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cyan3 12-22-2008 09:06 PM

FAQ Applications
To apply for the FAQ Team you must meet the requirements below in your application.

- Account name
- Nickname
- Online time (Must be 1500+)
- Why do you want to become an FAQ?
- How could you improve the current FAQ system?
- Have you got a gold subscription?

In addition to the requirements you must have a good understanding of the hardware and software of a computer system and how they may effect the Graal Client and also some knowledge of Graal development to help you identify the course of any problems a player may have encounter with the Graal Client.

Please post all applications in this thread or to me via forum pm if you don't want your application to be public.

Note: Please do not apply for the FAQ Team if you don't have the time or are not serious about the position.

kia345 12-22-2008 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1416145)
Name: PoJo
Hours Played: 2048+~
Time on GK: 3 years, maybe less, maybe more.

Experience: Being Pat's cute comic-relief sidekick, I picked up many a lesson from him. Other that, being Zormite's last king scored me a spot of authority, which meant that everybody in need in Zormite ran to me before the FAQs, so I'm no stranger to stupid questions, or answering them.

My entire srs app is riding on the fact my experience is from being a kingdom leader has given the basic "know-how" to help players on GK, as well as a vague grasp of the economy.

Alternative FAQ App

Name: PoJo
Online time: 2048 hrs
Experience: Legend in my spare time, Nerevarine, All around cool guy

Why hire me?
I'm awesome. Simple as that. Whether you need a FAQ, fountain, frisbee, or falcon, I'm the superior choice. And not just with F things. I'm also a fairly accomplished warlock, Wartortle, wolverine, and weatherman. I'm also one of the individuals who are not only aware of, but preparing for the zombie holocaust. Whilst all of you are merrily riding carousels and submarines, I'll be locked in my shed, armed with naught but a machete and a shovel, fighting for not just my life, but the entire human race's. After eliminating the Zombie threat, I'd have access to their vital organs, now scattered around my yard. Using said organs, I'd be able to find a vaccine for this deadly epidemic. From there I will begin my trek, far below the Earth's surface, to the underwater realm of Apalachicola, fighting along side dolphin warriors and Aqua-Woman herself. After freeing the aquatic land, I'll take my rightful place as ruler of Earth, which will simply be exploited to fund and support my Deathstar(s).

And that's how I saved Mordor.

shameless repost because I have nothing better to do on GK

Arch_Angel 12-23-2008 12:38 AM

- Your account name

- How long you've played Graal Kingdoms
Total: Approx. 1.6k hours, 830 on this account.

- Nickname

- The reason you'd like to become a FAQ
I would like to become FAQ due to the fact of me wanting to help people out on Graal Kingdoms. Its community is excellent (best on Graal) and I am usually running about helping people, not only with questions, but in gameplay as well. Such as making them scrolls, showing them how to do alchemy, learn scrolls, use skills, level skills, improve stats etc . . . I've been around GK for a good bit of time, and know a good majority of the F.A.Q.'s people ask about. Not only would I answer the question for them, I'd help them physically learn some of the not-so-newb-friendly features in the game.

- Any additional information that you feel will improve your chances
I've been Dev and Non-Dev staff on numerous servers, know how it all works, and know how to handle myself in a professional manner when need be. If that results in it being all the time, then so be it. I am on almost every day of the week on Kingdoms, and plan to keep it that way for a good bit of time.


broudthegreat 12-23-2008 03:36 PM

- Your Accounts Name

My account's name is broudthegreat.

How long have you played Graal Kingdoms

Total: 2002? and 720 hours.

The Reason you would like to become a FAQ

I would like to become a FAQ because:
1.To help new players and Older players.
2.I would help people find places.
3.I really love Graal Kingdoms and its Community.
4.I know alot about Graal Kingdoms.
5. Will help with personal problems (if asked).

Stuff that may improve your chances.

I have a great personality , I am very friendly , I have been staff on Zodiac, Unholy Nation, and I <3 helping people.

P.S. Good luck picking and i wont mind if you dont choose me (seeing my app how crappy it is)

Xterminator 12-24-2008 01:03 AM

Account name


Online time
Right now i have 940 hours.

Why do you want to become an FAQ?
I want to become FAQ because i wanna help out the starters and perhaps older gk players and to answer them as clearly as i can to help them understand more. I could also help the beginners by showing them around and helping them get starter equipment. All in all i just wanna help out the community the best i can to help keep players around for fun things to happen.

Additional Notes
I have a good experience as Staff as i was previously an Events Master on GK, im currently Temp-PA on Zone and i was a Temp FAQ on Zodiac aswell.
As Temp-PA on Zone, i don't think it will effect my time on FAQ tag at all.


cyan3 01-10-2009 11:21 PM

FAQ Applications are still open. Please read the first post before submitting an application.

FenixTheBanished 01-11-2009 01:09 AM

- Your account name

- How long you've played Graal Kingdoms
2825 hours - since 2004

- Nickname
Fenix Valthonis

- The reason you'd like to become a FAQ
I was a FAQ before and I enjoyed the job and liked helping people out. I would like to become a FAQ again because it seems the server needs some active FAQs to help any new players with questions or help. I have played for a long time and people need help in the beginning and even after playing for years there are always things that you can learn about the game. I know a lot about the game and would be able to assist many people with problems or questions that they may have.;)

Grand Duke Fenix Valthonis (Zormite Republic)

Supaman771 01-11-2009 09:32 PM

- Online time (Must be 1500+)


Since when does online time make knowledge? Do you people support not having a life? >.>

cyan3 01-11-2009 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Supaman771 (Post 1456295)
- Online time (Must be 1500+)


Since when does online time make knowledge? Do you people support not having a life? >.>

The 1500 hours is a guide because I only want serious applications. If you think you have what it takes to be an FAQ you can still apply under the guided hours.

Gothika 01-12-2009 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by broudthegreat (Post 1451888)
How long have you played Graal Kingdoms
Total: 2002?

If thats a question. the answer is no.
No you havn't.

Ravenblade1979 01-17-2009 07:08 PM

Having more then 1500 would actually show that you know something. Yeah you could probably learn alot as a normal player but do you really know everything? by 1500+ hours you should know quite a bit as you would have experienced tons of stuff on GK.

cyan3 01-18-2009 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenblade1979 (Post 1457734)
Having more then 1500 would actually show that you know something. Yeah you could probably learn alot as a normal player but do you really know everything? by 1500+ hours you should know quite a bit as you would have experienced tons of stuff on GK.

All current and previous FAQs on Graal Kingdoms have had over 2000 hours. However as said hours does not count as knowledge but if you qualify with the knowledge you'll most likely have the hours also.

darkinlightz 01-23-2009 10:06 PM

- Darkinlightz
- Darkinlight
- 1883 hrs 2 mins 55secs
- Help people out
- Being active and attentive
- ya

cyan3 02-10-2009 06:48 PM

As a reminder the FAQ applications are still open.

Please post your applications here if you wish to apply for the position.

Supaman771 04-07-2009 11:00 PM

- Supaman771
- Rogue
- 1500 (ish) *cough*
- All I usually do is sit in trade house correcting people and answering random questions and I'd like to do that with a nice tag on. I play 24/7 (No Life *cough*) so I know most of the usual faces around GK and I know mostly everything you need to know about the server itself.
- I can bring a bit of variety to the current Faq team. I believe I'm funny and easy to get along with but can be serious if it is called for. Also I have cookies. (>:O)
- Over 2 years in Gelats remaining

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