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sssssssssss 08-22-2009 05:28 PM

Question on Server... again ...
PHP Code:

function onCreated() {

if (
temp.match == "1"){
serverr.sdematch1 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "2"){
serverr.sdematch2 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "3"){
serverr.sdematch3 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "4"){
serverr.sdematch4 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "5"){
serverr.sdematch5 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "6"){
serverr.sdematch6 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "7"){
serverr.sdematch7 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "8"){
serverr.sdematch8 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "9"){
serverr.sdematch9 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
if (
temp.match == "10"){
serverr.sdematch10 = {temp.vplayertemp.splayer};
function onCreated() {

  if (!(
player.account in {"sssssssssss""Decus_Arillias"})) return;
  if ("setmatch")) {

ok, now what I'm trying to do, obviously, is set 10 matches. There has got to be a better way to do this than have 10 different server flags isnt there?

I know I could go reading 10 in the array, and I think to pull it out i'd need a for(), but I tried. I've been out of this for 4 years. Sorry guys.

Gambet 08-22-2009 06:01 PM

Yes, you can use a loop instead:

PHP Code:

function onActionSetMatchServer(matchvplayersplayer) {
  for (
temp.0temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
    if (
match == imakevar("serverr.sdematch" i) = {vplayersplayer};

Please note that when defining names for parameters you do not use the temp. prefix to read their values.

sssssssssss 08-22-2009 06:10 PM

Should have known. Forgot to do the if match is i. xD
Like I said, been to long, thanks gambet.

screen_name 08-22-2009 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Gambet (Post 1517571)
Yes, you can use a loop instead:

PHP Code:

function onActionSetMatchServer(matchvplayersplayer) {
  for (
temp.0temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
    if (
match == imakevar("serverr.sdematch" i) = {vplayersplayer};

Please note that when defining names for parameters you do not use the temp. prefix to read their values.

Now, I've seen this in other scripts as well. Just a few questions;
1. Can you explain why the temp. is not required or that just the way it is and I better accept it?
2. Also, does it only apply to temp.variables?
3. Are there any exceptions to this rule? I've noticed that you can use pc[0....10] or whatever to access variables created with temp.pc =;

Gambet 08-22-2009 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by screen_name (Post 1517601)
Now, I've seen this in other scripts as well. Just a few questions;
1. Can you explain why the temp. is not required or that just the way it is and I better accept it?
2. Also, does it only apply to temp.variables?
3. Are there any exceptions to this rule? I've noticed that you can use pc[0....10] or whatever to access variables created with temp.pc =;

I meant parameter names with what I stated but it's also true with temp. vars.

If I do this:

PHP Code:

function myFunction(foobar) {

I could read the values of foo and bar by just using the words foo and bar without any prefixes (i.e = foo SPC bar; or so).

Now, with regards to temporary variables, you only need to use the temp. prefix when first defining them and then all other instances after that you don't need to. It's similar to the whole parameter naming I mentioned above where at first you just need to tell the engine that you're defining a temporary variable for the function, once you have defined it, you no longer need to use a prefix to access it.


PHP Code:

function myFunction() {
temp.fooBar "apples"; fooBar;

Of course, you could still use the temp. prefix if you would like but it isn't necessary:

PHP Code:

function myFunction() {
temp.fooBar "apples"; temp.fooBar;

^Would work the same.

This doesn't work with this. vars., since this. vars can be accessed throughout the entire script whereas temp. vars are restricted to the function they are created in.

Switch 08-22-2009 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by screen_name (Post 1517601)
Now, I've seen this in other scripts as well. Just a few questions;
1. Can you explain why the temp. is not required or that just the way it is and I better accept it?
2. Also, does it only apply to temp.variables?
3. Are there any exceptions to this rule? I've noticed that you can use pc[0....10] or whatever to access variables created with temp.pc =;

1) For for() loops, yes.

2) If you mean using a for() loop, no, but in most cases you'll want to unless you plan to loop through an array of things, find something specific, and use the data somewhere else.

