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CheeToS2 08-21-2005 03:02 AM

Mega update #2

- When switching from the Servers tab to the Event Channels tab, the Refresh button is not destroyed.

- Destroying an image object with hideimg within a with() block causes an error
EX: #gscript, weapon velox_npc

- Timeouts cause clientside playerchats events to not block default commands like warpto
EX: #gscript, weapon cheetos_v4chat

- playerhearts can be negative

- Translate button on PMs is missing / not working

- Ignore button in PM dialog doesn't work (ignore from the playerlist context menu does work)

- If you reconnect with one of the servers open in the servers tab, the list of users disappears, but the arrow still points down

- Letters.png is not reset to the default when switching servers

- If you fill the chatbox to its limit and try to paste more text, the client crashes

- "Limit the lenght of nicknames to" (length is spelled wrong)

- Shift+home key combination doesn't work correctly: select some text at the end of a line, then press Shift+Home. The text you had selected is deselected

- When GuiTextEditCtrls scroll from being full, text leaks out of the border on the left (see Crono's screenshot)

- Open the serverlist, scroll to the bottom, and collapse the Hosted tree. The scrollbar breaks

- Admin messages show "\n" instead of a newline

- Delete and backspace keys don't delete keybindings on Graal Kingdoms, but delete does work on Graal2002 Debug

- If you change your nickname and switch to another server, your nickname is set back to what it was originally

- setlevel2 (and maybe wraptext2) convert floats to integers

- Crashes when logging on to Maloria (tested by CheeToS, Vulcan, Maniaman)

- If a DBNPC triggers a point where a level npc is located, errors occur (I think this is the problem, anyway)
EX: Unholy Nation, cheetos_v4test.nw. Change servers to cause the error. If you move 'cheetostest' to somewhere outside the area of the level npc, the errors don't occur. This might be causing the problems with Maloria.

- compuscount returns 0 on GS2 servers
EX: #gscript, cheetos_leveltest.nw

- Message boxes aren't resized, so long messages are cut off in admin messages (maybe related to the long ban message thing)

- Tiles 0xBB8,0xBB9,0xBC8,0xBC9,0xB9B,0xBD8,0xBD9,0xBAB,0x B8F should be deeplava and should hurt

- Tile 0xB8E should hurt

- setzoomeffect acts weird for high values
EX: #gscript, fry_v4bug.nw Walk around the level and the image will act strange

- Client freezes when using playlooped to stream midis (mp3 works fine)
EX: #gscript, cheetos_v4crash2.nw

- If a player rapidly slashes their sword, other players only see them slash once

- Very long ban messages are drawn above the y axis in the message box, so they are invisible (might be WinXP only)

- Errors in F2 log:
GraalScript: Function drawimagerectangle not found in script of -Playerlist
GraalScript: Function sort not found in script of -Playerlist
GraalScript: Function removeRowById not found in script of -Playerlist

- rightmousebutton isn't set to false after opening and closing profiles
EX: N-Pulse, cheetos_bulldog.nw. Right click on yourself, and close your profile. The NPC will still say 'Pressed'

- If you put the NPC-Server on ignore and send it a PM, the F2 log fills with the following:
PM: sent to (npcserver): Dev NPCs (Server)
Maniaman> I think what is happening is the NPC-Server will pm you its "i am the npcserver for this game server blah blah blah" message, and then you will send it a PM saying 'your messages are ignored'

- On Graal2002 Debug, the stone mills in insidemain_stonemill2.nw do not block (maybe some unknown bug)

- textedit selecting text fixed

- gui gfx downloading fixed

- fixed savestring

- string.lower() and string.upper() is fixed (mapped to lowercase() and uppercase())

- The Homepage, Graal version, and Language fields can be edited on the serverlist (maybe add a readonly variable for people to use?)

