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Robin 05-06-2008 09:39 PM

Application: Robin

My name is Robin, as my account suggests, I'm 21, Male, A freelance web developer, and I live in Cardiff, which is the capital of Wales.
As a freelance web developer, I work from home on contract based projects.
I was a member of the Global Scripting Team, worked with the finest scripters on Graal, and was able to help some of the best servers ever made.

I play Graal, because it's fun! Why else would anyone play a game?

I partake in the development because it fulfills my need to create, due to the expression released when creating scripts, and the community is strong, if a little too serious sometimes :)


I have worked as a great many things in my life, most of them involving full time or part time customer service jobs. I love working with people and solving problems.

During my job, I have the opportunity to work with clients around the world, often times having no contact other than instant messaging, this bestows upon me the unique ability to work with others tremendously well, especially online.

I've worked on too many servers to list as various positions and once I became GST it was part of my job to help every server that needed it. I worked well with the other GST and a few are still my good friends.

Why I stand out

I'm confident, I'm larger than life, and I'm never afraid to point out when anyone is wrong, and always there to back someone up when they are right. I have the ability to use contractions in my every day language ;)

Seriously though, I'd rather believe that anyone has a shot at this, and it shouldn't matter whether you shine out or not. If you're competent and trustworthy, that should be enough, whether or not the candidate is going to excel or not depends entirely on them.


My education consists of the usual basics, and although I have taken computer science courses in my educational career, I've not really learned more than I already know. I took it upon myself to learn programming languages from a very young age, improving my knowledge by myself.

I'm self employed, and part of that means that I get to spend all day / night online, which can be good or bad depending on how you look at it. I will always be available to help in Graal-related matters whenever I'm awake (AIM on the cellphone people!) :)

  • RC / Script Security is too lax.
  • A certain level of script sanity and efficiency should be endorsed by the GST
    • Glaringly obvious mistakes in player systems should be addressed
    • Graal Script 2 should now be default for new playerworlds
    • The GST need the ability/rights to accommodate these responsibilities
  • Graphics should be per-playerworld, if they are not part of the default files, and these rules should be enforced.


I have been through a lot in my life, and I have a fair amount of character flaws, lack of judgement is not one of them. I'm approachable and I'm the guy you come to, when things need sorting. It's up to you if you want to take my advice.


Thanks for reading, considering, putting me in the short list, worshiping, salivating, getting aroused, whatever you take from this :P

Chompy 05-06-2008 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Robin (Post 1389307)
  • A certain level of script sanity and efficiency should be endorsed by the GST
    • Glaringly obvious mistakes in player systems should be addressed

What do you mean by this?

Elizabeth 05-06-2008 10:17 PM

i always thought you were female.
well since you came back to the forums, i thought you were.
robin for pwa

Robin 05-06-2008 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chompy (Post 1389314)
What do you mean by this?

Stats which aren't affected properly in custom battle systems.
Conflicting movement systems, etc.
Conflicting variable names, conflicts in general.


Originally Posted by Elizabeth (Post 1389315)
i always thought you were female.
well since you came back to the forums, i thought you were.
robin for pwa

I am indeed a guy. Robyn is how you spell the female version where I come from :P
Thanks :)

Nabru 05-06-2008 11:17 PM

Urban supports r0bin for PWA.

Robin 05-07-2008 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Nabru (Post 1389319)
Urban supports r0bin for PWA.

R0bin <3ies Urban

Nabru 05-07-2008 12:50 AM

Ain't gotta tell me baby I know it! - Bender

cbk1994 05-07-2008 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Robin (Post 1389307)
  • RC / Script Security is too lax.
  • A certain level of script sanity and efficiency should be endorsed by the GST
    • Glaringly obvious mistakes in player systems should be addressed
    • Graal Script 2 should now be default for new playerworlds
    • The GST need the ability/rights to accommodate these responsibilities
  • Graphics should be per-playerworld, if they are not part of the default files, and these rules should be enforced.
p to you if you want to take my advice.

Those don't really stand out.

The first one is way too general, the second is, in my opinion, a bad change. The third is something I believe should not be forced, if you pay for the server, you should be able to script however you want.

That GS2 should be default (4th) is just common sense; nothing unique. The fifth is obvious of course, and the graphics thing is already there, just needs to be enforced, which literally anyone can do.

I recommend telling more about unique things that you can do that others cannot.

Robin 05-07-2008 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by cbkbud (Post 1389330)
Those don't really stand out.

The first one is way too general, the second is, in my opinion, a bad change. The third is something I believe should not be forced, if you pay for the server, you should be able to script however you want.

That GS2 should be default (4th) is just common sense; nothing unique. The fifth is obvious of course, and the graphics thing is already there, just needs to be enforced, which literally anyone can do.

I recommend telling more about unique things that you can do that others cannot.

There were some things myself and Skyld were discussing in order to better the current (and I'm sorry to say, poor) state that some playerworlds have seem to fallen into, whether or not they are unique or not, they are important points, and whether or not you agree with them or not is beside the issue.