3) separates the player's chat at every space (" ") and put it in an array (tokenize() can also separate at other points by using a string inside the ()). Using that in temp.pc just makes it so you can access that data using temp.pc (needed when defining it) or pc (any time after defining it) and can only be called inside the function it was defined in.
Array sizes start at 0 for the first param and end at the number 1 less than the last param (in normal counting). Params are accessed using [#]. As an example:
PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
temp.array = { 1,2,};
  if (array[
0] == 1)
"first param at [0]");
  if (array[
1] == 2)
"second param at [1]");
  if (array[
2] == 3)
"third param at [2]");

screen_name 08-22-2009 07:46 PM

I knew how to access function parameters using said defined names. I think I took what you said the wrong way, but thanks for your clarifications. One more question though;

What should I expect this to output?
This? [foo] FOOED [] foostring [bar] BARRED [] barstring

|| This? [foo] foostring [] foostring [bar] barstring [] barstring
PHP Code:

function onFooMyBar(foo,bar) { "foostring"; "barstring"; "[foo]" SPC foo SPC "[]" SPC SPC "[bar]" SPC bar SPC "[]" SPC;

onCreated() {

EDIT to Switch: I know how to access functions and use tokenize; I'm just curious as to how temp. works. I'm glad you told me it's scope is the function it's used in.

EDIT to s^11: Sorry to jack your thread

Pelikano 08-22-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Switch (Post 1517607)
PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
temp.array = { 1,2,};
  if (array[
0] == 1)
"first param at [0]");
  if (array[
1] == 2)
"second param at [1]");
  if (array[
2] == 3)
"third param at [2]");

There's a way better way of doing this... by looping:

PHP Code:

temp.array = {1,2,3};
for (
temp.params : array) {
// blabla

Switch 08-22-2009 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Pelikano (Post 1517623)
There's a way better way of doing this... by looping:

PHP Code:

temp.array = {1,2,3};
for (
temp.params : array) {
// blabla

I was trying to show how arrays and params worked, not how looping works.

Pelikano 08-22-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Switch (Post 1517650)
I was trying to show how arrays and params worked, not how looping works.

I was showing how looping arrays works... oO?

sssssssssss 08-24-2009 06:29 PM

Ok. The forum I started was for this script.

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {

onActionSetMatchServer(matchvplayersplayer) {
  for (
temp.0temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
    if (
match == imakevar("serverr.sdematch" i) = {vplayersplayer};
onActionWarpMatchServer() {
onActionWarpMatchOutServer() {

function onCreated() {
  if (
    if (
player.account == serverr.sdematch1[0] || player.account == serverr.sdematch1[1]){
say2("Match1: " serverr.sdematch1[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch1[1] @ "
  Match2: " 
serverr.sdematch2[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch2[1] @ "
    Match3: " 
serverr.sdematch3[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch3[1] @ "
      Match4: " 
serverr.sdematch4[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch4[1] @ "
        Match5: " 
serverr.sdematch5[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch5[1] @ "
          Match6: " 
serverr.sdematch6[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch6[1] @ "
            Match7: " 
serverr.sdematch7[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch7[1] @ "
              Match8: " 
serverr.sdematch8[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch8[1] @ "
                Match9: " 
serverr.sdematch9[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch9[1] @ "
                  Match10: " 
serverr.sdematch10[0] @ " vs. " serverr.sdematch10[1] @"");

  if (
player.account in serverr.sdeaccess)
    if ("setmatch")) {
    if ("startmatches")){
      for (
temp.0temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
        if (
== 1){
          if (
!= ""){
            if (
player.account == serverr.sdematch1[0] || player.account == serverr.sdematch1[1]){

Now I'm lost, again. Im trying to set it where you can say "startmatches", and it will go through all the set matches, warping the people in for the first one, warp them out when they die, which will cause the 2nd set of matches to start, and warp them in, ect so on and so on.
Im just lost. Don't know where to go next, at all. help :(

sssssssssss 08-26-2009 07:51 AM

probably not supposed to do this but all. bump

Mark Sir Link 08-26-2009 08:22 AM

Among other things, player.dies is not a variable I am aware of existing. There is a GS1 event called playerdies.

If you plan on using that, it should be in a timeout rather than created so it gets checked more than once.

Your serverside warping functions don't have a player to warp. I believe it is currently warping the NPC itself to another level if it's even being hit.

