22-2016 08:20 AM

Does this apply to the iServers too?

unixmad 03-22-2016 08:47 AM

For now it is only Pc servers but we will extend to iServers.


Originally Posted by Crono (Post 1738455)
Does this apply to the iServers too?

Crono 03-22-2016 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by unixmad (Post 1738457)
For now it is only Pc servers but we will extend to iServers.


BlueMelon 03-22-2016 04:24 PM

Is Graal becoming the new netflix?

Elk 03-23-2016 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Crono (Post 1738458)

are the people on iservers using VPNs that much?

Feorth 03-23-2016 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Elk (Post 1738463)
are the people on iservers using VPNs that much?

Yes, mostly by hackers and pedos to evade bans.

icemanextreme 03-23-2016 05:41 PM

well im not returning unless this is a 100 % guarantee that it can take care of Ramza and tired of being ddossed and im tired of the harassment and even going to hacking my Facebook to falseify info.

Im an ETA.i host and manage ETs with Kittums on Unholy Nation.i love doing it,but due to yesterdays antics it went beyond Graal and honestly i cant take it any more.I even wrote a Resignation.

Im tired of being forced to leave like sick of the fact that Graals so infested and overrun now with Idiots trying to ruin people just because they can.

Ive played Graal and been High End Staff multiple times,Multiple Servers and honestly when i returned in October,i was so amazed with how much its gone to **** :/

jake13jake 03-23-2016 06:26 PM

Is this a ban evasion measure, an anti-cheating measure or both? It makes sense as a ban evasion measure.

Meanwhile, a lot of people claim use of VPNs to gain an unfair advantage in spars and other competitive activities. For anti-cheating it makes more sense to use latency and packet loss metrics to implement restrictions on participation in competitive activities like sparring. A month or two back I was having >1000ms lag without VPN or proxies, and I wouldn't think it fun for anyone to spar against me under those conditions. I'm used to seeing 350-400ms used for restrictions on other MMOs.

Tim_Rocks 03-24-2016 12:49 AM

It would be wonderful if you could fix the disconnect problem on PC servers. Thanks.

Crono 03-24-2016 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by jake13jake (Post 1738469)
For anti-cheating it makes more sense to use latency and packet loss metric

That would only work if the server was reliable and consistent. After this maintenance it will be interesting to see how it performs.

jake13jake 03-24-2016 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Crono (Post 1738474)
That would only work if the server was reliable and consistent. After this maintenance it will be interesting to see how it performs.

Not if you make the threshold a statistical variable based on a running sample of the latency and packet loss of randomly selected players.

Crono 03-24-2016 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by jake13jake (Post 1738475)
Not if you make the threshold a statistical variable based on a running sample of the latency and packet loss of randomly selected players.

bro i only speak english

jake13jake 03-24-2016 05:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Crono (Post 1738476)
bro i only speak english

Packet loss: the amount of data being sent between the game server and the game client the fails to reach its destination. This is high when you see something like someone on one side of the spar ring suddenly appear on the other side of the spar ring. I don't know if Graal provides a means of measuring packet loss.

Latency: the time it takes for data to be sent between the game server and the client. This is high when you see things like a player having to swing where the other person is going rather than where they are.

Running Random Sample of Packet Loss and Latency: making random measures of packet loss and latency (e.g. check lag of one randomly selected player, the lag of another randomly selected player, and so on) over time to create an unbiased data set, using the sum of the data to account for natural variation in lag.

From that random data sample, you can create variable thresholds for ping and packet loss, which you can then set to a value such that a player exceeding that threshold and being unable to spar (or kicked from spar) would occur 5% of the time if the threshold were to be applied to the players in the random sample (the 5% spec can be raised or lowered). I have a weighted reservoir sampling algorithm that I posted to Graalians that could be used for the sampling.

So you have that threshold that's calculated from the sampling, call it A. You also have a threshold where it stops being a major issue (e.g. average 350ms ping), call it B. When A < B (e.g. A=20ms; B=350ms), then threshold B applies. Otherwise if A > B (e.g. A=450ms; B=350ms) threshold A applies.

Does that make more sense?

Here's a screenshot of a spreadsheet I made to help illustrate the logic.

Attachment 55890

unixmad 03-25-2016 10:07 AM


I can confirm we have spend time to study latency problems.

The way to improve latency is to put servers more close to players, that's why most of our server are in the center of the Usa since most of our customer base is in Usa. So if you are located in Asia or Even some part of Europe latency can be quite bad.

For some of the top servers we have tried to improve network latency with special routing technics, we are using our own pipes to make packets travel for exemple between Europe and the Usa servers. We can't use the same technics for playerworld for exemple, because it's very costly to setup this.

Another solution is to allow pear to pear communication between players, it will improve gameplay if players are in the same area.

The main problem is we always have to make a tradeoff between protecting against client modification, proxy server, ddos, hacking and making the gameplayer more enjoyable for everyone. Because of a few people focusing in bothering others we have to limit everyone to use some nice features, this is unfortunately how life is going for to many stuff, some are working to make life of everyone better some others are focusing on getting fun destroying what other create.

In the forthcoming weeks we will release a new network, it should improve network latency for most of our players. If you have any issue with a server or network latency you can contact [email protected] so we watch at it.


Originally Posted by jake13jake (Post 1738477)
Packet loss: the amount of data being sent between the game server and the game client the fails to reach its destination. This is high when you see something like someone on one side of the spar ring suddenly appear on the other side of the spar ring. I don't know if Graal provides a means of measuring packet loss.

Latency: the time it takes for data to be sent between the game server and the client. This is high when you see things like a player having to swing where the other person is going rather than where they are.

Running Random Sample of Packet Loss and Latency: making random measures of packet loss and latency (e.g. check lag of one randomly selected player, the lag of another randomly selected player, and so on) over time to create an unbiased data set, using the sum of the data to account for natural variation in lag.

From that random data sample, you can create variable thresholds for ping and packet loss, which you can then set to a value such that a player exceeding that threshold and being unable to spar (or kicked from spar) would occur 5% of the time if the threshold were to be applied to the players in the random sample (the 5% spec can be raised or lowered). I have a weighted reservoir sampling algorithm that I posted to Graalians that could be used for the sampling.

So you have that threshold that's calculated from the sampling, call it A. You also have a threshold where it stops being a major issue (e.g. average 350ms ping), call it B. When A < B (e.g. A=20ms; B=350ms), then threshold B applies. Otherwise if A > B (e.g. A=450ms; B=350ms) threshold A applies.

Does that make more sense?

Here's a screenshot of a spreadsheet I made to help illustrate the logic.

Attachment 55890

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