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Raelyn 01-11-2015 07:01 PM

Questions, comments, complaints and concerns.
I would like to perform a poll regarding our beloved server. As the players, what features, bugs, updates, etc. do you personally find to be highest priority and/or longest over-due?

Please feel free to offer any suggestion that you think is valid, and give a rating, on a scale of 1 to 10, how high of a priority that you find it to be.

Hopefully, this will give us all, administration included, some insight into the concerns of the players as a whole. This insight should, I think, push the server towards some tangible improvements.

Thank you for your participation.

Teacher90 01-12-2015 12:06 AM

Teacher90's Suggestions
3/10 Feature: Wild Life: Cows, mounts, real sheep!
Bugs work to!

10/10 DUNGEON gear!
10/10 Better Monster Loot!
2/10 Map updates
7/10 Revamp Treasure Maps

Idea recently submitted to Tashkin: Link Tigbot inventory to xmas dungeon chests and monsters.

Supaman771 01-12-2015 01:29 AM

Do it right f**king now (game play requirements):
-Stop changing our font on log-in.
-Stop changing our GUI window preferences whenever we use internal windows.
-Make players '/save' automatically at specific points (changing respawn, logging off, changing islands?). Nobody should have to deal with this feature on their own.
-Put speed back; randomly capping it when people already have past that cap is pure retardation. This is a huge negative; especially when every item has Speed+ and the map is ****ing huge. You want people to leave trade not promote standing still.
-Have players always on Kingdom Tag as default... guilds/staff/stuff would override this for RP purposes, but if you want Kingdoms to mean something then a player shouldn't be a member of the Zormite kingdom and not be recognizable/representing whenever they're online. Outlaws should be easily recognized to be recruited and whatnot.

Do it soon (simple improvements):
-Make Kingdoms/unique guilds have recognizable AP colors. There is no more trial/notrial/vip difference... use this simple system for something constructive. ETs should be easily differentiated from Samurai and Forest alike (especially when they're not bmode).
-Add a day/night/creature spawn timer of some sort... could be as simple as a changing sun/moon icon so players know the difference between bomys and reapers without having to kill them and wait.
-Overhead HP display needs numerical values and/or incremental dashes of some sort.
-Elemental/attack-type effects need to be visible on players in some way when applied and for the duration. Could be as simple as an over-head icon. 'Poisoned!' when they get hit, tint them green for the duration. This is all up for debate but it is simple as pie to do and since PvM/PvP is supposed to be the entire goal of the server, having zero distinction actually makes me feel disgusted. Overall PvM/P clarity with these ideas.
-Message Log needs to be traverse-able with mouse scroll or contained in its own window with a scroll-bar. Seriously; it's 2015... we're getting spammed with messages every-time we touch something or someone logs on/dies/respawns/sends a message/prays from 2003... let us filter and view this.

All the above should be doable within 24-48 hours honestly. Most of it is pre-existing points of reference that are just not clarified/visible to players.

Long Term Do-Age (stuff to work on):
-Kingdom competition. Give rewards for the most RP every month; make some more events for kingdoms (kingdom spar; make a water level with boat spawners, etc.) give kingdoms a reason to promote/add players and war each-other... add objectives (Samurais have captured a golden Dustarian chicken, will they go to war to reclaim the sacred egg-layer?? +5000rp if dusty gets it back (but goes to war!), -5000rp if they refuse). I don't know... just do something, get a Kingdom Admin.
-Dungeons/Monsters.. obviously. Make more HH's with different creatures/rewards. Add caves with different level creatures, I'm sure you could randomize some of the regular dungeon/labyrinth monsters to be less boring. Any monkey can make levels, and having messed with the creatures b4, there's no reason someone can't make a new dungeon in a matter of a couple work-hours (a few days of graal-time). Not everything needs to be super special effects and scripted up like the Crypt (which in-itself isn't even that complex).
-Gear/Items... this is kinda simple and most people do this first; I mean it takes from 2-30 mins to make a item depending if you need on-player animations for it or not. But it's not all just newplz.. someone could go make 40 different recolored ring/scroll icons in an hour and make this stuff more recognizable and professional.
-Scores/Points/Collectables... really add some systems or competition that people can work on after experience. Right now, once a player reaches level 110 (and 107 in like 2/6 categories) they've effectively completed the game. There needs to be a reason for players to keep logging on and to compete against each other; besides just collecting items.