Take other peoples suggestions from before and create something to clean up the say2, creating a string with a loop.

"if (player.account == serverr.sdematch1[0] " is particularly confusing because you'll only ever warp that particular player in element of the array rather than all the match strings.

zokemon 08-26-2009 09:04 AM

NPC Code:
function onActionSetMatchServer(match, vplayer, splayer) {
for (temp.i = 0; temp.i <= 10; temp.i++) {
if (match == i) makevar("serverr.sdematch" @ i) = {vplayer, splayer};

Why not this instead:
NPC Code:
function onActionSetMatchServer(match, vplayer, splayer) {
makevar("serverr.sdematch" @ match) = {vplayer, splayer};

Don't make a loop if you don't have to ;)

This looks even sexier:

NPC Code:
function onActionSetMatchServer(i, v, s) serverr.(@"sdematch" @ i) = {v, s};

serverr. and server. are the devil though.

Skyld 08-26-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by zokemon (Post 1518605)
This looks even sexier:

NPC Code:
function onActionSetMatchServer(i, v, s) serverr.(@"sdematch" @ i) = {v, s};

Get off my forum :(

Gambet 08-26-2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by zokemon (Post 1518605)
Why not this instead:
NPC Code:
function onActionSetMatchServer(match, vplayer, splayer) {
makevar("serverr.sdematch" @ match) = {vplayer, splayer};

Don't make a loop if you don't have to ;)

Actually the loop idea is much better than your idea because your idea is insecure in that a player would have the potential of creating an unlimited number of serverr. vars.

If you want to go the route of not using a loop, you would have to add an extra check to prevent the above from happening, something like:

PHP Code:

if (match in |110|) 

sssssssssss 08-26-2009 08:05 PM

I stick with loop, and ya, server is annoying but thats what i was choosing to use.
What im stuck at is getting the matches to start, warp the player in, when they die, warp both out, and warp match 2 in.
I just need to know how ot approach it, dont have to give me codes or anything.

fowlplay4 08-26-2009 08:32 PM

Well the basic idea is:

Have a player queue script, when the queue is full, create the matches, warp the players in, have a loop scan the players until one of them is dead, add the winner to a list, warp the loser to OSL, the winner to spar waiting room or whatever, then continue with next match, continue till there are no matches, then re-create the matches with winners, continue the same process till the winners list is down to just one.

Of course you'll have to add some other things to make for a better player experience, to prevent AFK people and so forth.

Should probably draw a diagram/flowchart, to get a better idea of the "big picture." MS' Visio is good for that.

sssssssssss 08-26-2009 10:12 PM

Thanks. :)
It probably would be easier for me to use this. scripts with all that wouldn it? And just do them serverside? I guess that would be alot on serverr flags wouldnt it?
And also, I've tried to do a triggeraction for warping players on a level npc, since actionserverside will not work on a level npc. Could I get a talk through on how or a sample on that?

fowlplay4 08-26-2009 10:27 PM

Well I'd have a DBNPC for this called SparBot, or something.

It would hold all the data, spar locations, matches, etc. You wouldn't need to use serverr flags at all.

In a DB-NPC you could have:

DB NPC Name: SlaveBot

PHP Code:

public function onWarpPlayer(acct) {

Then in a weapon npc.

PHP Code:

function onActionServerSide() {
  switch (
params[0]) {
findnpc("SlaveBot").onWarpPlayer(params[1]); "Kicked" SPC params[1]; 
function onPlayerChats() {
  if ("/kick")) {
triggerserver("gui"name"kick""/kick ".length()));

This is just an example of interacting with a DB NPC.

On the serverside you can do things in NPCs like:

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {

onTimeout() {
  for ( "You are being watched by ";

Will let everyone know they're being watched every 10 seconds ;) Of course that's just an example.

sssssssssss 08-27-2009 12:23 AM

I don't have access to the server this is going up on. I also cant make a wep for it. :(
ive done regular trigger actions to serverside script, then a setlevel2("levl.nw",x,y);
but it wouldnt seem to work at all.
also, this.commands work just fine serverside for this stuff right?

