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Admins 07-09-2005 02:28 PM

The server switching problems are only happening because the other servers (except the login server) are not updated to the latest version yet. It will be done sometime next week.

Crono 07-10-2005 03:12 PM

On Babylon when I try to pull on NPCS my char stays in the grab position and doesn't go pull. However I can get into the pull position just fine on tiles, and pull on npcs as well on other servers.

I don't know if I've brought this up so I'll say it anyway...When I rapidly slash on V4, other players on both V4 and V2 will only see the first slash then cotinue to see my character in idle. I tested this on various servers.

CheeToS2 07-10-2005 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Gerami
On Babylon when I try to pull on NPCS my char stays in the grab position and doesn't go pull. However I can get into the pull position just fine on tiles, and pull on npcs as well on other servers.

I don't know if I've brought this up so I'll say it anyway...When I rapidly slash on V4, other players on both V4 and V2 will only see the first slash then cotinue to see my character in idle. I tested this on various servers.

The slashing thing is fixed in .29, and the grabbing thing is being caused by a weapon which basically says:
If A is pressed down, set the player's gani to 'grab.'
When you're holding an arrow key to pull, you'll still holding A, so the script sets your gani to grab still.

Bartjuh1992 07-11-2005 02:37 PM

Stefan are u adding me acces yet? x-x

Fry 07-11-2005 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan
Well on the one side the game windows looks better if the chat bar is not there all the time, that's why we have not made it static. On the other side new players must have a way to see it and know how they can activate it. Ideas for improving are always welcome. May be there could be some little 'Press Tab to chat' button somehow

I think it's fine if you add an option to disable it, I'm sure it's helpful for new players, but can get annoying later.

Crono 07-11-2005 03:36 PM

Babylon problem fixed. :]

VulcanP2P 07-11-2005 08:29 PM

While you are on X Server and you have the Global Playerlist show people from Y server when you try to remove someone from you buddy list you have to switch from to another tab and back for them to disappear from the Buddy List.

Ibonic 07-11-2005 11:05 PM

Found a bug. Stefan confirmed it on debug the other day.

While you're on X server and you PM Stefan on Y server through the global playerlist, he gets annoyed and wishes for you to stop -- though, most of the time he won't tell you this :p

Admins 07-12-2005 02:51 AM

Fixed the error messages with the playerlist, just updated it on the login server which is now providing the playerlist, irc and serverlist scripts :)

Admins 07-12-2005 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Ibonic
Found a bug. Stefan confirmed it on debug the other day.

While you're on X server and you PM Stefan on Y server through the global playerlist, he gets annoyed and wishes for you to stop -- though, most of the time he won't tell you this :p

What do you mean exactly, the problem of not being able to ban people from global player list right now ?

Zero Hour 07-12-2005 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Stefan
What do you mean exactly, the problem of not being able to ban people from global player list right now ?

Wow, I think Stefan just zinged Ibonic... lol

Ibonic 07-12-2005 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Stefan
What do you mean exactly, the problem of not being able to ban people from global player list right now ?

Well, I guess that isn't a "bug", but it is the closest annoyance relating to what I said. Was mostly just being sarcastic; You said "wish people could stop PMing me x.x" or something similar on debug the other day, so I was just trying to have a little bit of fun with your comment. Sorry.

Rick 07-12-2005 07:17 AM

The production table and stone mills in insidemain_stonemill2.nw on GK do not have shapes in v4. (Can walk through, and cannot use).

Edit: Odd, it is working now. o.O

Fry 07-16-2005 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Rick
The production table and stone mills in insidemain_stonemill2.nw on GK do not have shapes in v4. (Can walk through, and cannot use).

Edit: Odd, it is working now. o.O

Same here for insidemain_joinery1.nw, restarting the client fixes it.

