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xXziroXx 11-24-2010 10:34 PM

Maloria Updates
I will use this thread to post updates that we consider worth mentioning. I'd also appreciate any kind of suggestions and criticism. To get started, I'd like to share the latest things we've implemented:

Hotkeys! -


You can currently bind items and skills to certain keys. Any key should work, except the default ones assigned in your F3 menu, and keys used for some GUI's on Maloria.

Here's how it works:
  1. Press a key once (don't hold it down)
  2. Ctrl + left click once on an item or skill
  3. Congratulations! You just bound the item/skill if the key wasn't reserved.

Doing the same thing unbinds it, but you can just as easily just bind something else to the same key to overwrite it.

Numbered keys automatically show on the hotbar, at least 1-9. Non-passive skills (Melee, Ranged, Magic, Mining, Crafting etc.) automatically get added on the hotbar if there's an available slot. You can also move around things on the hotbar itself by dragging the icons.

We also changed the constant 5 second regeneration of health and mana. Now you have to actively use a skill, and while you remain in place, you regenerate 10% health/mana every 5 seconds. Makes it a lot less overpowered and ensures regeneration mainly occuring out of combat.

xXziroXx 11-26-2010 01:44 AM

You now regenerate 2% HP/MP passively while not resting instead of not at all.

xXziroXx 01-02-2011 04:45 PM

Hey nice, I forgot to post stuff in this thread, my bad. Anyways, yesterday I contacted Tig about going Classic. He liked what he saw and thought our chances were good, so I asked him to talk to the rest of the PWA about it - so I suppose that means we've now applied for Classic status.

We have a few more things we know we want to get done before that happens, but at least now we're almost there.

Soala 01-02-2011 04:49 PM

Awesome news :D!

xXziroXx 01-02-2011 04:51 PM

Any kind of of suggestions or bug reports would be greatly appreciated at this point.

xAndrewx 01-02-2011 05:43 PM

very well done guys, you deserve it :)

Unkownsoldier 01-02-2011 08:48 PM

This is amazing .

fowlplay4 01-03-2011 12:12 AM

A few small things after my play-through.

1. Cave area was dark, couldn't really make out where the doors were.
2. Make it possible to Accept/Decline Quests with the Keyboard or at least being able to accept and turn in by pressing enter.
3. Maybe update the.. Turn 'quest name' into this guy. text.
4. Do something different with nicknames and levels underneath the baddies and other players. In most cases it just seems unnecessary unless the NPC is attached to a quest or similar.

xXziroXx 01-03-2011 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by fowlplay4 (Post 1619833)
4. Do something different with nicknames and levels underneath the baddies and other players. In most cases it just seems unnecessary unless the NPC is attached to a quest or similar.

Care to elaborate on that?

fowlplay4 01-03-2011 01:45 AM

Well it just seems unnecessary to have

(Level X)

under nearly every 'live' NPC.

Perhaps behavior like..

If you're on a quest killing blobs, it would show their nickname as a visual cue for players to kill it.

When you enter the room or they become visible to the player, display their nickname then fade it away after a few seconds.

or just a way to toggle it.

xXziroXx 01-03-2011 01:47 AM

I think a way to toggle it would be the best, but at the same time force display it for stuff you need for quests. I'll look into it, cheers.

Fulg0reSama 01-03-2011 04:07 AM

Congratulations to Maloria. I pray it stays around.

StormYs 01-03-2011 04:08 AM

Great news!!

I'll be looking forward for that day.

smirt362 01-03-2011 04:16 AM

Could you make spell icons on the hotbar draggable like the skill icons?

xXziroXx 01-03-2011 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by smirt362 (Post 1619909)
Could you make spell icons on the hotbar draggable like the skill icons?

Done. Just a misconfiguration from my part.

zephirot 01-03-2011 07:52 AM

Great, good luck.

xXziroXx 01-12-2011 02:26 AM

2 Attachment(s)
While waiting for the PWA review to finish, I've completed (and released!) a new shop system! I personally feel like I've done a great job at it, and it's very easy to use and flexible.

  • You can click (and hold) to increase buy/sell amounts.
  • You can sell all, or selective, items at once with just a couple of mouse clicks.
  • You can inspect the stats of an item before buying it just by hoovering your mouse above it.
  • Items you can't equip for whatever reason is red in the shop, but you can still buy them.
  • Items with a sell (or buy) price of 0 are grayed out and can't be interacted with. More or less only something to make it easier for staff to spot items that haven't had a base cost set to them.

I'm considering implementing limited stocked items, and I probably will do it as soon as I figure out how I want it to work. All items you sell to the shop is sold at a 25% price of what it's sold for. Ores will be updated to reflect that change so you can still sell them for their old price.

Fulg0reSama 01-12-2011 03:00 AM

I'm very impressed man. Go for the gold (I mean Classic)!

gravator 01-12-2011 04:10 AM

Is the shop for buying mining equipment not finished currently? I'm unable to get a pickaxe since the shopkeeper does not seem to activate.....or i missed something.

xXziroXx 01-12-2011 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by gravator (Post 1622082)
Is the shop for buying mining equipment not finished currently? I'm unable to get a pickaxe since the shopkeeper does not seem to activate.....or i missed something.

It was disabled yesterday and earlier today while I was scripting on the new shop system.

LordSquirt 01-12-2011 04:28 AM

shop system looks good

anubis_wing 01-12-2011 02:50 PM

Out of curiosity, isn't it Advice, and not Advise?

RegretZ 01-12-2011 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by anubis_wing (Post 1622171)
Out of curiosity, isn't it Advice, and not Advise?