Mark Sir Link 08-27-2009 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by sssssssssss (Post 1518738)
Thanks. :)
It probably would be easier for me to use this. scripts with all that wouldn it? And just do them serverside? I guess that would be alot on serverr flags wouldnt it?
And also, I've tried to do a triggeraction for warping players on a level npc, since actionserverside will not work on a level npc. Could I get a talk through on how or a sample on that?

I wouldn't use server vars to allow for more flexibility, to be honest.

If you're deadset on always having a 16 man tourney, that's cool, but if you use a DB NPC to manage vars, it would be easier to allow for an adjustable size spar tourney.

sssssssssss 08-27-2009 11:04 PM

unfortunately, Im actually doing this for a guildhouse on a server, so I have no access to a DB NPC, and they wont let me. That would actually be easier on me than this for some reason. So this.flags will work fine for this too though correct?

And also, on the server warp, how do you get it to go on a level npc? I cant get it to work. :/

Mark Sir Link 08-27-2009 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by sssssssssss (Post 1518988)
unfortunately, Im actually doing this for a guildhouse on a server, so I have no access to a DB NPC, and they wont let me. That would actually be easier on me than this for some reason. So this.flags will work fine for this too though correct?

And also, on the server warp, how do you get it to go on a level npc? I cant get it to work. :/

this vars on the NPC itself will work if the level is not emptied or updated.

As for setlevel2, it can be used on the serverside in any NPC as long as you have an object (typically a player) you are sending.

I believe people have already posted examples of this but if you want a function purely for warping players to a waiting room or spar room, you could write a function sending a player and another param (with the level name, an int, whatever) to warp the player.

PHP Code:

//pre: array dest contains levelname, x, y
//post: warps player pobj to dest.
function warpPlayer(pobjdest)
pobj.setlevel2(dest[0], dest[1], dest[2]);

sssssssssss 08-28-2009 01:14 AM

btw, this.var is safe, as long as you dont get the level updated, as stated earlier. reconnecting, changing levels, it all stays. If i update level on rc, its erased. Tried on testbed. But, that works for me, because I wont be updating the level in the middle of a spar tournament.

TESTRETIS 08-28-2009 01:41 AM

fowl beat me to it, but I would also recommend that the case statement would be the best choice in what you are trying to do, less load on the server, and you will get the fastest response time.

sssssssssss 08-28-2009 02:29 AM

Just want to say first, I thank everyone for their help. I can do more than most, but I learn best through someone correct my mistakes, and at times showing me whats wrong. With that said:

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {

onActionSetMatchServer(matchvplayersplayer) {
  for (
temp.0temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
    if (
match == imakevar("this.sdematch" i) = {vplayersplayer};

  for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.j++) {
say2("Match" @ var("this.sdematch" j) @ ": " this.sdematch1[0] @ " vs. " this.sdematch1[1] @ "
  if (
player.account in serverr.sdeaccess)
    if ("setmatch")) {

I was attempting to make a loop, so when it does the playertouchsme, then does say 2, i dont have to type out every part of each var and array. I know you can do it, and I know im doing it wrong. I can only get it to say the first match.

Mark Sir Link 08-28-2009 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by sssssssssss (Post 1519067)
Just want to say first, I thank everyone for their help. I can do more than most, but I learn best through someone correct my mistakes, and at times showing me whats wrong. With that said:

I was attempting to make a loop, so when it does the playertouchsme, then does say 2, i dont have to type out every part of each var and array. I know you can do it, and I know im doing it wrong. I can only get it to say the first match.

rather than having it say2, you should make a var that keeps appending as you go through the loop, then say2 at the end.

also, in your script, you are only getting the say2 to display for the array sdematch1 rather than cycling through.

try replacing it with

PHP Code:

function onPlayerTouchsMe()
temp.matchlist "";
  for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.++)
matchlist @= "Match " ": " this.sdematch(@i)[0] @ " vs. " this.sdematch(@i)[1] @ "#b";

sssssssssss 08-28-2009 04:46 AM

odd, now it wont show anything except blank matches. before it at least showed the first one.

Just did a test with putting after the say2, its saying the this.var is there.

Mark Sir Link 08-28-2009 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by sssssssssss (Post 1519092)
odd, now it wont show anything except blank matches. before it at least showed the first one.

