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Lance 01-13-2005 12:52 PM

Reminder: Naming your server's files
Several times have there been problems wherein servers have uploaded files with the same names as files on other servers. When players visit these other servers, these more-recently-uploaded files will overwrite the normal files from the other servers in your webgifs directory. This is a problem, especially when files from official servers such as Graal Kingdoms are being overwritten.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you all of the recommendation that when uploading graphics and sounds to your server, you prefix (or suffix) them with the name of the server where it is being uploaded. A recent example: instead of uploading some modified 'bomyload.wav' file to your server, you should rename it to (yourservername)_bomyload.wav or bomyload_(yourservername).wav. However, you should not be using bomys anyway, so you might want to use a name which actually fits what you are using the new file for.

This will prevent the overwriting from happening and also will help when there are issues with one server stealing another's graphics. By following this recommendation, you will also avoid the awkward problem where two different people on one server might see a single NPC as having a different graphic, depending on which other servers they may have already visited. A good example of this would be a file with a simple name like 'speaker.png'. Several months ago, I visited a playerworld with a different (and newer) speaker.png file than Era's, so whenever I was on Era I ended up seeing the other server's speaker.png. It was much bigger than Era's, so you can see how it would be a problem. That problem has been solved, but many other such problems keep appearing. So, please, take care when naming files.

osrs 01-13-2005 03:32 PM

Good advice, it would not be good to play Graal Kingdoms/Zone with replaced files.

Kaimetsu 01-13-2005 05:03 PM

I cannot understand why Graal still uses a single folder for this stuff. Sure, sharing files between playerworlds is good, but I think most users would gladly spend a few extra kilobytes of space if it meant conflicts such as these were eradicated.

One folder per playerworld! It is the future.

GoZelda 01-13-2005 06:24 PM

Wow. It was so long ago I suggested this. I remember it took me 5 sentences to explain it, then Kai posted as 3d or 2nd and said it in 1 sentence.

Evil_Trunks 01-13-2005 09:57 PM

I always wanted seperate folders myself

then I could delete the graphics from the servers I don't play so Graal doesn't take so long to load

Kaimetsu 01-14-2005 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Evil_Trunks
then I could delete the graphics from the servers I don't play so Graal doesn't take so long to load

Or Graal could restrict the indexing process to the server that you're currently entering.

matt8891 01-24-2005 04:46 PM

Is there a specific name to rename your rclogs on a playerworld in order for them to be deleted? I have a bunch of rc logs which i check once a week then rename them to rc_old.txt. It's getting to the point in which it's taking longer to even see the logs once i click 'logs' in the file manager.

And i guess Stefan or Unix removed rights from everyone to delete rclogs for security reasons.

Curt1zzle 01-27-2005 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Kaimetsu
I cannot understand why Graal still uses a single folder for this stuff. Sure, sharing files between playerworlds is good, but I think most users would gladly spend a few extra kilobytes of space if it meant conflicts such as these were eradicated.

One folder per playerworld! It is the future.

I concur. :\

Crono 01-27-2005 11:33 AM

And dont name your files treetop.png you dopes. Too many people do that, and for hells sake STOP IT WITH THE GANI OVERWRITES.

Stupid server managers...

Admins 03-22-2005 01:45 AM

Sharing the files makes sense because most playerworld staff are uploading thousands of heads and bodies to their server, you would need to download all those files again. If you prefix the files then they will be saved into their own folder now (in v3.1 and in v4)

Velox Cruentus 04-26-2005 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Stefan
Sharing the files makes sense because most playerworld staff are uploading thousands of heads and bodies to their server, you would need to download all those files again. If you prefix the files then they will be saved into their own folder now (in v3.1 and in v4)

Do you believe you may put the folders as a subfolder of webgifs? There are awefully a lot of badly named images that just clutter the levels folder (When I go and delete my images instead of reinstalling graal entirely, I have to evade such folders as ganis, heads, scripts, tiledefs, and so on.)

As for the rclogs.txt / npclogs.txt -- Do you think you can make it so that the Admin account of the server has the ability to delete these?

Inverness 05-15-2005 12:20 AM

I Completely agree.
I've been doing this for a long time, because I think its organized
unfortunately, noone else on Aeon ever listened to me when I said to use file prefixes, so things are cluttered.

MegaMasterX90875 04-21-2006 04:05 PM

I think I understand the reasoning behind the "one folder for all" idea, but I do think that servers should check to see if a file exists before downloading, and if it does exist, then it should ask for overwrite confirmation (Just an idea)

Harbost 04-24-2006 08:47 AM

how much dose a playerworld cost

napo_p2p 04-24-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Harbost
how much dose a playerworld cost

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