What's the context?

anubis_wing 01-12-2011 03:01 PM

The guys tag is "Advise Guy" shouldn't it be "Advice Guy"?

RegretZ 01-12-2011 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by anubis_wing (Post 1622179)
The guys tag is "Advise Guy" shouldn't it be "Advice Guy"?


DrakilorP2P 01-12-2011 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by anubis_wing (Post 1622179)
The guys tag is "Advise Guy" shouldn't it be "Advice Guy"?

From what I've read, 'advise' is a verb and 'advice' is a noun. So Advice Guy would make more sense.

LordSquirt 01-12-2011 08:01 PM

I have some problems that I think should be fixed.

First of all is there a list of what each key is hotkeyed to? For some reason this ****ing party window won't go off my screen and I pressed every single button. Also, how do I move my HP/MP GUI since it's in the middle of my screen and that with the party screen takes a huge amount of space so I can't even see the level which is VERY annoying. I don't like using full screen, but I don't really have any other option at this point.

xXziroXx 01-12-2011 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by LordSquirt (Post 1622240)
I have some problems that I think should be fixed.

First of all is there a list of what each key is hotkeyed to? For some reason this ****ing party window won't go off my screen and I pressed every single button. Also, how do I move my HP/MP GUI since it's in the middle of my screen and that with the party screen takes a huge amount of space so I can't even see the level which is VERY annoying. I don't like using full screen, but I don't really have any other option at this point.

The HP/MP GUI position bug is (randomly) caused when you logon the first time of a Graal session. It seems like the class isn't loaded fast enough, so the functions used to position the GUI is believed to not exist. I'll see about fixing it, but a quick relog should work for now.

redsoxsrule424 01-12-2011 08:48 PM

I really enjoy the server but one bug I found was with binding skills, well at least for the "rest" one. When I try binding the skill to the key "z" for example, it works fine for a little while. However later it says "You do not know how to use the skill "0"" My melee skill however works just fine bound to the "s" key. But otherwise I am loving the server :)

EDIT: After testing binding rest to another key, "x" it appears to have the same issue. What happens is after using the skill once, it unbinds itself from the key and turns up with the error listed above.

LordSquirt 01-12-2011 09:59 PM

Also, I don't know if this happens for other people but for me the overworld is EXTREMELY laggy. I have no other programs opened, but I was very slow. When I go in a building or anywhere else it's normal and I experience no lag @ all.

xXziroXx 01-12-2011 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by LordSquirt (Post 1622270)
Also, I don't know if this happens for other people but for me the overworld is EXTREMELY laggy. I have no other programs opened, but I was very slow. When I go in a building or anywhere else it's normal and I experience no lag @ all.

Could you walk around a bit on the overworld, say "showscriptstats" and then paste the top 3 results here (found in F2 > Scripts)? Also try disabling light/weather/particle effects and see if it change. If it does, see which one of them helped.

LordSquirt 01-12-2011 10:32 PM

1. 19.838112648 % Weapon _JunkAttacher
2. 9.329739829 % Crackpot Hermit (in level mal-g06.nw at pos (48, 49))
3. 2.258231158 % mal_sword_idle (in level mal-h06.nw at pos (18.9375, 37))

Also, I always disable light/weather/particle effects effects

LordSquirt 01-12-2011 10:38 PM

Also, this is flooding my script thing in F2

GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge

DrakilorP2P 01-12-2011 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by LordSquirt (Post 1622284)
Also, this is flooding my script thing in F2

GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge
GraalScript: Function emitter.emitat not found in script of Gani mal_electricsurge


xXziroXx 01-13-2011 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by LordSquirt (Post 1622282)
1. 19.838112648 % Weapon _JunkAttacher
2. 9.329739829 % Crackpot Hermit (in level mal-g06.nw at pos (48, 49))
3. 2.258231158 % mal_sword_idle (in level mal-h06.nw at pos (18.9375, 37))

Also, I always disable light/weather/particle effects effects

I'm not sure what to say. This might sound harsh, but I think your computer might just be garbage. I can always add an option to disable custom chat/nick though.

anubis_wing 01-13-2011 01:24 AM

I have the same problems with Graal on my laptop.

LordSquirt 01-15-2011 05:05 PM

Whenever I talk to the salesman in the mine I get this error

Access violation at address 0268BA58. Read of address 370AACAB.

fowlplay4 01-15-2011 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by LordSquirt (Post 1622893)
Whenever I talk to the salesman in the mine I get this error

Access violation at address 0268BA58. Read of address 370AACAB.

I'd guess there's a function destroying then re-creating the GUI in the same call.

xXziroXx 01-15-2011 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by fowlplay4 (Post 1622896)
I'd guess there's a function destroying then re-creating the GUI in the same call.

Nah, I only create GUI's once per session and show/hide them the rest of the time.

Squirt, which client were you using?

I also fixed all class related errors by adding a new initializer weapon:

PHP Code:

function onActionServerSide(action)
  if (
action == "initialized") {
// First timer? Needs to create a character!
if (player.getStat("level") == NULL || clientr.class == NULL)
player.addWeapons({ "charCreation" });
// If not...
player.addWeapons({ "loginScreen" });

function onCreated()
temp.classList = {
  for (
temp.classNametemp.classList) {
// Maybe the class is loaded already?
if (isClassLoaded(temp.className))
    while (!

The player starts with ONLY that weapon, and when the classes are loaded properly, it adds either character creation or login weapons.

LordSquirt 01-15-2011 07:09 PM

I'm using v5

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