Just did a test with putting after the say2, its saying the this.var is there.

that was my fault, I forgot how appending works a bit. This should fix it.

PHP Code:

function onPlayerTouchsMe()
temp.matchlist "";
  for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.++)
matchlist @= "Match " ": " this.(@"sdematch" i)[0] @ " vs. " this.(@"sdematch" i)[1] @ "#b";

sssssssssss 08-28-2009 05:25 AM

xD i just did that and was posting as fixed. Ty.

zokemon 08-28-2009 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Skyld (Post 1518637)
Get off my forum :(


sssssssssss 08-28-2009 08:24 AM

Its for the same code, so I'm going to keep posting the same problems with it here.
PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
onActionWarpPlayert() {
temp.dest = {"testtourny.nw"22};
player.setlevel2(dest[0], dest[1], dest[2]);
onActionSetMatchServer(matchvplayersplayer) {
  for (
temp.0temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
    if (
match == imakevar("this.sdematch" i) = {vplayersplayer};

temp.matchlist "";
  for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.++)
matchlist @= "Match " ": " this.(@"sdematch" i)[0] @ " vs. " this.(@"sdematch" i)[1] @ "#b";

  if (
player.account in serverr.sdeaccess)
    if ("setmatch")) {
    if ("startmatches")){
      for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
this.whatmatch = @ this.(@"sdematch" i) @;
        if (
this.whatmatch == 0){
this.whatmatch ++;
  "End of Round!";

temp.mplayer1 = @ this.(@"sdematch" this.whatmatch)[0] @;
temp.mplayer2 = @ this.(@"sdematch" this.whatmatch)[1] @;

What im working on now is where it does the "startmatches". Trying to get it to work where it goes through each match, warps the players in, then when they die, warps them out, then moves to match 2, and does the same thing all the way through match 10.
An example, or even just an explanation of what code to use. Tried everything I can remember, been 4 years since I touched this stuff. :(

fowlplay4 08-28-2009 05:46 PM

Why are you putting @'s in the middle of no where lol.

I.e: this.whatmatch = @ this.(@"sdematch" @ i) @;
Should just be: this.whatmatch = this.(@"sdematch" @ i);

You generally use @ when you want to append things together. I.e:

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
temp."ABC"; temp."DEF"// chat will be "ABCDEF"

and when you're using dynamic variables.

PHP Code:

function onCreated() { "jk";
temp.var = "lol"; this.(@temp.var); // chat will be "jk"

But you are already using it that way.

sssssssssss 08-28-2009 06:40 PM

It didnt change a thing. Coding at 3am, that was my fault, I already understand how that works.

sssssssssss 08-29-2009 07:31 AM

Ok, so it got it to at least start one match, having a problem setting the area when the player dies. This was my last attempt. Ive already tried using the function onPlayerDies() as well, instead of the player.hp part, neither worked at all. Any obvious thing Im missing?

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {
temp.player1 pobj[0];
temp.player2 pobj[1];
this.playerbattle = {player1player2};
temp.pl1 findplayerbycommunityname(player1);
temp.pl2 findplayerbycommunityname(player2);
temp.dest = {"testtourny.nw"2020};
pl1.setlevel2(dest[0], dest[1], dest[2]);
pl2.setlevel2(dest[0], dest[1], dest[2]); this.playerbattle;

temp.desta = {"testtourny.nw"3030};
player.setlevel2(desta[0], desta[1], desta[2]);


onActionSetMatchServer(matchvplayersplayer) {
  for (
temp.0temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
    if (
match == imakevar("this.sdematch" i) = {vplayersplayer};

temp.matchlist "";
  for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.++)
matchlist @= "Match " ": " this.(@"sdematch" i)[0] @ " vs. " this.(@"sdematch" i)[1] @ "#b";

  if (
player.account in serverr.sdeaccess)
    if ("setmatch")) {
    if ("startmatches")){
      for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
this.whatmatch = {this.(@"sdematch" i)};
        if (
this.whatmatch == 0){
this.whatmatch ++;

function onCreated(){
  if (
player.hp <= 0){
    if (
player.account in this.playerbattle)

fowlplay4 08-29-2009 08:08 AM

I see you're using triggers to call functions on the serverside, from the serverside. You can just call them directly:

onActionSetMatchServer(temp.match, temp.vplayer, temp.splayer);

instead of

triggeraction(this.x + 0.5, this.y + 0.5, "SetMatchServer", temp.match, temp.vplayer,temp.splayer);

Generally triggeraction is used to go from client to server, and vice versa.