ZeroTrack 07-18-2005 04:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
this is very annoying and sence my gui is on the bottom it has to go, its very limiting, either it should go or allow servers to disable it
eg: enablefeatures allfeatures-stupidbottombar

Crono 07-18-2005 05:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The following happens when the npc server is on ignore and you log onto a server

CheeToS2 07-18-2005 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by ZeroTrack
this is very annoying and sence my gui is on the bottom it has to go, its very limiting, either it should go or allow servers to disable it
eg: enablefeatures allfeatures-stupidbottombar

Er, you want to get rid of the chatbar? :P
I'll add the suggestion to let it not appear when you mouse over it (although Stefan knows already) >_<

Rick 07-18-2005 09:28 PM

3 Attachment(s)
See attachments. The two bugs should be obvious.

VulcanP2P 07-18-2005 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rick
See attachments. The two bugs should be obvious.

I think Stefan is aware of this, I mentioned it to him once.

Rick 07-18-2005 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by VulcanP2P
I think Stefan is aware of this, I mentioned it to him once.

Yeah, CheeToS said that on IRC that Stefan knew about it.

Admins 07-18-2005 10:38 PM

Still good to remind me :)

Rick 07-18-2005 10:50 PM

Serverside GS2:
HTML Code:

this.attr[11] = "somegani.gani";
v2 does not get the attribute set but v4 does.

(this is in a player.join()'d class)

ZeroTrack 07-19-2005 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by CheeToS2
Er, you want to get rid of the chatbar? :P
I'll add the suggestion to let it not appear when you mouse over it (although Stefan knows already) >_<

I'd say leave it like v2 is its a lot better that way ;)


Originally Posted by Rick
Serverside GS2:
HTML Code:

this.attr[11] = "somegani.gani";
v2 does not get the attribute set but v4 does.

(this is in a player.join()'d class)

I believe, if i remember correctly, cheetos telling me something about how the join function is still not finshed yet, i was running into problems with join as well, I've totally batched up what he told me though cause its late and i can't remember, Cheetos can you clarify please <3

Rick 07-19-2005 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by ZeroTrack
I believe, if i remember correctly, cheetos telling me something about how the join function is still not finshed yet, i was running into problems with join as well, I've totally batched up what he told me though cause its late and i can't remember, Cheetos can you clarify please <3

It works fine with anything under 11, and works fine with v4.

CheeToS2 07-19-2005 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by ZeroTrack
I'd say leave it like v2 is its a lot better that way ;)
I believe, if i remember correctly, cheetos telling me something about how the join function is still not finshed yet, i was running into problems with join as well, I've totally batched up what he told me though cause its late and i can't remember, Cheetos can you clarify please <3

I said that it seems to be having problems when used in a weapon script like this:


It doesn't seem to work in weapons at all. Stefan says it works on Zone though I think, so I am not sure what is wrong. It gives the following error:
error: unexpected token: ) at line 3: putnpc2(player.x,player.y,"join(\\"cheetos_generic \\");");

EDIT: Hm, apparently it is only one \, not two. Thanks Lance >_<
putnpc2(player.x,player.y,"join(\"cheetos_generic\ ");");

I am still confused, however, because this works in one of Fry's scripts (in a class joined to the player):
temp.variable = putnpc2(x,y, "join(\\"classname\\");");

Crono 07-20-2005 03:06 AM

When pressing F8 the serverlist isn't refreshed. By this I mean the playercounts stay the same. This is a wee bit "boo".

Malinko 07-20-2005 07:10 AM

I don't know the -exact- error, though sometimes on v4, there are a couple of light problems.

With v3 on Macs, sometimes some lights make the whole level completely black, which is the same for v4 in the same levels.

Will try to find which script causes this.

Admins 07-20-2005 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Gerami
When pressing F8 the serverlist isn't refreshed. By this I mean the playercounts stay the same. This is a wee bit "boo".

The gservers need to be updated, because currently most servers don't support the communication with the serverlister, so it cannot reload the serverlist.

ZeroTrack 07-21-2005 12:52 AM

Stefan , fix wraptext/wraptext2 in this next release and i'll give you the biggest friggen cookie ever!!!! .... maybe if your nice i'll add some sprinkles ;)

Admins 07-21-2005 03:19 AM

Ah fix what exactly?

ZeroTrack 07-21-2005 03:52 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Stefan
Ah fix what exactly?

I've included some screen shots and the peice of code.