These are policies I personally feel need to be changed, or reviewed. Will I get my own way? Probably not. Will the best for everyone come out of it? I certainly hope so.

I see you posting around these forums enough to see you have a pretty pessimistic view on everything. May I ask why you feel the need to ignore every other point I made, casually cast off some very important points, seemingly to feed your own sense of self-righteousness when you have made NO valid points yourself?

You make this point:

Originally Posted by cbkbud (Post 1389330)
The third is something I believe should not be forced, if you pay for the server, you should be able to script however you want.

You are paying for the privilege to have a Graal server under your control. Nothing more. If you expect to see your server on the hosted or classic list, you will be expected to produce something of quality. If I were a player, logging on to the first time to something that was buggy, made my computer run slow with the game and looked horrible, I wouldn't renew my subscription. That's a loss for Graal. The more that happens the less players there will be.

Take your pessimism somewhere else Chris. It is not needed when it comes to discussing the policies of Graal.

cbk1994 05-07-2008 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Robin (Post 1389382)
There were some things myself and Skyld were discussing in order to better the current (and I'm sorry to say, poor) state that some playerworlds have seem to fallen into, whether or not they are unique or not, they are important points, and whether or not you agree with them or not is beside the issue.

Hardly beside the issue, as hopefully some players will have a partial say in who becomes a PWA. However, I did not mean to say that I necessarily disagreed with everything you posted; merely that you some of your points are common sense.

I see you posting around these forums enough to see you have a pretty pessimistic view on everything. May I ask why you feel the need to ignore every other point I made, casually cast off some very important points, seemingly to feed your own sense of self-righteousness when you have made NO valid points yourself?
I apologize; I did not mean to come across in a bad way. Your application looks very nice, I was simply pointing out some things that I thought needed perhaps to be revised.


You are paying for the privilege to have a Graal server under your control. Nothing more. If you expect to see your server on the hosted or classic list, you will be expected to produce something of quality. If I were a player, logging on to the first time to something that was buggy, made my computer run slow with the game and looked horrible, I wouldn't renew my subscription. That's a loss for Graal. The more that happens the less players there will be.
Yes, I agree for Classic and Hosted playerworlds, but for UC servers it should not be forced, though there should be people to help when needed.

Plus, most people after first logging in don't type some random string of letters into the white box; they double click on some server, most likely one near the top of the list.

So, like I said I think it would be okay to force some kind of rules regarding efficient scripts on public worlds (meaning on the server list), but UC servers should have their choice; I would hate for globals to come on and start deleting or fixing up my old useless scripts.

Take your pessimism somewhere else Chris. It is not needed when it comes to discussing the policies of Graal.
I'm sorry you see me as a pessimist, there is nothing I can do to dissuade this illusion to you.

You truly don't know me well enough to know whether or not I am a pessimist, however, like I said, I did not mean for it to come across that you had a bad application; it was actually very nice. I just pointed out some things I would change.

Sorry again for the confusion ;)

pooper200000 05-07-2008 03:47 AM

I hope this isn't just me...
It sounds like you are applying to be a GST not a PWA.

RC / Script Security is too lax.
The GST need the ability/rights to accommodate these responsibilities
RC / Script Security (Scripting)

A certain level of script sanity and efficiency should be endorsed by the GST
Glaringly obvious mistakes in player systems should be addressed

Graal Script 2 should now be default for new playerworlds
I believe Stefan said that GS2 was being used on all but Valikorlia and N-Pulse. Although they could have been updated to GS2 and other UC servers could be created which were GS1. That was posted in August of 2007 though. So I think it would be logical to draw the conclusion that GS2 is now the default.


Graphics should be per-playerworld, if they are not part of the default files, and these rules should be enforced.
This seems like the only non script related policy you posted. How do you think these rules should be enforced? How harshly? If the images are renamed that would mean that a PWA would have to check those images and files uploaded to a server almost daily. That sounds like a task that however important it may be it would take more hours than there are in a day to check.

I liked your application. You put a lot of thought into it. :)

Robin 05-07-2008 07:31 AM

I'm not applying for the GST. I believe they're content as they are, otherwise there would be more than just the three of them.

The PWA needs new ideas, and a kick in the right direction for those not so unique ideas ;)

HoudiniMan 05-07-2008 10:00 AM

Your "welcome back" thread is still at the top of the Hello/Goodbye forum... Talk about slamming it into 5th gear x_x

Skyld 05-07-2008 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by HoudiniMan (Post 1389435)
Your "welcome back" thread is still at the top of the Hello/Goodbye forum... Talk about slamming it into 5th gear x_x

Shows willing and determination, I guess.

Robin 05-07-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Skyld (Post 1389438)
Shows willing and determination, I guess.

Or it shows I was a bit infamous and people are shocked I'm back :P

I'm not sure why but I've always warmed to people here, even people who are a bit pushy or threatening to begin with always turn out to be good people at their core.

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