Personally I'd have a loop watch the players health.


PHP Code:

function onCreated() {

onTimeout() {
// Only watch if there's an actual spar.
if (this.sparring) {

// Variables used for sake of example.
// this.player_a = findplayer("whoever");
// this.player_b = findplayer("someoneelse");

function onWatchSpar() {
// Both players dead?
if (this.player_a.hearts <= && this.player_b.hearts <= 0onTie();
// Player A Alive, and B dead?
else if (this.player_a.hearts && this.player_b.hearts <= 0onWin(this.player_a);
// Player B Alive, and A dead?
else if (this.player_b.hearts && this.player_a.hearts <= 0onWin(this.player_b);

Personally I think this may be a bit complicated for one of your first scripts :P

sssssssssss 08-29-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by sssssssssss (Post 1519301)
having a problem setting the area when the player dies.

Your code only sets out one player, unless they both die. If you look at what I was trying to do, it's pretty obvious that I wanted to warp out both players if one dies. it doesnt matter who wins in this code, they both need to be warped out once one dies.

So, I guess i could use what you did, and put the timer, and check for sparring, and then go through and look for the hearts, but, in a spar, the only people that should be dying are the people sparring, and checking for a tie, winner 1, or winner 2, and all that is a bit redundant compared to just using a serverside function onPlayerDies() to check the level for any player that dies, then warp them both back, eh?

First code in 4 years btw, not first code.
Anywho, changed it a bit, no results. Im trying to set it where when it starts the match, it finds the players by comm name, then sets a this.array to hold it in, so that way, if the playerdies, it can check if any account in the level is in that array, then warp them out of the spar. This is what i have thus far.

PHP Code:

function onCreated() {

temp.player1 pobj[0];
temp.player2 pobj[1];
temp.pl1 findplayerbycommunityname(player1);
temp.pl2 findplayerbycommunityname(player2);
temp.dest = {"testtourny.nw"2020};
pl1.setlevel2(dest[0], dest[1], dest[2]);
pl2.setlevel2(dest[0], dest[1], dest[2]);
this.playerbattle = {pl1pl2}; this.playerbattle;

temp.desta = {"testtourny.nw"4040};
player.setlevel2(desta[0], desta[1], desta[2]);


onActionSetMatchServer(matchvplayersplayer) {
  for (
temp.0temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
    if (
match == imakevar("this.sdematch" i) = {vplayersplayer};

temp.matchlist "";
  for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.++)
matchlist @= "Match " ": " this.(@"sdematch" i)[0] @ " vs. " this.(@"sdematch" i)[1] @ "#b";

  if (
player.account in serverr.sdeaccess)
    if ("setmatch")) {
    if ("startmatches")){
      for (
temp.1temp.<= 10temp.i++) {
this.whatmatch = {this.(@"sdematch" i)};
        if (
this.whatmatch == 0){
this.whatmatch ++;

function onPlayerDies(){
  if (
player.account in this.playerbattle)

Pelikano 08-29-2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by sssssssssss (Post 1519362)
Your code only sets out one player, unless they both die. If you look at what I was trying to do, it's pretty obvious that I wanted to warp out both players if one dies. it doesnt matter who wins in this code, they both need to be warped out once one dies.

So, I guess i could use what you did, and put the timer, and check for sparring, and then go through and look for the hearts, but, in a spar, the only people that should be dying are the people sparring, and checking for a tie, winner 1, or winner 2, and all that is a bit redundant compared to just using a serverside function onPlayerDies() to check the level for any player that dies, then warp them both back, eh?

First code in 4 years btw, not first code.

He's not your butler, he's trying to help you.

"I want this, I want that!"


sssssssssss 08-29-2009 04:10 PM

um, no crap?
People bomb on the way I do things, so if i do to someone else he is now my "butler"?

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