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unixmad 08-09-2014 03:59 AM

Upgrading Forums
Hello Everyone,

I am watching to change the forums and would like your ideas/point of view on the options.

I am also watching at opening the forums to mobile players and not requiring gold subscription, I have a few ideas for it like direct link from the graal client to open an account.

Please keep the discussion clean and avoid sarcasm ;)

Option 1) Small Upgrade to Vbulletin 3.8.8.
+: Will allow to move to a new faster computer, correct some security problems and upgrade to last PHP
+ We can keep the current style of the forum + plugins
+ Less work for me (yes I known it's not an argument)
- Nothing really new

Option 2) Upgrade to Vbulletin 5
+: We run the latest version of Vbulletin and get access to more plugins
-: Will be hard to keep the current skin/style, anyone here can do help?
-: We loose all vbulletin plugins
-: No more integration with our backend (new account registration will be harder).

Option 3) Upgrade to other forum software, like ipboard
+: Look like ipboard for exemple is quite popular and stable
-: We have to learn new forums
-: We loose the skin (anyone here expert on ipboard ?)
-: We loose all vbulletin plugins

Jakov_the_Jakovasaur 08-09-2014 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by unixmad (Post 1729760)
Hello Everyone,

I am watching to change the forums and would like your ideas/point of view on the options.

I am also watching at opening the forums to mobile players and not requiring gold subscription, I have a few ideas for it like direct link from the graal client to open an account.

Please keep the discussion clean and avoid sarcasm ;)

Option 1) Small Upgrade to Vbulletin 3.8.8.
+: Will allow to move to a new faster computer, correct some security problems and upgrade to last PHP
+ We can keep the current style of the forum + plugins
+ Less work for me (yes I known it's not an argument)
- Nothing really new

Option 2) Upgrade to Vbulletin 5
+: We run the latest version of Vbulletin and get access to more plugins
-: Will be hard to keep the current skin/style, anyone here can do help?
-: We loose all vbulletin plugins
-: No more integration with our backend (new account registration will be harder).

Option 3) Upgrade to other forum software, like ipboard
+: Look like ipboard for exemple is quite popular and stable
-: We have to learn new forums
-: We loose the skin (anyone here expert on ipboard ?)
-: We loose all vbulletin plugins

im not sure that going through a lot of effort would be worth it for the sake of being able to use more vbulletin plugins, are the any other significant benefits for upgrading to new vbulletin versions?

that said the current css for the forums doesnt look too complicated to adapt to a different html structure, there are a lot less style rules both in-line and included as a file than i thought there would be

Gos_pira 08-09-2014 10:08 AM

There might already be a vb3 styled theme out there somewhere were all you need to do is switch up the colors.

Darlene159 08-09-2014 11:49 AM

The IP boards look interesting. I suppose it all depends on how much work you want to put into the forums, and if the community would be up for the change. I have seen some really cool themes for other games using these forums, as well as nice themes with no pictures, or non-game pictures.

I don't really see anything wrong with the way the forums are, currently, but I would like the look updated to reflect the game (New logo), just my opinion.

I don't think making registration harder is a good idea.

I would either go for option 1, or 3

Also, looking forward to the forums being opened up to the whole community :)

Spiker 08-09-2014 12:09 PM

Also, like Darlene said, IP Boards has a LOT more customization and it's a lot easier to code for. Might be easier on the team as well as the community. Make it fun to come and read/post. DEFINITELY make mobile link to forums, but let's not allow them to spam. I know these 12 year olds, they'll do anything to piss you off...

NicoX 08-09-2014 01:17 PM

vBulletin5 would be nice.
Can also help with design etc.

Minoc 08-09-2014 02:01 PM

Upgrade to 3.8.8 and perform some additional updates to the forums (combine redundant forums such as Feature request with Future Improvements, abolish the current reputation system, restore the NGRT forum, allow larger avatars).

Bell 08-09-2014 06:33 PM

Option 1 seems like the logical choice

samich 08-09-2014 06:43 PM

Yeah, I think the forum in it's current state is doing just fine, and option 1 seems to have the most benefits, especially for mobile registration stuff, I assume.

So I'd also say option 1 seems the way to go.

On top of that, I also agree with the revisions Minoc mentioned.

Crono 08-09-2014 06:50 PM

I like option 1. I hope the rules are looked into aswell.

scriptless 08-09-2014 09:03 PM

I agree. I like option 1. We would need to see some examples of the ip boards for those of use like me who have never seen them but the 1st option would be a definite upgrade that I know a lot of us have been asking for for a long time

cbk1994 08-10-2014 12:02 AM

Also prefer option 1. I don't think the software is what's holding back these forums.

Tashkin 08-10-2014 12:36 AM

I would have to go with option 1 as well. Removing the gold subscription from the forums will be a good thing. :)

Stephen 08-10-2014 01:01 AM

I'm interested in option #2, upgrading to Vbulletin 5. I may be able to help a little while we transition to Vb5 and try to redefine our skin, but I am not available to completely overhaul.

alskdjfhg 08-10-2014 03:12 AM

While staying on topic though, either option 2 or option 3 will do :D

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