I'll probably post more later if any progress actually gets made, this is tl;dr.

Raelyn 01-12-2015 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Teacher90 (Post 1733986)
3/10 Feature: Wild Life: Cows, mounts, real sheep!
Bugs work to!

Cuckos? ;)


10/10 DUNGEON gear!
10/10 Better Monster Loot!
I agree that "loot" is a good priority, although I think this should primarily be focused on lower-end loot to bridge the gap for new players. IE. adding things like, unenchanted basic equipment, "sabre" or "silver pawn helmet" but with the common suffixes allowed, so you could potentially find things like "sabre of woe (cursed)" or "silver pawn helmet +1" etc. All of these types of item archtypes and suffixes already exist, I believe, they just haven't been added to any currently existing monster's loot tables.

Of course, this would probably make more sense if we expanded our monster variety. We currently have "orcs", "demons" and "cyclops" but they are all casters, which doesn't make a lot of sense. It probably wouldn't be to hard, using the same system in place for Vampires to make an array of different monsters of each archtype. IE. "Orc Grunt", "Orc Shaman", "Orc Heavy" etc, and allowing them to each carry different equipment, and have different loot tables, corresponding with the sorts of things that they might be carrying.

On another note, it might be good to see some creatures start dropping consumable items like potions, or scrolls. For instance, "Potion of Healing" or "Scroll of Small Snowstorm (lvl 3)" etc.

I'm afraid that a lot of new players don't actually carry or use any of the types of beneficial potions available, due to their prohibitively high costs in shops, and the amount of time it takes to gather a useful stack of them. Likewise with scrolls. I don't even think many new players are aware of how useful they are.


2/10 Map updates
7/10 Revamp Treasure Maps
Could you be more specific about what types of map updates and treasure map updates you would like to see?

Raelyn 01-12-2015 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Supaman771 (Post 1733991)
-Scores/Points/Collectables... really add some systems or competition that people can work on after experience. Right now, once a player reaches level 110 (and 107 in like 2/6 categories) they've effectively completed the game. There needs to be a reason for players to keep logging on and to compete against each other; besides just collecting items.

Many, many good points made here. I'd just like to touch on this last one.

Even something as simple as quests for "reputation" could be done here, or "achievements". As you stated before, this is 2015...

Honestly, quests shouldn't be that hard of a thing to implement, yet would add replay value to the game. For instance, "daily" quests, or "kingdom" quests, in which players were asked to complete a task, IE. "Kill 25 Smokys", or "Collect 10 cyclops arms" in exchange for some sort of reward, kingdom RP, or NC/EC/Plats/Diamonds etc.

The problem I see with the current "quest" system is that the only actual reward involved is, ultimately, gold keys. Players who are level 110 with max stats don't need gold keys, and the keys don't carry any real value currently, as there aren't enough "new" players to even make them significantly trade-able.

Teacher90 01-12-2015 04:41 AM

(*Funeedude15218)Master Sailor Van Dascar (Dustari) (Mon Jan 12 02:01:08 2015):
theres no wonder left in this place. even if you are new, how do you ever begin to live up to some of the items people have had for 10+ years.

Raelyn 01-12-2015 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Supaman771 (Post 1733991)
...the map is ****ing huge.

It's actually not. That's part of the problem.

super_matt89 01-12-2015 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Teacher90 (Post 1733997)
(*Funeedude15218)Master Sailor Van Dascar (Dustari) (Mon Jan 12 02:01:08 2015):
theres no wonder left in this place. even if you are new, how do you ever begin to live up to some of the items people have had for 10+ years.

I believe a good solution is to allow the combining of weapons/gear to create a next tier up weapon/gear etc.
e.g. Combining 3x = 1x

Raelyn 01-13-2015 02:36 AM

This is a complaint that I have had for a while now, and I think it needs to be addressed.