- (probably an npcserver bug) \\n is being converted to \\\\n when storing strings
EX: Eden, Weapon SernEmail, Database SernEmailDB. Use 'get mail' and 'send mail'. If you fix the \s in the database and then send yourself another mail, the \s you fixed before are broken again

- Shields aren't disabled when on Zeppelins
EX: Graal2002 Debug, pirates_ba-14.nw

- Open a server in the servers tab, and add a user to your buddy list. Switch to the Local Players tab and remove the user from your buddy list. The person does not leave the list until you switch to and from the Servers tab

- Minimize a GUI window and open the chatbar; the chatbar should be drawn on top (made transparent)

- Trying to do math operations as a parameter of setlines() causes errors
EX: #gscript, weapon cheetos_v4mal

- Tile 0xBFA should be deeplava

- Tiles 0xCB0,0xCB1,0xCB2,0xCC0,0xCC1,0xCC2 should hurt

- The "Offline" section of the playerlist is not cleared after switching servers

- Text shading of gani movie text does not work

- Script command wraptext2 returns different values sometimes, see the flickering text in the help screen on Zone

- If a GUI script is updated while the GUI is minimized, only the titlebar will appear and it will be transparent (see attachment)

- Text drawing massively faster

Minor Feature Requests:
- Add CTRL+A key combination
- Close chatbar when player clicks on the game window
- Multiline text control scrolling added
- Added several new stuff to GuiScrollControl
- You can set scrolllinex and scrollliney for controls now
(specifies how much the scroll control is scrolled when you click on the arrows, you need to set it in the subcontrol)
- There is also a showtop() function which is a combination of show(), bringtofront(), and tabfirst()
(tabfirst() is focussing the first edit control)
- Added ctrl.globaltolocalcoord({x,y}) and ctrl.localtoglobalcoord({x,y})
- showpolys can be used inside controls now with GuiShowImgCtrl
- Make server image folders a subfolder of webgifs instead of a subfolder of levels, or make a new folder called "servers"
EX: the file maloria_bush.png would usually be stored in levels/maloria. With this change, it would be stored in levels/webgifs/maloria or levels/servers/maloria
Moved to levels/images/downloads and levels/images/prefix/prefix_name.png
- Add the ability to double click a tab to view a message
- Add a feature to view messages after a user has logged off
- Automatically minimize the playerlist when Graal is minimized, and restore it when graal is restored

xAndrewx 08-21-2005 02:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
- Close chatbar when player clicks on the game window
I don't like this, it should be there all the time. Like on V2..

Polo 08-21-2005 02:26 PM

Bug in

If your nickname contains a guild tag, then you get an access violation when you hit start. (I'd say this is a fairly major bug).

Admins 08-21-2005 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Polo
Bug in

If your nickname contains a guild tag, then you get an access violation when you hit start. (I'd say this is a fairly major bug).

Ah THANK GOD the guild tag is the reason for why its crashing x-x We thought its some problem with registry setting or so, will fix it as soon as possible

Admins 08-21-2005 03:55 PM

Ok new version released, should fix the bug when clicking offline test/start, the profile icon works when watching your own profile, it is adding (paused) to the nickname if the window is not focussed, when deselecting players on the playerlist it is not drawing their name highlighed on the map anymore, it is also displaying the pm icons of offline players on the minimap, and password compatibility with v2 is fixed

Skyld 08-21-2005 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by xAndrewx
- Close chatbar when player clicks on the game window
I don't like this, it should be there all the time. Like on V2..


Fry 08-22-2005 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Skyld

Atleast an option to enable it.

Ibonic 08-23-2005 12:36 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Every now and then with I have a problem with the Bitmap Fonts displaying unreadable images. Two examples are attached. Not sure what causes this, I have updated drivers, libraries etc.

Maniaman 08-23-2005 02:51 AM


- Automatically minimize the playerlist when Graal is minimized, and restore it when graal is restored
This does not seem to be working for me.