PHP Code:

  if(this.choice =="Status"){
tokens wraptext2(300,.6," ",this.check); tokens;

seems as though it adds exsive quotes and it messes with my math setting a new line every array position...
tokens = wraptext2(300,.6,"",this.check); i have tried this serveral ways including the way the docs use it:
tokens = wraptext2(300,.6," ," @ "",this.check);

I've already asked cheetos too and hes says its been bugged for a while now

EDIT: also this is the string from the weapon,
NPC Code:

this.status = {"This is the Bugs Reporting tool.","This helps the players notify staff about bugs"};

CheeToS2 07-21-2005 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by ZeroTrack
I've already asked cheetos too and hes says its been bugged for a while now

Er, the bug I was referring to was that wraptext2 is returning different values sometimes so text will flicker if you keep showing it.

EDIT: The problem was that he was passing a string array to wraptext2 instead of just a string.
I did find out something interesting about the wraptext2 bug though.
(Don't worry, this will make more sense when you see the example)
If you show the images using wraptext2, it will return a value.
If you show the images again, wraptext2 will return a different value.
If you show the images yet again, wraptext2 will still return the second value.
If you hide the images then show them again, it will return the first value.
In other words, wraptext2 returns one value the first time the image is shown, and a different value that stays the same every other time if the image hasn't been hidden.
Also, if the chatbar is showing, wraptext will return more different values.
Example: #gscript, weapon cheetos_v4bug

ZeroTrack 07-21-2005 04:29 AM

LIES ALLLL LIES.... but then i have to make a big ugly string with a delimeter =(

Oh yea btw the proper way to do that with an array would be as such
PHP Code:

    len 0;
tokens wraptext2(100,.6," ",this.check[s]);

it works with an array , just have to use 2 for loops :\

HoudiniMan 07-22-2005 04:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
For .30:

When closing IRC channels in the chat tab of the new server list users aren't removed when the channel collapses/is left.

No more connecting screen: Faster connecting but for GK sometimes it appears to freeze for several moments while it connects. Would be nice to see a connecting screen again.

Same old problem with chatbar appearing too far up and not far enough over in "extreme" resolutions. May also affect showpoly? See attachment.

Rick 07-22-2005 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by HoudiniMan
For .30:

When closing IRC channels in the chat tab of the new server list users aren't removed when the channel collapses/is left.

No more connecting screen: Faster connecting but for GK sometimes it appears to freeze for several moments while it connects. Would be nice to see a connecting screen again.

Same old problem with chatbar appearing too far up and not far enough over in "extreme" resolutions. May also affect showpoly? See attachment.

That's because your resolution isn't 3:2 (or whatever...).

Admins 07-22-2005 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by HoudiniMan
Same old problem with chatbar appearing too far up and not far enough over in "extreme" resolutions. May also affect showpoly? See attachment.

Hmmm Only happens when going fullscreen?

Python523 07-22-2005 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan
Hmmm Only happens when going fullscreen?

It happens when I manually resize my screen to pretty large sizes (almost full screen)

HoudiniMan 07-23-2005 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Stefan
Hmmm Only happens when going fullscreen?

It doesn't reach all the way across the screen past about 630 pixels wide, and the bar is always very far off the bottom until a very small vertical height, then it gets hidden completely past the bottom of the window.

And to rick: Should it matter what ratio i make my window? :\ Should be able to have it very narrow and still have the bar go all the way across the bottom.

Fry 07-23-2005 08:32 AM

the x/y positions for showtext and showimg (and probably others) get rounded down if they are floats, for example:
function onCreated() {
showtext(0,x,y,"tempus sans itc","c","test");
showtext(0,x+0.5,y,"tempus sans itc","c","test2");
the two words are on the same place instead of the second one being a bit lower.

CheeToS2 07-23-2005 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Fry
the x/y positions for showtext and showimg (and probably others) get rounded down if they are floats, for example:
function onCreated() {
showtext(0,x,y,"tempus sans itc","c","test");
showtext(0,x+0.5,y,"tempus sans itc","c","test2");
the two words are on the same place instead of the second one being a bit lower.

I tested this when the setlevel rounding bug was found, and it doesn't do that. Look at cheetos_showpoly.nw on #gscript. Your problem is that you're using index 0 for both images :)

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