I just want to say, for those older, higher level players. Please stop taking new players to the Ice Cavern and "power-leveling" them.

It's not teaching them anything about how to play the game and only encourages them to stand around begging to be power-leveled. Then we become left with new players, still barely knowing how to get around the world, who are level 70+ and have no equipment.

We need more direction for new players, and dungeons that are more balanced for different stages of the leveling process. It might even be worth putting a minimum level requirement on the "hard" Ice Cavern and the Crypt, to discourage this sort of behavior.

Toshihiro 01-13-2015 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by super_matt89 (Post 1734028)

Where can I craft the flaming sword for it?

Raelyn 01-13-2015 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Toshihiro (Post 1734036)
Where can I craft the flaming sword for it?

Flaming Swords can't be crafted, and can only be generated via west Haunted House treasure spawns. Though I am assuming that you already knew that, and were simply making a point.

The idea of combining existing items in order to turn them into, again, existing items is sort of a pointless one. What would make more sense is to focus on the items that already exist within the source, but simply don't exist yet within the game.

The reality is that the only thing monsters currently drop is body parts, apart from very few exceptions. Of the items currently "lootable" (skulls swords), they are being allowed to accept suffixes, but the only ones typically found are;

of Mass
of Great Mass
of Woe
of Ilrya

3 of these are cursed, and virtually useless to own, and the latter of the four is a positive enchantment, but does absolutely nothing except for slightly reduce the weight of the weapon, and prevents it from being enchanted any further, due to the removal of "double suffix". Which again, makes it a virtually useless item to own.

The lack of a wider item base should be an embarrassment to GK, considering that the source game it was modeled after has a huge item library, and a large pool of possible suffixes and enchantments, allowing for players to actually have a purpose to go through dungeons, IE. searching for that rare artifact or item/enchantment combination of their dreams.

Toshihiro 01-14-2015 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Raelyn (Post 1734044)
Flaming Swords can't be crafted, and can only be generated via west Haunted House treasure spawns. Though I am assuming that you already knew that, and were simply making a point.

The idea of combining existing items in order to turn them into, again, existing items is sort of a pointless one. What would make more sense is to focus on the items that already exist within the source, but simply don't exist yet within the game.

The reality is that the only thing monsters currently drop is body parts, apart from very few exceptions. Of the items currently "lootable" (skulls swords), they are being allowed to accept suffixes, but the only ones typically found are;

of Mass
of Great Mass
of Woe
of Ilrya

3 of these are cursed, and virtually useless to own, and the latter of the four is a positive enchantment, but does absolutely nothing except for slightly reduce the weight of the weapon, and prevents it from being enchanted any further, due to the removal of "double suffix". Which again, makes it a virtually useless item to own.

The lack of a wider item base should be an embarrassment to GK, considering that the source game it was modeled after has a huge item library, and a large pool of possible suffixes and enchantments, allowing for players to actually have a purpose to go through dungeons, IE. searching for that rare artifact or item/enchantment combination of their dreams.

Thanks for the specific details

Cubical 01-14-2015 11:44 AM

Move kingdoms to main island and allow them to be captured. Would add content to main and keep the kingdom islands from being useless.

Raelyn 01-14-2015 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Cubical (Post 1734058)
Move kingdoms to main island and allow them to be captured. Would add content to main and keep the kingdom islands from being useless.

Personally, I would like to see all the islands combined onto one gmap. I don't know if that's possible however.

Cubical 01-14-2015 04:42 PM

nah, playerbase has never been big enough to even make kingdom islands worth it. I'd rather see main slammed to hell with buildings and stuff to do. The reason nobody really messes with kingdoms is because its such a hassle to go there. Leave the islands for RP purposes but GK is probably one of the biggest servers with nowhere near a high player count. Hell, I'd even be willing to take the take to migrate some of it from kingdom islands to main and code together a capture system if needed. I may be a little biased but here are some of the reasons in this old unrelated post.

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