Ibonic 08-23-2005 01:51 PM

Can we possibly have an "account name only" view option for the playerlist? I wouldn't want to use it all of the time, but temporarily every now and then when I'm looking for someone while not on RC would be nice.

Admins 08-23-2005 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by xAndrewx
- Close chatbar when player clicks on the game window
I don't like this, it should be there all the time. Like on V2..

Hmmm for new players it would probably be good if it's always there, otherwise they might not find out that you need to press Tab to chat. For people that know the chat thing it is probably nicer to only display the chat bar when needed, makes the game look nicer.

Admins 08-23-2005 03:49 PM


(!) Set player to paused when Graal isn't focused, and set playerpaused (still seems broken)
It works perfectly for me, exactly the same way like in v2. What is broken with that?


Some clientside 2x2 tile changes by script aren't sent to the server (bushes, pots, etc DO work) (tested with shovel on Graal2001)
Actually tile modifications are always sent to the server (same like with v2). But the server doesn't accept all modifications if the old tileset is used, only 2x2 and only if one the 9 allowed objects are replaced (grass, vase, bush, sign, stone, blackstone, swamp, stake1 and stake2 (for hammer)).


When the 'start in fullscreen' option is enabled, the start screen/serverlist is not centered
Works fine for me

KuJi 08-23-2005 06:04 PM

Wasn't V4 suppost to be released almost a month ago now? Maybe longer?

CheeToS2 08-23-2005 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan
It works perfectly for me, exactly the same way like in v2. What is broken with that?

I tried it with another person on N-Pulse and Classic, they both said I didn't become paused when I looked at another screen. I think one of them told me that it wasn't working in v2 anymore too, but I haven't tested that.

EDIT: Okay, it is working in v.37 now, but playerpaused is only being set serverside and not clientside too (Lance says this is how v2 does it but it would be better to have it set both serverside and clientside)


Actually tile modifications are always sent to the server (same like with v2). But the server doesn't accept all modifications if the old tileset is used, only 2x2 and only if one the 9 allowed objects are replaced (grass, vase, bush, sign, stone, blackstone, swamp, stake1 and stake2 (for hammer)).
Oh, ok. Well, the shovel on 2k1 and N-Pulse is changing grass tiles to dirt tiles; I am guessing that is what you mean by the 'grass' one? When I dig a hole, only I can see it. When people using v2 dig one, I can see it too.
EDIT: Works in :)


Works fine for me
Ah, I had it set to a non-4:3 resolution I think. Sorry :cool:

xAndrewx 08-23-2005 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by CheeToS2
- Pressing Escape or holding the scrollbar on the playerlist makes the client freeze, so people can avoid being hit more than once

Damn clientside baddys!


Originally Posted by CheeToS2
- If you change your nickname and switch to another server, your nickname is set back to what it was originally

This also happens with Graal3.

HoudiniMan 08-24-2005 04:38 AM

Minor feature request:
Refocus the main window after using the playerlist warpto option

Profiles are near warpto, and accidently warped on GK... and it worked? Thought that was disabled.

Any hotkey on GK also shows "Uknown command. Try help." after it works.

Fry 08-24-2005 11:18 AM

I'd like a few more options in the options dialog, for example "Always show chat bar".
Also the Update thing should also make sure all standard animations/graphics/etc (walk.gani, idle.gani, GUI images (the ones in the startup screen)) are present.
Besides that, the fixing of the text lag also fixed many other lags, which is great!

Maniaman 08-24-2005 10:30 PM

Everytime I go to the updates tab, it shows 1 node with no name, that can't be clicked on. To fix I have to delete all of the .gupd files in the updatepackages folder.

edit: this seems to be working fine now...

HoudiniMan 08-25-2005 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Fry
I'd like a few more options in the options dialog, for example "Always show chat bar".

And have it always shown by default, for new users (hence solving that problem).

Also I noticed the window size is saved, but if you close it maximized, it comes back at your screen resolution, but not maximized. It should save it's maximized status. I worked around this by changing the Icon properties under the Shortcut tab to Run: Maximized

Rick 08-25-2005 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by HoudiniMan
Profiles are near warpto, and accidently warped on GK... and it worked? Thought that was disabled.

Chat command for warping is disabled... not the actual functionality I guess.


Originally Posted by HoudiniMan
Also I noticed the window size is saved, but if you close it maximized, it comes back at your screen resolution, but not maximized. It should save it's maximized status. I worked around this by changing the Icon properties under the Shortcut tab to Run: Maximized

Yeah I reported this problem awhile ago... don't think Stefan commented on it though.

Nabru 08-25-2005 06:38 PM

I noticed when you turn off the minimap and you put your mouse over where the minimap was players names still come up.. Rather annoying

Admins 08-25-2005 06:43 PM

Yes its the same in v2 too though I think, you still see the PM bubbles to be able to open them quickly, even if the minimap is turned off
Eventually open a new thread for bug reports now that we have an own forum for it :)

ReBorn_Spirit 08-25-2005 09:10 PM

Graal V4 works on my Windows XP Pro. x64. Thats the good news for some here. Only bad news it, the playerlist just popped up for no reason... uhm ok

UDP is bugged up on LAN based or wireless(AKA Broadband) and unless your a genius with networking, most normal people have no idea what UDP is and should not even use the option in Graal, turn it OFF by DEFAULT. I see a few players walking at the door because their UDP is messed up and it dont show anyone moving around.

CheeToS2 08-25-2005 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by ReBorn_Spirit
Graal V4 works on my Windows XP Pro. x64. Thats the good news for some here. Only bad news it, the playerlist just popped up for no reason... uhm ok

Yes, I think Stefan made it so it pops up when you log on. It is probably easier for new players that way. If you usually have your playerlist open, Graal will now save its position every time you run the client (along with the position of the client itself).

ReBorn_Spirit 08-26-2005 08:38 AM

Graal V4 saddly will not boot up again for me, even the install program refuses to launch. Better start looking at getting this fixed for all the people that are gonna be moving over to 64 bit in the next two years or so. I read things about Microsoft's new os "Vista" is going to be for 64 bit, and that Microsoft will be starting to push for 64 bit programs. Don't be stating this please, It could be a rumour from somewheres too.

**Desktop shortcut is messed up and will not allow me to load the application. Simple fix is to manually load it up, as in go into the graal folder and opening "graal4.exe" (it only worked once after that though)

CheeToS2 08-26-2005 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by ReBorn_Spirit
**Desktop shortcut is messed up and will not allow me to load the application. Simple fix is to manually load it up, as in go into the graal folder and opening "graal4.exe" (it only worked once after that though)

Right click on the shortcut and click Properties. Is what it says in the "Target" editbox accurate? I have had a Graal4 shortcut I manually made for a while without problems, so the installer might just be creating it wrong.

ReBorn_Spirit 08-27-2005 05:01 PM

dude, what difference does that link make now, the installer wont reinstall it for me now. Oh and I uninstalled it... like all the rest of the defect 32 bit ... uhm.. yea.... cant say that here....

I just wanna sit down, and play the game, not look at the nice little graal head all day. thanks...

CheeToS2 08-27-2005 07:11 PM

The difference is that if the installer isn't creating the shortcut isn't being created correctly, it needs to be fixed, regardless of if there are other problems. Since nobody else has complained about problems with the shortcut, I guess it is fine. Stefan can't test the software under a 64-bit Windows environment because he does not have a 64-bit processor or a 64-bit OS. Don't expect him to program compatibility for things before he has a chance to try them >_<

vvv x64 is a different kind of beast. You can't test your software on it without new hardware. x64 isn't even fully supported by major manufacturers yet.

ReBorn_Spirit 08-28-2005 01:41 AM

Usually its the older software that doesnt work, and the newer version that does. It's completely backwards.

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